• Logan Gunthorpe's avatar
    NTB: Introduce functions to calculate multi-port resource index · 5f1b1f06
    Logan Gunthorpe authored
    When using multi-ports each port uses resources (dbs, msgs, mws, etc)
    on every other port. Creating a mapping for these resources such that
    each port has a corresponding resource on every other port is a bit
    Introduce the ntb_peer_resource_idx() function for this purpose.
    It returns the peer resource number that will correspond with the
    local peer index on the remote peer.
    Also, introduce ntb_peer_highest_mw_idx() which will use
    ntb_peer_resource_idx() but return the MW index starting with the
    highest index and working down.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarLogan Gunthorpe <logang@deltatee.com>
    Cc: Dave Jiang <dave.jiang@intel.com>
    Cc: Allen Hubbe <allenbh@gmail.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJon Mason <jdmason@kudzu.us>
ntb.h 50.4 KB