Commit 5f5edb5f authored by Bryan Kaperick's avatar Bryan Kaperick

Made changes to Gruntfile.js and tests.html to update bryanstorage to historystorage.

parent 7b0cdad4
......@@ -183,7 +183,8 @@ module.exports = function (grunt) {
dest: 'dist/<%= %>-<%= pkg.version %>.js'
// dest: 'jio.js'
/*jslint nomen: true*/
/*global RSVP, jiodate*/
(function (jIO) {
"use strict";
// Used to distinguish between operations done within the same millisecond
var unique_timestamp = function () {
// XXX: replace this with UUIDStorage function call to S4() when it becomes
// publicly accessible
var uuid = ('0000' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x10000)
timestamp =;
return timestamp + "-" + uuid;
* The jIO BryanStorage extension
* @class BryanStorage
* @constructor
function BryanStorage(spec) {
this._sub_storage = jIO.createJIO({
type: "query",
sub_storage: spec.sub_storage
BryanStorage.prototype.get = function (id_in) {
// Query to get the last edit made to this document
var substorage = this._sub_storage,
options = {
query: "doc_id: " + id_in,
sort_on: [["timestamp", "descending"]],
limit: [0, 1]
return substorage.allDocs(options)
.push(function (results) {
if ( > 0) {
return substorage.get([0].id);
throw new jIO.util.jIOError(
"bryanstorage: cannot find object '" + id_in + "'",
.push(function (result) {
if (result.op === "put") {
return result.doc;
throw new jIO.util.jIOError(
"bryanstorage: cannot find object '" + id_in + "' (removed)",
// If no documents returned in first query, check if the id is encoding
// revision information
}, function () {
var steps,
steps_loc = id_in.lastIndexOf("_-");
// If revision signature is not in id_in, than return 404, since id
// is not found
if (steps_loc === -1) {
throw new jIO.util.jIOError(
"bryanstorage: cannot find object '" + id_in + "'",
// If revision signature is found, query storage based on this
steps = Number(id_in.slice(steps_loc + 2));
id_in = id_in.slice(0, steps_loc);
options = {
query: "doc_id: " + id_in,
sort_on: [["timestamp", "descending"]],
limit: [steps, 1]
return substorage.allDocs(options)
.push(function (results) {
if ( > 0) {
return substorage.get([0].id);
throw new jIO.util.jIOError(
"bryanstorage: cannot find object '" + id_in + "'",
.push(function (result) {
if (result.op === "put") {
return result.doc;
throw new jIO.util.jIOError(
"bryanstorage: cannot find object '" + id_in + "' (removed)",
}; = function (metadata) {
BryanStorage.prototype.put = function (id, data) {
var timestamp = unique_timestamp(),
metadata = {
// XXX: remove this attribute once query can sort_on id
timestamp: timestamp,
doc_id: id,
doc: data,
op: "put"
return this._sub_storage.put(timestamp, metadata);
BryanStorage.prototype.remove = function (id) {
var timestamp = unique_timestamp(),
metadata = {
// XXX: remove this attribute once query can sort_on id
timestamp: timestamp,
doc_id: id,
op: "remove"
return this._sub_storage.put(timestamp, metadata);
BryanStorage.prototype.allAttachments = function () {
return this._sub_storage.allAttachments.apply(this._sub_storage, arguments);
BryanStorage.prototype.getAttachment = function () {
return this._sub_storage.getAttachment.apply(this._sub_storage, arguments);
BryanStorage.prototype.putAttachment = function (id, name, data) {
// Save pointer to substorage for use in nested function
var substorage = this._sub_storage;
// First, get document metadata to update "_revision"
return this.get(id, name)
// Increment "_revision" parameter in document
.push(function (metadata) {
var new_metadata = metadata;
// "_revision" is guaranteed to exist since the document already exists
new_metadata._revision = metadata._revision + 1;
return substorage.put(id, new_metadata);
// After metadata updates successfully, perform putAttachment
.push(function () {
return substorage.putAttachment(id, name, data);
BryanStorage.prototype.removeAttachment = function (id, name) {
// Save pointer to substorage for use in nested function
var substorage = this._sub_storage;
// First, get document metadata to update "_revision"
return this.get(id, name)
// Increment "_revision" parameter in document
.push(function (metadata) {
var new_metadata = metadata;
// "_revision" is guaranteed to exist since the document already exists
new_metadata._revision = metadata._revision + 1;
return substorage.put(id, new_metadata);
// After metadata updates successfully, perform removeAttachment
.push(function () {
return substorage.removeAttachment(id, name);
}; = function () {
return, arguments);
BryanStorage.prototype.hasCapacity = function () {
return this._sub_storage.hasCapacity.apply(this._sub_storage, arguments);
BryanStorage.prototype.buildQuery = function (options) {
if (options === undefined) {
options = {};
if (options.query === undefined) {
options.query = "";
options.query = jIO.QueryFactory.create(options.query);
var meta_options = {
// XXX: I don't believe it's currently possible to query on
// sub-attributes so for now, we just use the inputted query, which
// obviously will fail
query: "",
// XXX: same here, we cannot sort correctly because we cannot access
// attributes of doc
sort_on: [["timestamp", "descending"]]
substorage = this._sub_storage,
// Check if query involved _REVISION. If not, we will later place a
// (*) AND (_REVISION: =0) as the default handling of revisions
rev_query = false,
query_obj = options.query,
query_stack = [],
if (query_obj.hasOwnProperty("query_list")) {
} else {
rev_query = (query_obj.key === "_REVISION");
while (query_stack.length > 0 && (!rev_query)) {
query_obj = query_stack.pop();
for (ind = 0; ind < query_obj.query_list.length; ind += 1) {
if (query_obj.query_list[ind].hasOwnProperty("query_list")) {
} else if (query_obj.query_list[ind].key === "_REVISION") {
rev_query = true;
return this._sub_storage.allDocs(meta_options)
// Get all documents found in query
.push(function (results) {
var promises = (data) {
return substorage.get(;
return RSVP.all(promises);
.push(function (results) {
// Label all documents with their current revision status
var doc,
revision_tracker = {},
for (ind = 0; ind < results.length; ind += 1) {
doc = results[ind];
if (revision_tracker.hasOwnProperty(doc.doc_id)) {
revision_tracker[doc.doc_id] += 1;
} else {
revision_tracker[doc.doc_id] = 0;
doc._REVISION = revision_tracker[doc.doc_id];
// There must be a faster way
promises = (data) {
return substorage.put(data.timestamp, data);
return RSVP.all(promises);
.push(function () {
var latest_rev_query;
latest_rev_query = jIO.QueryFactory.create(
"(_REVISION: >= 0) AND (NOT op: remove)"
if (rev_query) {
latest_rev_query.query_list[0] = options.query;
} else {
latest_rev_query.query_list[0] = jIO.QueryFactory.create(
"(_REVISION: =0)"
if (options.query.type === "simple" ||
options.query.type === "complex") {
// Build a query for final push
options.query = latest_rev_query;
if (options.sort_on === undefined) {
options.sort_on = [];
options.sort_on.push(["timestamp", "descending"]);
return substorage.allDocs(options);
.push(function (results) {
var promises = (data) {
return substorage.get(;
return RSVP.all(promises);
.push(function (results) {
return results
.map(function (current_doc) {
return {
doc: current_doc.doc,
value: {},
id: current_doc.doc_id
jIO.addStorage('bryan', BryanStorage);
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