Commit a00c7056 authored by preetwinder's avatar preetwinder

Change regex to case insensitive

parent a14e25f4
......@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@
return new RegExp("^" + stringEscapeRegexpCharacters(string)
.replace(regexp_percent, '[\\s\\S]*')
.replace(regexp_underscore, '.') + "$");
.replace(regexp_underscore, '.') + "$", "i");
......@@ -601,7 +601,8 @@
then(function (dl) {
deepEqual(dl, [
{'identifier': 'àéîöùç'},
{'identifier': 'âèî ôùc'}
{'identifier': 'âèî ôùc'},
{'identifier': 'ÀÉÎÖÙÇ'}
], 'It should be possible to query regardless of accents');
......@@ -475,6 +475,36 @@
test('Case insensitive queries', function () {
var doc_list = [
{"identifier": "a", "value": "Test Post", "time": "2016"},
{"identifier": "b", "value": "test post", "time": "2017"},
{"identifier": "c", "value": "test3", "time": "2018"}
jIO.QueryFactory.create('test post').exec(doc_list).
then(function (doc_list) {
deepEqual(doc_list, [
{"identifier": "a", "value": "Test Post", "time": "2016"},
{"identifier": "b", "value": "test post", "time": "2017"}
], 'Documunts with the value irrespective of case are matched');
doc_list = [
{"identifier": "a", "value": "Test Post", "time": "2016"},
{"identifier": "b", "value": "test post", "time": "2017"},
{"identifier": "c", "value": "test3", "time": "2018"}
return jIO.QueryFactory.create('value:"test post"').exec(doc_list).
then(function (doc_list) {
deepEqual(doc_list, [
{"identifier": "b", "value": "test post", "time": "2017"}
], 'If value is in quotes, only match if exactly same');
// Asterisk wildcard is not supported yet.
/* test('Full text query with asterisk', function () {
var doc_list = [
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