 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.

#include "dm814x.dtsi"

/ {
	model = "DM8148 EVM";
	compatible = "ti,dm8148-evm", "ti,dm8148";

	memory {
		device_type = "memory";
		reg = <0x80000000 0x40000000>;	/* 1 GB */

	/* MIC94060YC6 controlled by SD1_POW pin */
	vmmcsd_fixed: fixedregulator@0 {
		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
		regulator-name = "vmmcsd_fixed";
		regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
		regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;

&cpsw_emac0 {
	phy_id = <&davinci_mdio>, <0>;
	phy-mode = "rgmii";

&cpsw_emac1 {
	phy_id = <&davinci_mdio>, <1>;
	phy-mode = "rgmii";

&gpmc {
	ranges = <0 0 0x04000000 0x01000000>;	/* CS0: 16MB for NAND */

	nand@0,0 {
		linux,mtd-name= "micron,mt29f2g16aadwp";
		reg = <0 0 4>; /* CS0, offset 0, IO size 4 */
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <1>;
		ti,nand-ecc-opt = "bch8";
		nand-bus-width = <16>;
		gpmc,device-width = <2>;
		gpmc,sync-clk-ps = <0>;
		gpmc,cs-on-ns = <0>;
		gpmc,cs-rd-off-ns = <44>;
		gpmc,cs-wr-off-ns = <44>;
		gpmc,adv-on-ns = <6>;
		gpmc,adv-rd-off-ns = <34>;
		gpmc,adv-wr-off-ns = <44>;
		gpmc,we-on-ns = <0>;
		gpmc,we-off-ns = <40>;
		gpmc,oe-on-ns = <0>;
		gpmc,oe-off-ns = <54>;
		gpmc,access-ns = <64>;
		gpmc,rd-cycle-ns = <82>;
		gpmc,wr-cycle-ns = <82>;
		gpmc,wait-on-read = "true";
		gpmc,wait-on-write = "true";
		gpmc,bus-turnaround-ns = <0>;
		gpmc,cycle2cycle-delay-ns = <0>;
		gpmc,clk-activation-ns = <0>;
		gpmc,wait-monitoring-ns = <0>;
		gpmc,wr-access-ns = <40>;
		gpmc,wr-data-mux-bus-ns = <0>;
		partition@0 {
			label = "X-Loader";
			reg = <0 0x80000>;
		partition@0x80000 {
			label = "U-Boot";
			reg = <0x80000 0x1c0000>;
		partition@0x1c0000 {
			label = "Environment";
			reg = <0x240000 0x40000>;
		partition@0x280000 {
			label = "Kernel";
			reg = <0x280000 0x500000>;
		partition@0x780000 {
			label = "Filesystem";
			reg = <0x780000 0xf880000>;

&mmc2 {
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	pinctrl-0 = <&sd1_pins>;
	vmmc-supply = <&vmmcsd_fixed>;
	bus-width = <4>;
	cd-gpios = <&gpio2 6 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;

&pincntl {
	sd1_pins: pinmux_sd1_pins {
		pinctrl-single,pins = <
			DM814X_IOPAD(0x0800, PIN_INPUT | 0x1)	/* SD1_CLK */
			DM814X_IOPAD(0x0804, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP |  0x1)	/* SD1_CMD */
			DM814X_IOPAD(0x0808, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP |  0x1)	/* SD1_DAT[0] */
			DM814X_IOPAD(0x080c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP |  0x1)	/* SD1_DAT[1] */
			DM814X_IOPAD(0x0810, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP |  0x1)	/* SD1_DAT[2] */
			DM814X_IOPAD(0x0814, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP |  0x1)	/* SD1_DAT[3] */
			DM814X_IOPAD(0x0924, PIN_OUTPUT |  0x40)	/* SD1_POW */
			DM814X_IOPAD(0x093C, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP |  0x80)	/* GP1[6] */

	usb0_pins: pinmux_usb0_pins {
		pinctrl-single,pins = <
			DM814X_IOPAD(0x0c34, PIN_OUTPUT | 0x1)	/* USB0_DRVVBUS */

	usb1_pins: pinmux_usb1_pins {
		pinctrl-single,pins = <
			DM814X_IOPAD(0x0834, PIN_OUTPUT | 0x80)	/* USB1_DRVVBUS */

&usb0 {
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	pinctrl-0 = <&usb0_pins>;
	dr_mode = "host";

&usb1 {
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	pinctrl-0 = <&usb1_pins>;
	dr_mode = "host";