Commit 5377d91f authored by Markus Heiser's avatar Markus Heiser Committed by Mauro Carvalho Chehab

doc-rst: linux_tv DocBook to reST migration (docs-next)

This is the restructuredText (reST) migration of the ``media``
DocBook-XML set from the linux_tv project.
Signed-off-by: default avatarMarkus Heiser <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarMauro Carvalho Chehab <>
parent 6ab99fa6
...@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ Contents: ...@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ Contents:
:maxdepth: 2 :maxdepth: 2
kernel-documentation kernel-documentation
Indices and tables Indices and tables
================== ==================
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
file: audio.h
.. code-block:: c
* audio.h
* Copyright (C) 2000 Ralph Metzler <>
* & Marcus Metzler <>
* for convergence integrated media GmbH
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Lesser Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef _DVBAUDIO_H_
#define _DVBAUDIO_H_
#include <linux/types.h>
typedef enum {
AUDIO_SOURCE_DEMUX, /* Select the demux as the main source */
AUDIO_SOURCE_MEMORY /* Select internal memory as the main source */
} audio_stream_source_t;
typedef enum {
AUDIO_STOPPED, /* Device is stopped */
AUDIO_PLAYING, /* Device is currently playing */
AUDIO_PAUSED /* Device is paused */
} audio_play_state_t;
typedef enum {
} audio_channel_select_t;
typedef struct audio_mixer {
unsigned int volume_left;
unsigned int volume_right;
// what else do we need? bass, pass-through, ...
} audio_mixer_t;
typedef struct audio_status {
int AV_sync_state; /* sync audio and video? */
int mute_state; /* audio is muted */
audio_play_state_t play_state; /* current playback state */
audio_stream_source_t stream_source; /* current stream source */
audio_channel_select_t channel_select; /* currently selected channel */
int bypass_mode; /* pass on audio data to */
audio_mixer_t mixer_state; /* current mixer state */
} audio_status_t; /* separate decoder hardware */
struct audio_karaoke { /* if Vocal1 or Vocal2 are non-zero, they get mixed */
int vocal1; /* into left and right t at 70% each */
int vocal2; /* if both, Vocal1 and Vocal2 are non-zero, Vocal1 gets*/
int melody; /* mixed into the left channel and */
/* Vocal2 into the right channel at 100% each. */
/* if Melody is non-zero, the melody channel gets mixed*/
} audio_karaoke_t; /* into left and right */
typedef __u16 audio_attributes_t;
/* bits: descr. */
/* 15-13 audio coding mode (0=ac3, 2=mpeg1, 3=mpeg2ext, 4=LPCM, 6=DTS, */
/* 12 multichannel extension */
/* 11-10 audio type (0=not spec, 1=language included) */
/* 9- 8 audio application mode (0=not spec, 1=karaoke, 2=surround) */
/* 7- 6 Quantization / DRC (mpeg audio: 1=DRC exists)(lpcm: 0=16bit, */
/* 5- 4 Sample frequency fs (0=48kHz, 1=96kHz) */
/* 2- 0 number of audio channels (n+1 channels) */
/* for GET_CAPABILITIES and SET_FORMAT, the latter should only set one bit */
#define AUDIO_CAP_DTS 1
#define AUDIO_CAP_LPCM 2
#define AUDIO_CAP_MP1 4
#define AUDIO_CAP_MP2 8
#define AUDIO_CAP_MP3 16
#define AUDIO_CAP_AAC 32
#define AUDIO_CAP_OGG 64
#define AUDIO_CAP_SDDS 128
#define AUDIO_CAP_AC3 256
#define AUDIO_STOP _IO('o', 1)
#define AUDIO_PLAY _IO('o', 2)
#define AUDIO_PAUSE _IO('o', 3)
#define AUDIO_CONTINUE _IO('o', 4)
#define AUDIO_SELECT_SOURCE _IO('o', 5)
#define AUDIO_SET_MUTE _IO('o', 6)
#define AUDIO_SET_AV_SYNC _IO('o', 7)
#define AUDIO_SET_BYPASS_MODE _IO('o', 8)
#define AUDIO_CHANNEL_SELECT _IO('o', 9)
#define AUDIO_GET_STATUS _IOR('o', 10, audio_status_t)
#define AUDIO_GET_CAPABILITIES _IOR('o', 11, unsigned int)
#define AUDIO_CLEAR_BUFFER _IO('o', 12)
#define AUDIO_SET_ID _IO('o', 13)
#define AUDIO_SET_MIXER _IOW('o', 14, audio_mixer_t)
#define AUDIO_SET_STREAMTYPE _IO('o', 15)
#define AUDIO_SET_EXT_ID _IO('o', 16)
#define AUDIO_SET_ATTRIBUTES _IOW('o', 17, audio_attributes_t)
#define AUDIO_SET_KARAOKE _IOW('o', 18, audio_karaoke_t)
* Read the 33 bit presentation time stamp as defined
* in ITU T-REC-H.222.0 / ISO/IEC 13818-1.
* The PTS should belong to the currently played
* frame if possible, but may also be a value close to it
* like the PTS of the last decoded frame or the last PTS
* extracted by the PES parser.
#define AUDIO_GET_PTS _IOR('o', 19, __u64)
#endif /* _DVBAUDIO_H_ */
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
file: ca.h
.. code-block:: c
* ca.h
* Copyright (C) 2000 Ralph Metzler <>
* & Marcus Metzler <>
* for convergence integrated media GmbH
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Lesser Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef _DVBCA_H_
#define _DVBCA_H_
/* slot interface types and info */
typedef struct ca_slot_info {
int num; /* slot number */
int type; /* CA interface this slot supports */
#define CA_CI 1 /* CI high level interface */
#define CA_CI_LINK 2 /* CI link layer level interface */
#define CA_CI_PHYS 4 /* CI physical layer level interface */
#define CA_DESCR 8 /* built-in descrambler */
#define CA_SC 128 /* simple smart card interface */
unsigned int flags;
#define CA_CI_MODULE_PRESENT 1 /* module (or card) inserted */
} ca_slot_info_t;
/* descrambler types and info */
typedef struct ca_descr_info {
unsigned int num; /* number of available descramblers (keys) */
unsigned int type; /* type of supported scrambling system */
#define CA_ECD 1
#define CA_NDS 2
#define CA_DSS 4
} ca_descr_info_t;
typedef struct ca_caps {
unsigned int slot_num; /* total number of CA card and module slots */
unsigned int slot_type; /* OR of all supported types */
unsigned int descr_num; /* total number of descrambler slots (keys) */
unsigned int descr_type; /* OR of all supported types */
} ca_caps_t;
/* a message to/from a CI-CAM */
typedef struct ca_msg {
unsigned int index;
unsigned int type;
unsigned int length;
unsigned char msg[256];
} ca_msg_t;
typedef struct ca_descr {
unsigned int index;
unsigned int parity; /* 0 == even, 1 == odd */
unsigned char cw[8];
} ca_descr_t;
typedef struct ca_pid {
unsigned int pid;
int index; /* -1 == disable*/
} ca_pid_t;
#define CA_RESET _IO('o', 128)
#define CA_GET_CAP _IOR('o', 129, ca_caps_t)
#define CA_GET_SLOT_INFO _IOR('o', 130, ca_slot_info_t)
#define CA_GET_DESCR_INFO _IOR('o', 131, ca_descr_info_t)
#define CA_GET_MSG _IOR('o', 132, ca_msg_t)
#define CA_SEND_MSG _IOW('o', 133, ca_msg_t)
#define CA_SET_DESCR _IOW('o', 134, ca_descr_t)
#define CA_SET_PID _IOW('o', 135, ca_pid_t)
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
# This is the project specific sphinx-build configuration, which is loaded from
# the base configuration file (``../``). About config values consult:
# *
# While setting values here, please take care to not overwrite common needed
# configurations. This means, do not *overwrite* composite values (e.g. the
# list- or dictionary-value of "latex_elements" resp. "extensions") by
# thoughtless assignments. Manipulate composite values always by *update*
# (dict-values) or extend (list-values). Nevertheless, if you know what you are
# doing, you are free to *overwrite* values to your needs.
# useful preset names:
# * BASE_FOLDER: the folder where the top is located
# * main_name: the basename of this project-folder
# Set parser's default kernel-doc mode ``reST|kernel-doc``.
kernel_doc_mode = "kernel-doc"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General configuration
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
copyright = u'2009-2015 : LinuxTV Developers'
author = u'The LinuxTV Developers'
# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
#version = 'v4.7'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
#release = 'v4.7-rc2'
# extlinks["man"] = ('', ' ')
# intersphinx_mapping['kernel-doc'] = ('', None)
# 'sphinx.ext.pngmath'
#, 'sphinx.ext.mathjax'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Options for HTML output
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to
# "<project> v<release> documentation".
#html_title = None
# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title.
#html_short_title = None
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top
# of the sidebar.
#html_logo = pathjoin(BASE_FOLDER, "_tex", "logo.png")
# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the
# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
# pixels large.
#html_favicon = None
# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
htmlhelp_basename = main_name
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Options for rst2pdf output
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Grouping the document tree into PDF files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author, options).
# The options element is a dictionary that lets you override
# this config per-document.
# For example,
# ('index', u'MyProject', u'My Project', u'Author Name',
# dict(pdf_compressed = True))
# would mean that specific document would be compressed
# regardless of the global pdf_compressed setting.
# further:
# FIXME: at this time, the rst2pdf fails with a bug
#pdf_documents = [
# (master_doc, main_name, project, author)
# , ]
# If false, no index is generated.
pdf_use_index = False
# How many levels deep should the table of contents be?
pdf_toc_depth = 3
# Add section number to section references
pdf_use_numbered_links = False
# Background images fitting mode
pdf_fit_background_mode = 'scale'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Options for manual page output
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
# man_pages = [
# (master_doc, 'kernel-doc', u'Kernel-Doc',
# [author], 1)
# ]
# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
#man_show_urls = False
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Options for Texinfo output
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
# texinfo_documents = [
# (master_doc, 'Kernel-Doc', u'Kernel-Doc Documentation',
# author, 'Kernel-Doc', 'One line description of project.',
# 'Miscellaneous'),
# ]
# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
#texinfo_appendices = []
# If false, no module index is generated.
#texinfo_domain_indices = True
# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'
# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu.
#texinfo_no_detailmenu = False
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Options for Epub output
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bibliographic Dublin Core info.
# epub_title = project
# epub_author = author
# epub_publisher = author
# epub_copyright = copyright
# The basename for the epub file. It defaults to the project name.
#epub_basename = project
# The HTML theme for the epub output. Since the default themes are not
# optimized for small screen space, using the same theme for HTML and epub
# output is usually not wise. This defaults to 'epub', a theme designed to save
# visual space.
#epub_theme = 'epub'
# The language of the text. It defaults to the language option
# or 'en' if the language is not set.
#epub_language = ''
# The scheme of the identifier. Typical schemes are ISBN or URL.
#epub_scheme = ''
# The unique identifier of the text. This can be a ISBN number
# or the project homepage.
#epub_identifier = ''
# A unique identification for the text.
#epub_uid = ''
# A tuple containing the cover image and cover page html template filenames.
#epub_cover = ()
# A sequence of (type, uri, title) tuples for the guide element of content.opf.
#epub_guide = ()
# HTML files that should be inserted before the pages created by sphinx.
# The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title.
# HTML files that should be inserted after the pages created by sphinx.
# The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title.
# A list of files that should not be packed into the epub file.
# The depth of the table of contents in toc.ncx.
#epub_tocdepth = 3
# Allow duplicate toc entries.
#epub_tocdup = True
# Choose between 'default' and 'includehidden'.
#epub_tocscope = 'default'
# Fix unsupported image types using the Pillow.
#epub_fix_images = False
# Scale large images.
#epub_max_image_width = 0
# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
#epub_show_urls = 'inline'
# If false, no index is generated.
#epub_use_index = True
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
file: dmx.h
.. code-block:: c
* dmx.h
* Copyright (C) 2000 Marcus Metzler <>
* & Ralph Metzler <>
* for convergence integrated media GmbH
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef _UAPI_DVBDMX_H_
#define _UAPI_DVBDMX_H_
#include <linux/types.h>
#ifndef __KERNEL__
#include <time.h>
#define DMX_FILTER_SIZE 16
enum dmx_output
DMX_OUT_DECODER, /* Streaming directly to decoder. */
DMX_OUT_TAP, /* Output going to a memory buffer */
/* (to be retrieved via the read command).*/
DMX_OUT_TS_TAP, /* Output multiplexed into a new TS */
/* (to be retrieved by reading from the */
/* logical DVR device). */
DMX_OUT_TSDEMUX_TAP /* Like TS_TAP but retrieved from the DMX device */
typedef enum dmx_output dmx_output_t;
typedef enum dmx_input
DMX_IN_FRONTEND, /* Input from a front-end device. */
DMX_IN_DVR /* Input from the logical DVR device. */
} dmx_input_t;
typedef enum dmx_ts_pes
} dmx_pes_type_t;
typedef struct dmx_filter
__u8 filter[DMX_FILTER_SIZE];
__u8 mask[DMX_FILTER_SIZE];
__u8 mode[DMX_FILTER_SIZE];
} dmx_filter_t;
struct dmx_sct_filter_params
__u16 pid;
dmx_filter_t filter;
__u32 timeout;
__u32 flags;
#define DMX_CHECK_CRC 1
#define DMX_ONESHOT 2
#define DMX_KERNEL_CLIENT 0x8000
struct dmx_pes_filter_params
__u16 pid;
dmx_input_t input;
dmx_output_t output;
dmx_pes_type_t pes_type;
__u32 flags;
typedef struct dmx_caps {
__u32 caps;
int num_decoders;
} dmx_caps_t;
typedef enum dmx_source {
} dmx_source_t;
struct dmx_stc {
unsigned int num; /* input : which STC? 0..N */
unsigned int base; /* output: divisor for stc to get 90 kHz clock */
__u64 stc; /* output: stc in 'base'*90 kHz units */
#define DMX_START _IO('o', 41)
#define DMX_STOP _IO('o', 42)
#define DMX_SET_FILTER _IOW('o', 43, struct dmx_sct_filter_params)
#define DMX_SET_PES_FILTER _IOW('o', 44, struct dmx_pes_filter_params)
#define DMX_SET_BUFFER_SIZE _IO('o', 45)
#define DMX_GET_PES_PIDS _IOR('o', 47, __u16[5])
#define DMX_GET_CAPS _IOR('o', 48, dmx_caps_t)
#define DMX_SET_SOURCE _IOW('o', 49, dmx_source_t)
#define DMX_GET_STC _IOWR('o', 50, struct dmx_stc)
#define DMX_ADD_PID _IOW('o', 51, __u16)
#define DMX_REMOVE_PID _IOW('o', 52, __u16)
#endif /* _UAPI_DVBDMX_H_ */
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This diff is collapsed.
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
**Copyright** 2009-2015 : LinuxTV Developers
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. A copy of
the license is included in the chapter entitled "GNU Free Documentation
This document covers the Linux Kernel to Userspace API's used by video
and radio streaming devices, including video cameras, analog and digital
TV receiver cards, AM/FM receiver cards, streaming capture and output
devices, codec devices and remote controllers.
A typical media device hardware is shown at
.. _typical_media_device:
.. figure:: media_api_files/typical_media_device.*
:alt: typical_media_device.svg
:align: center
Typical Media Device
Typical Media Device Block Diagram
The media infrastructure API was designed to control such devices. It is
divided into four parts.
The first part covers radio, video capture and output, cameras, analog
TV devices and codecs.
The second part covers the API used for digital TV and Internet
reception via one of the several digital tv standards. While it is
called as DVB API, in fact it covers several different video standards
including DVB-T/T2, DVB-S/S2, DVB-C, ATSC, ISDB-T, ISDB-S,etc. The
complete list of supported standards can be found at
The third part covers the Remote Controller API.
The fourth part covers the Media Controller API.
It should also be noted that a media device may also have audio
components, like mixers, PCM capture, PCM playback, etc, which are
controlled via ALSA API.
For additional information and for the latest development code, see:
` <>`__.
For discussing improvements, reporting troubles, sending new drivers,
etc, please mail to:
`Linux Media Mailing List (LMML). <>`__.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. only:: html
* :ref:`genindex`
.. todolist::
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
WARNING: This is a very obscure legacy command, used only at stv0299
driver. Should not be used on newer drivers.
It provides a non-standard method for selecting Diseqc voltage on the
frontend, for Dish Network legacy switches.
As support for this ioctl were added in 2004, this means that such
dishes were already legacy in 2004.
int ioctl(int fd, int request =
unsigned long cmd);
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- unsigned long cmd
- sends the specified raw cmd to the dish via DISEqC.
On success 0 is returned, on error -1 and the ``errno`` variable is set
appropriately. The generic error codes are described at the
:ref:`Generic Error Codes <gen-errors>` chapter.
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
This ioctl call returns a frontend event if available. If an event is
not available, the behavior depends on whether the device is in blocking
or non-blocking mode. In the latter case, the call fails immediately
with errno set to EWOULDBLOCK. In the former case, the call blocks until
an event becomes available.
int ioctl(int fd, int request = QPSK_GET_EVENT, struct
dvb_frontend_event *ev);
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- int fd
- File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().
- .. row 2
- int request
- Equals :ref:`FE_GET_EVENT <FE_GET_EVENT>` for this command.
- .. row 3
- struct dvb_frontend_event *ev
- Points to the location where the event,
- .. row 4
- if any, is to be stored.
On success 0 is returned, on error -1 and the ``errno`` variable is set
appropriately. The generic error codes are described at the
:ref:`Generic Error Codes <gen-errors>` chapter.
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- There is no event pending, and the device is in non-blocking mode.
- .. row 2
- Overflow in event queue - one or more events were lost.
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
This ioctl call queries the currently effective frontend parameters. For
this command, read-only access to the device is sufficient.
int ioctl(int fd, int request =
dvb_frontend_parameters *p);
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- int fd
- File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().
- .. row 2
- int request
- Equals :ref:`FE_SET_FRONTEND <FE_SET_FRONTEND>` for this
- .. row 3
- struct dvb_frontend_parameters *p
- Points to parameters for tuning operation.
On success 0 is returned, on error -1 and the ``errno`` variable is set
appropriately. The generic error codes are described at the
:ref:`Generic Error Codes <gen-errors>` chapter.
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- Maximum supported symbol rate reached.
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
This ioctl call returns the bit error rate for the signal currently
received/demodulated by the front-end. For this command, read-only
access to the device is sufficient.
int ioctl(int fd, int request = :ref:`FE_READ_BER <FE_READ_BER>`,
uint32_t *ber);
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- int fd
- File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().
- .. row 2
- int request
- Equals :ref:`FE_READ_BER <FE_READ_BER>` for this command.
- .. row 3
- uint32_t *ber
- The bit error rate is stored into *ber.
On success 0 is returned, on error -1 and the ``errno`` variable is set
appropriately. The generic error codes are described at the
:ref:`Generic Error Codes <gen-errors>` chapter.
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
This ioctl call returns the signal strength value for the signal
currently received by the front-end. For this command, read-only access
to the device is sufficient.
int ioctl( int fd, int request =
uint16_t *strength);
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- int fd
- File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().
- .. row 2
- int request
- Equals
for this command.
- .. row 3
- uint16_t *strength
- The signal strength value is stored into *strength.
On success 0 is returned, on error -1 and the ``errno`` variable is set
appropriately. The generic error codes are described at the
:ref:`Generic Error Codes <gen-errors>` chapter.
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
This ioctl call returns the signal-to-noise ratio for the signal
currently received by the front-end. For this command, read-only access
to the device is sufficient.
int ioctl(int fd, int request = :ref:`FE_READ_SNR <FE_READ_SNR>`,
uint16_t *snr);
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- int fd
- File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().
- .. row 2
- int request
- Equals :ref:`FE_READ_SNR <FE_READ_SNR>` for this command.
- .. row 3
- uint16_t *snr
- The signal-to-noise ratio is stored into *snr.
On success 0 is returned, on error -1 and the ``errno`` variable is set
appropriately. The generic error codes are described at the
:ref:`Generic Error Codes <gen-errors>` chapter.
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
This ioctl call returns the number of uncorrected blocks detected by the
device driver during its lifetime. For meaningful measurements, the
increment in block count during a specific time interval should be
calculated. For this command, read-only access to the device is
int ioctl( int fd, int request =
uint32_t *ublocks);
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- int fd
- File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().
- .. row 2
- int request
- Equals
for this command.
- .. row 3
- uint32_t *ublocks
- The total number of uncorrected blocks seen by the driver so far.
On success 0 is returned, on error -1 and the ``errno`` variable is set
appropriately. The generic error codes are described at the
:ref:`Generic Error Codes <gen-errors>` chapter.
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
This ioctl call starts a tuning operation using specified parameters.
The result of this call will be successful if the parameters were valid
and the tuning could be initiated. The result of the tuning operation in
itself, however, will arrive asynchronously as an event (see
documentation for :ref:`FE_GET_EVENT <FE_GET_EVENT>` and
FrontendEvent.) If a new :ref:`FE_SET_FRONTEND <FE_SET_FRONTEND>`
operation is initiated before the previous one was completed, the
previous operation will be aborted in favor of the new one. This command
requires read/write access to the device.
int ioctl(int fd, int request =
dvb_frontend_parameters *p);
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- int fd
- File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().
- .. row 2
- int request
- Equals :ref:`FE_SET_FRONTEND <FE_SET_FRONTEND>` for this
- .. row 3
- struct dvb_frontend_parameters *p
- Points to parameters for tuning operation.
On success 0 is returned, on error -1 and the ``errno`` variable is set
appropriately. The generic error codes are described at the
:ref:`Generic Error Codes <gen-errors>` chapter.
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- Maximum supported symbol rate reached.
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
.. _dvb_audio:
DVB Audio Device
The DVB audio device controls the MPEG2 audio decoder of the DVB
hardware. It can be accessed through ``/dev/dvb/adapter?/audio?``. Data
types and and ioctl definitions can be accessed by including
``linux/dvb/audio.h`` in your application.
Please note that some DVB cards don’t have their own MPEG decoder, which
results in the omission of the audio and video device.
These ioctls were also used by V4L2 to control MPEG decoders implemented
in V4L2. The use of these ioctls for that purpose has been made obsolete
and proper V4L2 ioctls or controls have been created to replace that
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
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.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
.. _audio_data_types:
Audio Data Types
This section describes the structures, data types and defines used when
talking to the audio device.
.. _audio-stream-source-t:
The audio stream source is set through the AUDIO_SELECT_SOURCE call
and can take the following values, depending on whether we are replaying
from an internal (demux) or external (user write) source.
.. code-block:: c
typedef enum {
} audio_stream_source_t;
AUDIO_SOURCE_DEMUX selects the demultiplexer (fed either by the
frontend or the DVR device) as the source of the video stream. If
AUDIO_SOURCE_MEMORY is selected the stream comes from the application
through the ``write()`` system call.
.. _audio-play-state-t:
The following values can be returned by the AUDIO_GET_STATUS call
representing the state of audio playback.
.. code-block:: c
typedef enum {
} audio_play_state_t;
.. _audio-channel-select-t:
The audio channel selected via AUDIO_CHANNEL_SELECT is determined by
the following values.
.. code-block:: c
typedef enum {
} audio_channel_select_t;
.. _audio-status:
struct audio_status
The AUDIO_GET_STATUS call returns the following structure informing
about various states of the playback operation.
.. code-block:: c
typedef struct audio_status {
boolean AV_sync_state;
boolean mute_state;
audio_play_state_t play_state;
audio_stream_source_t stream_source;
audio_channel_select_t channel_select;
boolean bypass_mode;
audio_mixer_t mixer_state;
} audio_status_t;
.. _audio-mixer:
struct audio_mixer
The following structure is used by the AUDIO_SET_MIXER call to set the
audio volume.
.. code-block:: c
typedef struct audio_mixer {
unsigned int volume_left;
unsigned int volume_right;
} audio_mixer_t;
.. _audio_encodings:
audio encodings
A call to AUDIO_GET_CAPABILITIES returns an unsigned integer with the
following bits set according to the hardwares capabilities.
.. code-block:: c
#define AUDIO_CAP_DTS 1
#define AUDIO_CAP_LPCM 2
#define AUDIO_CAP_MP1 4
#define AUDIO_CAP_MP2 8
#define AUDIO_CAP_MP3 16
#define AUDIO_CAP_AAC 32
#define AUDIO_CAP_OGG 64
#define AUDIO_CAP_SDDS 128
#define AUDIO_CAP_AC3 256
.. _audio-karaoke:
struct audio_karaoke
The ioctl AUDIO_SET_KARAOKE uses the following format:
.. code-block:: c
struct audio_karaoke {
int vocal1;
int vocal2;
int melody;
} audio_karaoke_t;
If Vocal1 or Vocal2 are non-zero, they get mixed into left and right t
at 70% each. If both, Vocal1 and Vocal2 are non-zero, Vocal1 gets mixed
into the left channel and Vocal2 into the right channel at 100% each. Ff
Melody is non-zero, the melody channel gets mixed into left and right.
.. _audio-attributes-t:
audio attributes
The following attributes can be set by a call to AUDIO_SET_ATTRIBUTES:
.. code-block:: c
typedef uint16_t audio_attributes_t;
/* bits: descr. */
/* 15-13 audio coding mode (0=ac3, 2=mpeg1, 3=mpeg2ext, 4=LPCM, 6=DTS, */
/* 12 multichannel extension */
/* 11-10 audio type (0=not spec, 1=language included) */
/* 9- 8 audio application mode (0=not spec, 1=karaoke, 2=surround) */
/* 7- 6 Quantization / DRC (mpeg audio: 1=DRC exists)(lpcm: 0=16bit, */
/* 5- 4 Sample frequency fs (0=48kHz, 1=96kHz) */
/* 2- 0 number of audio channels (n+1 channels) */
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This diff is collapsed.
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
.. _audio_h:
DVB Audio Header File
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
.. _dvb_ca:
DVB CA Device
The DVB CA device controls the conditional access hardware. It can be
accessed through ``/dev/dvb/adapter?/ca?``. Data types and and ioctl
definitions can be accessed by including ``linux/dvb/ca.h`` in your
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
.. _ca_data_types:
CA Data Types
.. _ca-slot-info:
.. code-block:: c
typedef struct ca_slot_info {
int num; /* slot number */
int type; /* CA interface this slot supports */
#define CA_CI 1 /* CI high level interface */
#define CA_CI_LINK 2 /* CI link layer level interface */
#define CA_CI_PHYS 4 /* CI physical layer level interface */
#define CA_DESCR 8 /* built-in descrambler */
#define CA_SC 128 /* simple smart card interface */
unsigned int flags;
#define CA_CI_MODULE_PRESENT 1 /* module (or card) inserted */
} ca_slot_info_t;
.. _ca-descr-info:
.. code-block:: c
typedef struct ca_descr_info {
unsigned int num; /* number of available descramblers (keys) */
unsigned int type; /* type of supported scrambling system */
#define CA_ECD 1
#define CA_NDS 2
#define CA_DSS 4
} ca_descr_info_t;
.. _ca-caps:
.. code-block:: c
typedef struct ca_caps {
unsigned int slot_num; /* total number of CA card and module slots */
unsigned int slot_type; /* OR of all supported types */
unsigned int descr_num; /* total number of descrambler slots (keys) */
unsigned int descr_type;/* OR of all supported types */
} ca_cap_t;
.. _ca-msg:
.. code-block:: c
/* a message to/from a CI-CAM */
typedef struct ca_msg {
unsigned int index;
unsigned int type;
unsigned int length;
unsigned char msg[256];
} ca_msg_t;
.. _ca-descr:
.. code-block:: c
typedef struct ca_descr {
unsigned int index;
unsigned int parity;
unsigned char cw[8];
} ca_descr_t;
.. _ca-pid:
.. code-block:: c
typedef struct ca_pid {
unsigned int pid;
int index; /* -1 == disable*/
} ca_pid_t;
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
.. _ca_function_calls:
CA Function Calls
.. _ca_fopen:
This system call opens a named ca device (e.g. /dev/ost/ca) for
subsequent use.
When an open() call has succeeded, the device will be ready for use. The
significance of blocking or non-blocking mode is described in the
documentation for functions where there is a difference. It does not
affect the semantics of the open() call itself. A device opened in
blocking mode can later be put into non-blocking mode (and vice versa)
using the F_SETFL command of the fcntl system call. This is a standard
system call, documented in the Linux manual page for fcntl. Only one
user can open the CA Device in O_RDWR mode. All other attempts to open
the device in this mode will fail, and an error code will be returned.
int open(const char *deviceName, int flags);
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- const char *deviceName
- Name of specific video device.
- .. row 2
- int flags
- A bit-wise OR of the following flags:
- .. row 3
- O_RDONLY read-only access
- .. row 4
- O_RDWR read/write access
- .. row 5
- O_NONBLOCK open in non-blocking mode
- .. row 6
- (blocking mode is the default)
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- Device driver not loaded/available.
- .. row 2
- Internal error.
- .. row 3
- Device or resource busy.
- .. row 4
- Invalid argument.
.. _ca_fclose:
This system call closes a previously opened audio device.
int close(int fd);
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- int fd
- File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- fd is not a valid open file descriptor.
This ioctl is undocumented. Documentation is welcome.
int ioctl(fd, int request = CA_RESET);
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- int fd
- File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().
- .. row 2
- int request
- Equals CA_RESET for this command.
On success 0 is returned, on error -1 and the ``errno`` variable is set
appropriately. The generic error codes are described at the
:ref:`Generic Error Codes <gen-errors>` chapter.
This ioctl is undocumented. Documentation is welcome.
int ioctl(fd, int request = CA_GET_CAP, ca_caps_t *);
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- int fd
- File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().
- .. row 2
- int request
- Equals CA_GET_CAP for this command.
- .. row 3
- ca_caps_t *
- Undocumented.
On success 0 is returned, on error -1 and the ``errno`` variable is set
appropriately. The generic error codes are described at the
:ref:`Generic Error Codes <gen-errors>` chapter.
This ioctl is undocumented. Documentation is welcome.
int ioctl(fd, int request = CA_GET_SLOT_INFO, ca_slot_info_t *);
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- int fd
- File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().
- .. row 2
- int request
- Equals CA_GET_SLOT_INFO for this command.
- .. row 3
- ca_slot_info_t *
- Undocumented.
On success 0 is returned, on error -1 and the ``errno`` variable is set
appropriately. The generic error codes are described at the
:ref:`Generic Error Codes <gen-errors>` chapter.
This ioctl is undocumented. Documentation is welcome.
int ioctl(fd, int request = CA_GET_DESCR_INFO, ca_descr_info_t *);
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- int fd
- File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().
- .. row 2
- int request
- Equals CA_GET_DESCR_INFO for this command.
- .. row 3
- ca_descr_info_t *
- Undocumented.
On success 0 is returned, on error -1 and the ``errno`` variable is set
appropriately. The generic error codes are described at the
:ref:`Generic Error Codes <gen-errors>` chapter.
This ioctl is undocumented. Documentation is welcome.
int ioctl(fd, int request = CA_GET_MSG, ca_msg_t *);
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- int fd
- File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().
- .. row 2
- int request
- Equals CA_GET_MSG for this command.
- .. row 3
- ca_msg_t *
- Undocumented.
On success 0 is returned, on error -1 and the ``errno`` variable is set
appropriately. The generic error codes are described at the
:ref:`Generic Error Codes <gen-errors>` chapter.
This ioctl is undocumented. Documentation is welcome.
int ioctl(fd, int request = CA_SEND_MSG, ca_msg_t *);
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- int fd
- File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().
- .. row 2
- int request
- Equals CA_SEND_MSG for this command.
- .. row 3
- ca_msg_t *
- Undocumented.
On success 0 is returned, on error -1 and the ``errno`` variable is set
appropriately. The generic error codes are described at the
:ref:`Generic Error Codes <gen-errors>` chapter.
This ioctl is undocumented. Documentation is welcome.
int ioctl(fd, int request = CA_SET_DESCR, ca_descr_t *);
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- int fd
- File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().
- .. row 2
- int request
- Equals CA_SET_DESCR for this command.
- .. row 3
- ca_descr_t *
- Undocumented.
On success 0 is returned, on error -1 and the ``errno`` variable is set
appropriately. The generic error codes are described at the
:ref:`Generic Error Codes <gen-errors>` chapter.
This ioctl is undocumented. Documentation is welcome.
int ioctl(fd, int request = CA_SET_PID, ca_pid_t *);
.. flat-table::
:header-rows: 0
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- int fd
- File descriptor returned by a previous call to open().
- .. row 2
- int request
- Equals CA_SET_PID for this command.
- .. row 3
- ca_pid_t *
- Undocumented.
On success 0 is returned, on error -1 and the ``errno`` variable is set
appropriately. The generic error codes are described at the
:ref:`Generic Error Codes <gen-errors>` chapter.
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
.. _ca_h:
DVB Conditional Access Header File
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
.. _dvb_demux:
DVB Demux Device
The DVB demux device controls the filters of the DVB hardware/software.
It can be accessed through ``/dev/adapter?/demux?``. Data types and and
ioctl definitions can be accessed by including ``linux/dvb/dmx.h`` in
your application.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This diff is collapsed.
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
.. _dmx_h:
DVB Demux Header File
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
.. _dmx_types:
Demux Data Types
.. _dmx-output-t:
Output for the demux
.. _dmx-output:
.. flat-table:: enum dmx_output
:header-rows: 1
:stub-columns: 0
- .. row 1
- ID
- Description
- .. row 2
- Streaming directly to decoder.
- .. row 3
- .. _`DMX-OUT-TAP`:
- Output going to a memory buffer (to be retrieved via the read
command). Delivers the stream output to the demux device on which
the ioctl is called.
- .. row 4
- .. _`DMX-OUT-TS-TAP`:
- Output multiplexed into a new TS (to be retrieved by reading from
the logical DVR device). Routes output to the logical DVR device
``/dev/dvb/adapter?/dvr?``, which delivers a TS multiplexed from
all filters for which ``DMX_OUT_TS_TAP`` was specified.
- .. row 5
- Like :ref:`DMX_OUT_TS_TAP <DMX-OUT-TS-TAP>` but retrieved
from the DMX device.
.. _dmx-input-t:
.. code-block:: c
typedef enum
DMX_IN_FRONTEND, /* Input from a front-end device. */
DMX_IN_DVR /* Input from the logical DVR device. */
} dmx_input_t;
.. _dmx-pes-type-t:
.. code-block:: c
typedef enum
} dmx_pes_type_t;
.. _dmx-filter:
struct dmx_filter
.. code-block:: c
typedef struct dmx_filter
__u8 filter[DMX_FILTER_SIZE];
__u8 mask[DMX_FILTER_SIZE];
__u8 mode[DMX_FILTER_SIZE];
} dmx_filter_t;
.. _dmx-sct-filter-params:
struct dmx_sct_filter_params
.. code-block:: c
struct dmx_sct_filter_params
__u16 pid;
dmx_filter_t filter;
__u32 timeout;
__u32 flags;
#define DMX_CHECK_CRC 1
#define DMX_ONESHOT 2
#define DMX_KERNEL_CLIENT 0x8000
.. _dmx-pes-filter-params:
struct dmx_pes_filter_params
.. code-block:: c
struct dmx_pes_filter_params
__u16 pid;
dmx_input_t input;
dmx_output_t output;
dmx_pes_type_t pes_type;
__u32 flags;
.. _dmx-event:
struct dmx_event
.. code-block:: c
struct dmx_event
dmx_event_t event;
time_t timeStamp;
dmx_scrambling_status_t scrambling;
} u;
.. _dmx-stc:
struct dmx_stc
.. code-block:: c
struct dmx_stc {
unsigned int num; /* input : which STC? 0..N */
unsigned int base; /* output: divisor for stc to get 90 kHz clock */
__u64 stc; /* output: stc in 'base'*90 kHz units */
.. _dmx-caps:
struct dmx_caps
.. code-block:: c
typedef struct dmx_caps {
__u32 caps;
int num_decoders;
} dmx_caps_t;
.. _dmx-source-t:
enum dmx_source_t
.. code-block:: c
typedef enum {
} dmx_source_t;
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
.. _dtv-fe-stats:
struct dtv_fe_stats
.. code-block:: c
#define MAX_DTV_STATS 4
struct dtv_fe_stats {
__u8 len;
struct dtv_stats stat[MAX_DTV_STATS];
} __packed;
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
.. _dtv-properties:
struct dtv_properties
.. code-block:: c
struct dtv_properties {
__u32 num;
struct dtv_property *props;
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
.. _dtv-property:
struct dtv_property
.. code-block:: c
/* Reserved fields should be set to 0 */
struct dtv_property {
__u32 cmd;
__u32 reserved[3];
union {
__u32 data;
struct dtv_fe_stats st;
struct {
__u8 data[32];
__u32 len;
__u32 reserved1[3];
void *reserved2;
} buffer;
} u;
int result;
} __attribute__ ((packed));
/* num of properties cannot exceed DTV_IOCTL_MAX_MSGS per ioctl */
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
.. _dtv-stats:
struct dtv_stats
.. code-block:: c
struct dtv_stats {
__u8 scale; /* enum fecap_scale_params type */
union {
__u64 uvalue; /* for counters and relative scales */
__s64 svalue; /* for 1/1000 dB measures */
} __packed;
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
.. _dvb-fe-read-status:
Querying frontend status and statistics
Once :ref:`FE_SET_PROPERTY <FE_GET_PROPERTY>` is called, the
frontend will run a kernel thread that will periodically check for the
tuner lock status and provide statistics about the quality of the
The information about the frontend tuner locking status can be queried
Signal statistics are provided via
:ref:`FE_GET_PROPERTY <FE_GET_PROPERTY>`. Please note that several
statistics require the demodulator to be fully locked (e. g. with
FE_HAS_LOCK bit set). See
:ref:`Frontend statistics indicators <frontend-stat-properties>` for
more details.
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
.. _dvb-frontend-event:
frontend events
.. code-block:: c
struct dvb_frontend_event {
fe_status_t status;
struct dvb_frontend_parameters parameters;
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
.. _dvb-frontend-parameters:
frontend parameters
The kind of parameters passed to the frontend device for tuning depend
on the kind of hardware you are using.
The struct ``dvb_frontend_parameters`` uses an union with specific
per-system parameters. However, as newer delivery systems required more
data, the structure size weren't enough to fit, and just extending its
size would break the existing applications. So, those parameters were
replaced by the usage of
ioctl's. The new API is flexible enough to add new parameters to
existing delivery systems, and to add newer delivery systems.
So, newer applications should use
instead, in order to be able to support the newer System Delivery like
DVB-S2, DVB-T2, DVB-C2, ISDB, etc.
All kinds of parameters are combined as an union in the
FrontendParameters structure:
.. code-block:: c
struct dvb_frontend_parameters {
uint32_t frequency; /* (absolute) frequency in Hz for QAM/OFDM */
/* intermediate frequency in kHz for QPSK */
fe_spectral_inversion_t inversion;
union {
struct dvb_qpsk_parameters qpsk;
struct dvb_qam_parameters qam;
struct dvb_ofdm_parameters ofdm;
struct dvb_vsb_parameters vsb;
} u;
In the case of QPSK frontends the ``frequency`` field specifies the
intermediate frequency, i.e. the offset which is effectively added to
the local oscillator frequency (LOF) of the LNB. The intermediate
frequency has to be specified in units of kHz. For QAM and OFDM
frontends the ``frequency`` specifies the absolute frequency and is
given in Hz.
.. _dvb-qpsk-parameters:
QPSK parameters
For satellite QPSK frontends you have to use the ``dvb_qpsk_parameters``
.. code-block:: c
struct dvb_qpsk_parameters {
uint32_t symbol_rate; /* symbol rate in Symbols per second */
fe_code_rate_t fec_inner; /* forward error correction (see above) */
.. _dvb-qam-parameters:
QAM parameters
for cable QAM frontend you use the ``dvb_qam_parameters`` structure:
.. code-block:: c
struct dvb_qam_parameters {
uint32_t symbol_rate; /* symbol rate in Symbols per second */
fe_code_rate_t fec_inner; /* forward error correction (see above) */
fe_modulation_t modulation; /* modulation type (see above) */
.. _dvb-vsb-parameters:
VSB parameters
ATSC frontends are supported by the ``dvb_vsb_parameters`` structure:
.. code-block:: c
struct dvb_vsb_parameters {
fe_modulation_t modulation; /* modulation type (see above) */
.. _dvb-ofdm-parameters:
OFDM parameters
DVB-T frontends are supported by the ``dvb_ofdm_parameters`` structure:
.. code-block:: c
struct dvb_ofdm_parameters {
fe_bandwidth_t bandwidth;
fe_code_rate_t code_rate_HP; /* high priority stream code rate */
fe_code_rate_t code_rate_LP; /* low priority stream code rate */
fe_modulation_t constellation; /* modulation type (see above) */
fe_transmit_mode_t transmission_mode;
fe_guard_interval_t guard_interval;
fe_hierarchy_t hierarchy_information;
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
.. _dvbapi:
**Version 5.10**
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Revision and Copyright
:author: Metzler Ralph (*J. K.*)
:author: Metzler Marcus (*O. C.*)
:author: Chehab Mauro (*Carvalho*)
:contrib: Ported document to Docbook XML.
**Copyright** 2002, 2003 : Convergence GmbH
**Copyright** 2009-2015 : Mauro Carvalho Chehab
:revision: 2.1.0 / 2015-05-29 (*mcc*)
DocBook improvements and cleanups, in order to document the system calls
on a more standard way and provide more description about the current
:revision: 2.0.4 / 2011-05-06 (*mcc*)
Add more information about DVB APIv5, better describing the frontend
GET/SET props ioctl's.
:revision: 2.0.3 / 2010-07-03 (*mcc*)
Add some frontend capabilities flags, present on kernel, but missing at
the specs.
:revision: 2.0.2 / 2009-10-25 (*mcc*)
:revision: 2.0.1 / 2009-09-16 (*mcc*)
Added ISDB-T test originally written by Patrick Boettcher
:revision: 2.0.0 / 2009-09-06 (*mcc*)
Conversion from LaTex to DocBook XML. The contents is the same as the
original LaTex version.
:revision: 1.0.0 / 2003-07-24 (*rjkm*)
Initial revision on LaTEX.
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
Property types
the actual action is determined by the dtv_property cmd/data pairs.
With one single ioctl, is possible to get/set up to 64 properties. The
actual meaning of each property is described on the next sections.
The available frontend property types are shown on the next section.
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
Restores the power to the antenna subsystem, if it was powered off due
to power overload.
.. c:function:: int ioctl( int fd, int request, NULL )
File descriptor returned by :ref:`open() <frontend_f_open>`.
If the bus has been automatically powered off due to power overload,
this ioctl call restores the power to the bus. The call requires
read/write access to the device. This call has no effect if the device
is manually powered off. Not all DVB adapters support this ioctl.
On success 0 is returned, on error -1 and the ``errno`` variable is set
appropriately. The generic error codes are described at the
:ref:`Generic Error Codes <gen-errors>` chapter.
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. This file was automatically converted from DocBook-XML with the dbxml
.. library ( The origin XML comes
.. from the linux kernel, refer to:
.. *
.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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