Commit 7ea4a355 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

add useful methods to storage.js for smart commands

parent 8d6a1755
......@@ -14,6 +14,123 @@ var storage = function(spec, my) {
* Creates the error object for all errors
* @method createErrorObject
* @param {string} error_code The error code
* @param {string} message The error message
* @return {object} Error object
that.createErrorObject = function (error_code, message) {
var error_object, assignErrorValues;
error_object = {
assignErrorValues = function (statusText) {
var tmp = '';
error_object.statusText = statusText;
error_object.error = statusText.toLowerCase().split(' ').join('_');
switch(code) {
case 409:
case 403:
case 404:
assignErrorValues('Not found');
return error_object;
* Creates an empty document tree
* @method createDocumentTree
* @param {array} children An array of children (optional)
* @return {object} The new document tree
that.createDocumentTree = function(children) {
return {"children":children || []};
* Creates a new document tree node
* @method createDocumentTreeNode
* @param {string} revision The node revision
* @param {string} status The node status
* @param {array} children An array of children (optional)
* @return {object} The new document tree node
that.createDocumentTreeNode = function(revision,status,children) {
return {"rev":revision,"status":status,"children":children || []};
* Gets the winner revision from a document tree.
* The winner is the deeper revision on the left.
* @method getWinnerRevisionFromDocumentTree
* @param {object} document_tree The document tree
* @return {string} The winner revision
that.getWinnerRevisionFromDocumentTree = function (document_tree) {
var i, result, search;
result = {"deep":-1,"revision":''};
// search method fills "result" with the winner revision
search = function (document_tree, deep) {
var i;
if (document_tree.children.length === 0) {
// This node is a leaf
if (result.deep < deep) {
// The leaf is deeper than result
result = {"deep":deep,"revision":document_tree.rev};
// This node has children
for (i = 0; i < document_tree.children.length; i += 1) {
// searching deeper to find the deeper leaf
search(document_tree.children[i], deep+1);
search(document_tree, 0);
return result.rev;
* Gets an array of leaves revisions from document tree
* @method getLeavesFromDocumentTree
* @param {object} document_tree The document tree
* @return {array} The array of leaves revisions
that.getLeavesFromDocumentTree = function (document_tree) {
var i, result, search;
result = [];
// search method fills [result] with the winner revision
search = function (document_tree) {
var i;
if (document_tree.children.length === 0) {
// This node is a leaf
// This node has children
for (i = 0; i < document_tree.children.length; i += 1) {
// searching deeper to find the deeper leaf
return result;
* Execute the command on this storage.
* @method execute
......@@ -56,10 +173,22 @@ var storage = function(spec, my) {
* @method serialized
* @return {object} The serialized storage.
that.serialized = function() {
return {type:that.getType()};
that.super_serialized = function() {
var o = that.serialized() || {};
o["type"] = that.getType();
return o;
* Returns a serialized version of this storage.
* Override this method!
* @method serialized
* @return {object} The serialized version of this storage
that.serialized = function () {
return {};
* Validate the storage state. It returns a empty string all is ok.
* @method validateState
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