Commit 01a8bad8 authored by Eugene Kosov's avatar Eugene Kosov Committed by Aleksey Midenkov

SQL: allow PERIOD as identifier [fixes #331]

parent 62470fc7
......@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ drop table if exists t1,t2;
Period_ smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
) ENGINE=blackhole;
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period_ from t1;
select period from t1;
select * from t1;
select t1.* from t1;
......@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
Period_ smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period_ from t1;
select period from t1;
select * from t1;
select t1.* from t1;
......@@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@ select fld1,fld3 from t2 where fld1 like "25050_";
select distinct companynr from t2;
select distinct companynr from t2 order by companynr;
select distinct companynr from t2 order by companynr desc;
select distinct t2.fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
select distinct t2.fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
select distinct fld3 from t2 where companynr = 34 order by fld3;
select distinct fld3 from t2 limit 10;
......@@ -1362,26 +1362,26 @@ select distinct substring(fld3,1,3) as a from t2 having a like "A%" limit 10;
# make a big table.
create table t3 (
period_ int not null,
period int not null,
name char(32) not null,
companynr int not null,
price double(11,0),
price2 double(11,0),
key (period_),
key (period),
key (name)
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1001,"Iranizes",37,5987435,234724);
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1002,"violinist",37,28357832,8723648);
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1003,"extramarital",37,39654943,235872);
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1004,"spates",78,726498,72987523);
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1005,"cloakroom",78,98439034,823742);
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1006,"gazer",101,834598,27348324);
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1007,"hand",154,983543950,29837423);
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1008,"tucked",311,234298,3275892);
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1009,"gems",447,2374834,9872392);
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1010,"clinker",512,786542,76234234);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1001,"Iranizes",37,5987435,234724);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1002,"violinist",37,28357832,8723648);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1003,"extramarital",37,39654943,235872);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1004,"spates",78,726498,72987523);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1005,"cloakroom",78,98439034,823742);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1006,"gazer",101,834598,27348324);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1007,"hand",154,983543950,29837423);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1008,"tucked",311,234298,3275892);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1009,"gems",447,2374834,9872392);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1010,"clinker",512,786542,76234234);
create temporary table tmp engine = myisam select * from t3;
......@@ -1450,39 +1450,39 @@ explain select t3.t2nr,fld3 from t2,t3 where t2.companynr = 34 and t2.fld1=t3.t2
# Some test with ORDER BY and limit
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_ limit 10;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t1.period_ limit 10;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period limit 10;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t1.period limit 10;
# Search with a constant table.
select period_ from t1;
select period_ from t1 where period_=1900;
select fld3,period_ from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period_;
select period from t1;
select period from t1 where period=1900;
select fld3,period from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period;
# Search with a constant table and several keyparts. (Rows are read only once
# in the beginning of the search)
select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period_=1001;
select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period=1001;
explain select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period_;
explain select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period;
# Search with a constant table and several rows from another table
select fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
select fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
# Search with a table reference and without a key.
# t3 will be the main table.
select fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ >= 1001 and period_ <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period_, price;
select fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period >= 1001 and period <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period, price;
# Search with an interval on a table with full key on reference table.
......@@ -1490,7 +1490,7 @@ select fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ >=
# t2nr will be checked.
select t2.fld1,fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
select t2.fld1,fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
# We need another table for join stuff..
......@@ -1588,18 +1588,18 @@ explain select distinct t2.companynr,t4.companynr from t2,t4 where t2.companynr=
# each record
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008;
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period = 1008;
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
# Test of many parenthesis levels
select period_ from t1 where (((period_ > 0) or period_ < 10000 or (period_ = 1900)) and (period_=1900 and period_ <= 1901) or (period_=1903 and (period_=1903)) and period_>=1902) or ((period_=1904 or period_=1905) or (period_=1906 or period_>1907)) or (period_=1908 and period_ = 1909);
select period_ from t1 where ((period_ > 0 and period_ < 1) or (((period_ > 0 and period_ < 100) and (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 0 and (period_ > 5 or period_ > 6)));
select period from t1 where (((period > 0) or period < 10000 or (period = 1900)) and (period=1900 and period <= 1901) or (period=1903 and (period=1903)) and period>=1902) or ((period=1904 or period=1905) or (period=1906 or period>1907)) or (period=1908 and period = 1909);
select period from t1 where ((period > 0 and period < 1) or (((period > 0 and period < 100) and (period > 10)) or (period > 10)) or (period > 0 and (period > 5 or period > 6)));
select a.fld1 from t2 as a,t2 b where ((a.fld1 = 250501 and a.fld1=b.fld1) or a.fld1=250502 or a.fld1=250503 or (a.fld1=250505 and a.fld1<=b.fld1 and b.fld1>=a.fld1)) and a.fld1=b.fld1;
......@@ -1657,7 +1657,7 @@ select t2.fld1,count(*) from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=158402 and grou
# Calculation with group functions
select sum(Period_)/count(*) from t1;
select sum(Period)/count(*) from t1;
select companynr,count(price) as "count",sum(price) as "sum" ,abs(sum(price)/count(price)-avg(price)) as "diff",(0+count(price))*companynr as func from t3 group by companynr;
select companynr,sum(price)/count(price) as avg from t3 group by companynr having avg > 70000000 order by avg;
......@@ -1747,13 +1747,13 @@ select max(t2nr) from t3 where price=983543950;
# Test of alias
select t1.period_ from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select period_ as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period_ as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select t1.period from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select 1+1 as summa from t1 group by summa limit 1;
select period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period_" limit 1;
select period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period" limit 1;
# Some simple show commands
......@@ -7,18 +7,18 @@ VARIABLE_NAME VARIABLE_VALUE
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
Period_ smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period_ from t1;
select period from t1;
select * from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
select t1.* from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
auto int not null auto_increment,
......@@ -282,8 +282,8 @@ companynr
select distinct t2.fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
fld3 period_
select distinct t2.fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
fld3 period
obliterates 9410
offload 9410
opaquely 9410
......@@ -487,12 +487,12 @@ acu
create table t3 (
period_ int not null,
period int not null,
name char(32) not null,
companynr int not null,
price double(11,0),
price2 double(11,0),
key (period_),
key (period),
key (name)
create temporary table tmp engine = myisam select * from t3;
......@@ -606,35 +606,35 @@ explain select t3.t2nr,fld3 from t2,t3 where t2.companynr = 34 and t2.fld1=t3.t2
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 ALL fld1 NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 test.t2.fld1 1 Using where; Using index
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 ALL period_ NULL NULL NULL 41810 Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t1.period_ 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_ limit 10;
1 SIMPLE t1 ALL period NULL NULL NULL 41810 Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period period 4 test.t1.period 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period limit 10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t3 index period_ period_ 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t1 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t3.period_ 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t1.period_ limit 10;
1 SIMPLE t3 index period period 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t1 ref period period 4 test.t3.period 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t1.period limit 10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index period_ period_ 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t1.period_ 4181
select period_ from t1;
1 SIMPLE t1 index period period 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period period 4 test.t1.period 4181
select period from t1;
select period_ from t1 where period_=1900;
select fld3,period_ from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period_;
fld3 period_
select period from t1 where period=1900;
select fld3,period from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period;
fld3 period
breaking 9410
select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period_=1001;
fld3 period_
select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period=1001;
fld3 period
breaking 1001
explain select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period_;
explain select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 const fld1 fld1 4 const 1
1 SIMPLE t3 const PRIMARY,period_ PRIMARY 4 const 1
select fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
fld3 period_
1 SIMPLE t3 const PRIMARY,period PRIMARY 4 const 1
select fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
fld3 period
breaking 9410
Romans 9410
intercepted 9410
......@@ -1223,8 +1223,8 @@ dusted 9410
encompasses 9410
presentation 9410
Kantian 9410
select fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ >= 1001 and period_ <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period_, price;
fld3 period_ price price2
select fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period >= 1001 and period <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period, price;
fld3 period price price2
admonishing 1002 28357832 8723648
analyzable 1002 28357832 8723648
annihilates 1001 5987435 234724
......@@ -1284,8 +1284,8 @@ ventilate 1001 5987435 234724
wallet 1001 5987435 234724
Weissmuller 1002 28357832 8723648
Wotan 1002 28357832 8723648
select t2.fld1,fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
fld1 fld3 period_ price price2
select t2.fld1,fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
fld1 fld3 period price price2
018201 relaxing 1001 5987435 234724
018601 vacuuming 1001 5987435 234724
018801 inch 1001 5987435 234724
......@@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ companynr companyname
65 company 9
68 company 10
select * from t1,t1 t12;
Period_ Varor_period Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period Period Varor_period
9410 9412 9410 9412
select t2.fld1,t22.fld1 from t2,t2 t22 where t2.fld1 >= 250501 and t2.fld1 <= 250505 and t22.fld1 >= 250501 and t22.fld1 <= 250505;
fld1 fld1
......@@ -1440,23 +1440,23 @@ explain select distinct t2.companynr,t4.companynr from t2,t4 where t2.companynr=
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t4 index NULL PRIMARY 1 NULL 12 Using index; Using temporary
1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period = 1008;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select period_ from t1 where (((period_ > 0) or period_ < 10000 or (period_ = 1900)) and (period_=1900 and period_ <= 1901) or (period_=1903 and (period_=1903)) and period_>=1902) or ((period_=1904 or period_=1905) or (period_=1906 or period_>1907)) or (period_=1908 and period_ = 1909);
select period from t1 where (((period > 0) or period < 10000 or (period = 1900)) and (period=1900 and period <= 1901) or (period=1903 and (period=1903)) and period>=1902) or ((period=1904 or period=1905) or (period=1906 or period>1907)) or (period=1908 and period = 1909);
select period_ from t1 where ((period_ > 0 and period_ < 1) or (((period_ > 0 and period_ < 100) and (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 0 and (period_ > 5 or period_ > 6)));
select period from t1 where ((period > 0 and period < 1) or (((period > 0 and period < 100) and (period > 10)) or (period > 10)) or (period > 0 and (period > 5 or period > 6)));
select a.fld1 from t2 as a,t2 b where ((a.fld1 = 250501 and a.fld1=b.fld1) or a.fld1=250502 or a.fld1=250503 or (a.fld1=250505 and a.fld1<=b.fld1 and b.fld1>=a.fld1)) and a.fld1=b.fld1;
......@@ -1713,8 +1713,8 @@ companynr companyname count(*)
select t2.fld1,count(*) from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=158402 and group by;
fld1 count(*)
158402 4181
select sum(Period_)/count(*) from t1;
select sum(Period)/count(*) from t1;
select companynr,count(price) as "count",sum(price) as "sum" ,abs(sum(price)/count(price)-avg(price)) as "diff",(0+count(price))*companynr as func from t3 group by companynr;
companynr count sum diff func
......@@ -2044,26 +2044,26 @@ t2nr count(*)
select max(t2nr) from t3 where price=983543950;
select t1.period_ from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
Nuvarande period_
select t1.period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
Nuvarande period
select period_ as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period_ as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select 1+1 as summa from t1 group by summa limit 1;
select period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period_" limit 1;
Nuvarande period_
select period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period" limit 1;
Nuvarande period
show tables;
connect pipe_con,localhost,root,,,,,PIPE;
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
Period_ smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period_ from t1;
select period from t1;
select * from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
select t1.* from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
auto int not null auto_increment,
......@@ -276,8 +276,8 @@ companynr
select distinct t2.fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
fld3 period_
select distinct t2.fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
fld3 period
obliterates 9410
offload 9410
opaquely 9410
......@@ -481,12 +481,12 @@ acu
create table t3 (
period_ int not null,
period int not null,
name char(32) not null,
companynr int not null,
price double(11,0),
price2 double(11,0),
key (period_),
key (period),
key (name)
create temporary table tmp engine = myisam select * from t3;
......@@ -600,35 +600,35 @@ explain select t3.t2nr,fld3 from t2,t3 where t2.companynr = 34 and t2.fld1=t3.t2
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 ALL fld1 NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 test.t2.fld1 1 Using where; Using index
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 ALL period_ NULL NULL NULL 41810 Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t1.period_ 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_ limit 10;
1 SIMPLE t1 ALL period NULL NULL NULL 41810 Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period period 4 test.t1.period 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period limit 10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t3 index period_ period_ 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t1 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t3.period_ 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t1.period_ limit 10;
1 SIMPLE t3 index period period 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t1 ref period period 4 test.t3.period 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t1.period limit 10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index period_ period_ 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t1.period_ 4181
select period_ from t1;
1 SIMPLE t1 index period period 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period period 4 test.t1.period 4181
select period from t1;
select period_ from t1 where period_=1900;
select fld3,period_ from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period_;
fld3 period_
select period from t1 where period=1900;
select fld3,period from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period;
fld3 period
breaking 9410
select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period_=1001;
fld3 period_
select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period=1001;
fld3 period
breaking 1001
explain select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period_;
explain select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 const fld1 fld1 4 const 1
1 SIMPLE t3 const PRIMARY,period_ PRIMARY 4 const 1
select fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
fld3 period_
1 SIMPLE t3 const PRIMARY,period PRIMARY 4 const 1
select fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
fld3 period
breaking 9410
Romans 9410
intercepted 9410
......@@ -1217,8 +1217,8 @@ dusted 9410
encompasses 9410
presentation 9410
Kantian 9410
select fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ >= 1001 and period_ <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period_, price;
fld3 period_ price price2
select fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period >= 1001 and period <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period, price;
fld3 period price price2
admonishing 1002 28357832 8723648
analyzable 1002 28357832 8723648
annihilates 1001 5987435 234724
......@@ -1278,8 +1278,8 @@ ventilate 1001 5987435 234724
wallet 1001 5987435 234724
Weissmuller 1002 28357832 8723648
Wotan 1002 28357832 8723648
select t2.fld1,fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
fld1 fld3 period_ price price2
select t2.fld1,fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
fld1 fld3 period price price2
018201 relaxing 1001 5987435 234724
018601 vacuuming 1001 5987435 234724
018801 inch 1001 5987435 234724
......@@ -1319,7 +1319,7 @@ companynr companyname
65 company 9
68 company 10
select * from t1,t1 t12;
Period_ Varor_period Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period Period Varor_period
9410 9412 9410 9412
select t2.fld1,t22.fld1 from t2,t2 t22 where t2.fld1 >= 250501 and t2.fld1 <= 250505 and t22.fld1 >= 250501 and t22.fld1 <= 250505;
fld1 fld1
......@@ -1434,23 +1434,23 @@ explain select distinct t2.companynr,t4.companynr from t2,t4 where t2.companynr=
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t4 index NULL PRIMARY 1 NULL 12 Using index; Using temporary
1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period = 1008;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select period_ from t1 where (((period_ > 0) or period_ < 10000 or (period_ = 1900)) and (period_=1900 and period_ <= 1901) or (period_=1903 and (period_=1903)) and period_>=1902) or ((period_=1904 or period_=1905) or (period_=1906 or period_>1907)) or (period_=1908 and period_ = 1909);
select period from t1 where (((period > 0) or period < 10000 or (period = 1900)) and (period=1900 and period <= 1901) or (period=1903 and (period=1903)) and period>=1902) or ((period=1904 or period=1905) or (period=1906 or period>1907)) or (period=1908 and period = 1909);
select period_ from t1 where ((period_ > 0 and period_ < 1) or (((period_ > 0 and period_ < 100) and (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 0 and (period_ > 5 or period_ > 6)));
select period from t1 where ((period > 0 and period < 1) or (((period > 0 and period < 100) and (period > 10)) or (period > 10)) or (period > 0 and (period > 5 or period > 6)));
select a.fld1 from t2 as a,t2 b where ((a.fld1 = 250501 and a.fld1=b.fld1) or a.fld1=250502 or a.fld1=250503 or (a.fld1=250505 and a.fld1<=b.fld1 and b.fld1>=a.fld1)) and a.fld1=b.fld1;
......@@ -1707,8 +1707,8 @@ companynr companyname count(*)
select t2.fld1,count(*) from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=158402 and group by;
fld1 count(*)
158402 4181
select sum(Period_)/count(*) from t1;
select sum(Period)/count(*) from t1;
select companynr,count(price) as "count",sum(price) as "sum" ,abs(sum(price)/count(price)-avg(price)) as "diff",(0+count(price))*companynr as func from t3 group by companynr;
companynr count sum diff func
......@@ -2038,26 +2038,26 @@ t2nr count(*)
select max(t2nr) from t3 where price=983543950;
select t1.period_ from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
Nuvarande period_
select t1.period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
Nuvarande period
select period_ as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period_ as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select 1+1 as summa from t1 group by summa limit 1;
select period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period_" limit 1;
Nuvarande period_
select period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period" limit 1;
Nuvarande period
show tables;
......@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@ SET @save_optimizer_switch=@@optimizer_switch;
SET optimizer_switch='outer_join_with_cache=off';
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
Period_ smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period_ from t1;
select period from t1;
select * from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
select t1.* from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
auto int not null auto_increment,
......@@ -277,8 +277,8 @@ companynr
select distinct t2.fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
fld3 period_
select distinct t2.fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
fld3 period
obliterates 9410
offload 9410
opaquely 9410
......@@ -482,12 +482,12 @@ acu
create table t3 (
period_ int not null,
period int not null,
name char(32) not null,
companynr int not null,
price double(11,0),
price2 double(11,0),
key (period_),
key (period),
key (name)
create temporary table tmp engine = myisam select * from t3;
......@@ -601,35 +601,35 @@ explain select t3.t2nr,fld3 from t2,t3 where t2.companynr = 34 and t2.fld1=t3.t2
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 ALL fld1 NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 test.t2.fld1 1 Using where; Using index
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 ALL period_ NULL NULL NULL 41810 Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t1.period_ 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_ limit 10;
1 SIMPLE t1 ALL period NULL NULL NULL 41810 Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period period 4 test.t1.period 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period limit 10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t3 index period_ period_ 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t1 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t3.period_ 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t1.period_ limit 10;
1 SIMPLE t3 index period period 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t1 ref period period 4 test.t3.period 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t1.period limit 10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index period_ period_ 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t1.period_ 4181
select period_ from t1;
1 SIMPLE t1 index period period 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period period 4 test.t1.period 4181
select period from t1;
select period_ from t1 where period_=1900;
select fld3,period_ from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period_;
fld3 period_
select period from t1 where period=1900;
select fld3,period from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period;
fld3 period
breaking 9410
select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period_=1001;
fld3 period_
select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period=1001;
fld3 period
breaking 1001
explain select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period_;
explain select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 const fld1 fld1 4 const 1
1 SIMPLE t3 const PRIMARY,period_ PRIMARY 4 const 1
select fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
fld3 period_
1 SIMPLE t3 const PRIMARY,period PRIMARY 4 const 1
select fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
fld3 period
breaking 9410
Romans 9410
intercepted 9410
......@@ -1218,8 +1218,8 @@ dusted 9410
encompasses 9410
presentation 9410
Kantian 9410
select fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ >= 1001 and period_ <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period_, price;
fld3 period_ price price2
select fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period >= 1001 and period <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period, price;
fld3 period price price2
admonishing 1002 28357832 8723648
analyzable 1002 28357832 8723648
annihilates 1001 5987435 234724
......@@ -1279,8 +1279,8 @@ ventilate 1001 5987435 234724
wallet 1001 5987435 234724
Weissmuller 1002 28357832 8723648
Wotan 1002 28357832 8723648
select t2.fld1,fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
fld1 fld3 period_ price price2
select t2.fld1,fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
fld1 fld3 period price price2
018201 relaxing 1001 5987435 234724
018601 vacuuming 1001 5987435 234724
018801 inch 1001 5987435 234724
......@@ -1320,7 +1320,7 @@ companynr companyname
65 company 9
68 company 10
select * from t1,t1 t12;
Period_ Varor_period Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period Period Varor_period
9410 9412 9410 9412
select t2.fld1,t22.fld1 from t2,t2 t22 where t2.fld1 >= 250501 and t2.fld1 <= 250505 and t22.fld1 >= 250501 and t22.fld1 <= 250505;
fld1 fld1
......@@ -1435,23 +1435,23 @@ explain select distinct t2.companynr,t4.companynr from t2,t4 where t2.companynr=
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t4 index NULL PRIMARY 1 NULL 12 Using index; Using temporary
1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period = 1008;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select period_ from t1 where (((period_ > 0) or period_ < 10000 or (period_ = 1900)) and (period_=1900 and period_ <= 1901) or (period_=1903 and (period_=1903)) and period_>=1902) or ((period_=1904 or period_=1905) or (period_=1906 or period_>1907)) or (period_=1908 and period_ = 1909);
select period from t1 where (((period > 0) or period < 10000 or (period = 1900)) and (period=1900 and period <= 1901) or (period=1903 and (period=1903)) and period>=1902) or ((period=1904 or period=1905) or (period=1906 or period>1907)) or (period=1908 and period = 1909);
select period_ from t1 where ((period_ > 0 and period_ < 1) or (((period_ > 0 and period_ < 100) and (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 0 and (period_ > 5 or period_ > 6)));
select period from t1 where ((period > 0 and period < 1) or (((period > 0 and period < 100) and (period > 10)) or (period > 10)) or (period > 0 and (period > 5 or period > 6)));
select a.fld1 from t2 as a,t2 b where ((a.fld1 = 250501 and a.fld1=b.fld1) or a.fld1=250502 or a.fld1=250503 or (a.fld1=250505 and a.fld1<=b.fld1 and b.fld1>=a.fld1)) and a.fld1=b.fld1;
......@@ -1708,8 +1708,8 @@ companynr companyname count(*)
select t2.fld1,count(*) from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=158402 and group by;
fld1 count(*)
158402 4181
select sum(Period_)/count(*) from t1;
select sum(Period)/count(*) from t1;
select companynr,count(price) as "count",sum(price) as "sum" ,abs(sum(price)/count(price)-avg(price)) as "diff",(0+count(price))*companynr as func from t3 group by companynr;
companynr count sum diff func
......@@ -2039,26 +2039,26 @@ t2nr count(*)
select max(t2nr) from t3 where price=983543950;
select t1.period_ from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
Nuvarande period_
select t1.period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
Nuvarande period
select period_ as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period_ as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select 1+1 as summa from t1 group by summa limit 1;
select period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period_" limit 1;
Nuvarande period_
select period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period" limit 1;
Nuvarande period
show tables;
......@@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ SET @save_optimizer_switch=@@optimizer_switch;
SET optimizer_switch=ifnull(@optimizer_switch_for_select_test,'outer_join_with_cache=off');
set join_cache_level=1;
Period_ smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period_ from t1;
select period from t1;
select * from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
select t1.* from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
auto int not null auto_increment,
......@@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ companynr
select distinct t2.fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
fld3 period_
select distinct t2.fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
fld3 period
obliterates 9410
offload 9410
opaquely 9410
......@@ -485,12 +485,12 @@ acu
create table t3 (
period_ int not null,
period int not null,
name char(32) not null,
companynr int not null,
price double(11,0),
price2 double(11,0),
key (period_),
key (period),
key (name)
create temporary table tmp engine = myisam select * from t3;
......@@ -604,35 +604,35 @@ explain select t3.t2nr,fld3 from t2,t3 where t2.companynr = 34 and t2.fld1=t3.t2
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 ALL fld1 NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 test.t2.fld1 1 Using where; Using index
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 ALL period_ NULL NULL NULL 41810 Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t1.period_ 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_ limit 10;
1 SIMPLE t1 ALL period NULL NULL NULL 41810 Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period period 4 test.t1.period 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period limit 10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t3 index period_ period_ 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t1 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t3.period_ 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t1.period_ limit 10;
1 SIMPLE t3 index period period 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t1 ref period period 4 test.t3.period 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t1.period limit 10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index period_ period_ 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t1.period_ 4181
select period_ from t1;
1 SIMPLE t1 index period period 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period period 4 test.t1.period 4181
select period from t1;
select period_ from t1 where period_=1900;
select fld3,period_ from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period_;
fld3 period_
select period from t1 where period=1900;
select fld3,period from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period;
fld3 period
breaking 9410
select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period_=1001;
fld3 period_
select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period=1001;
fld3 period
breaking 1001
explain select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period_;
explain select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 const fld1 fld1 4 const 1
1 SIMPLE t3 const PRIMARY,period_ PRIMARY 4 const 1
select fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
fld3 period_
1 SIMPLE t3 const PRIMARY,period PRIMARY 4 const 1
select fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
fld3 period
breaking 9410
Romans 9410
intercepted 9410
......@@ -1221,8 +1221,8 @@ dusted 9410
encompasses 9410
presentation 9410
Kantian 9410
select fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ >= 1001 and period_ <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period_, price;
fld3 period_ price price2
select fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period >= 1001 and period <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period, price;
fld3 period price price2
admonishing 1002 28357832 8723648
analyzable 1002 28357832 8723648
annihilates 1001 5987435 234724
......@@ -1282,8 +1282,8 @@ ventilate 1001 5987435 234724
wallet 1001 5987435 234724
Weissmuller 1002 28357832 8723648
Wotan 1002 28357832 8723648
select t2.fld1,fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
fld1 fld3 period_ price price2
select t2.fld1,fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
fld1 fld3 period price price2
018201 relaxing 1001 5987435 234724
018601 vacuuming 1001 5987435 234724
018801 inch 1001 5987435 234724
......@@ -1323,7 +1323,7 @@ companynr companyname
65 company 9
68 company 10
select * from t1,t1 t12;
Period_ Varor_period Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period Period Varor_period
9410 9412 9410 9412
select t2.fld1,t22.fld1 from t2,t2 t22 where t2.fld1 >= 250501 and t2.fld1 <= 250505 and t22.fld1 >= 250501 and t22.fld1 <= 250505;
fld1 fld1
......@@ -1435,23 +1435,23 @@ explain select distinct t2.companynr,t4.companynr from t2,t4 where t2.companynr=
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t4 index NULL PRIMARY 1 NULL 12 Using index; Using temporary
1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period = 1008;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select period_ from t1 where (((period_ > 0) or period_ < 10000 or (period_ = 1900)) and (period_=1900 and period_ <= 1901) or (period_=1903 and (period_=1903)) and period_>=1902) or ((period_=1904 or period_=1905) or (period_=1906 or period_>1907)) or (period_=1908 and period_ = 1909);
select period from t1 where (((period > 0) or period < 10000 or (period = 1900)) and (period=1900 and period <= 1901) or (period=1903 and (period=1903)) and period>=1902) or ((period=1904 or period=1905) or (period=1906 or period>1907)) or (period=1908 and period = 1909);
select period_ from t1 where ((period_ > 0 and period_ < 1) or (((period_ > 0 and period_ < 100) and (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 0 and (period_ > 5 or period_ > 6)));
select period from t1 where ((period > 0 and period < 1) or (((period > 0 and period < 100) and (period > 10)) or (period > 10)) or (period > 0 and (period > 5 or period > 6)));
select a.fld1 from t2 as a,t2 b where ((a.fld1 = 250501 and a.fld1=b.fld1) or a.fld1=250502 or a.fld1=250503 or (a.fld1=250505 and a.fld1<=b.fld1 and b.fld1>=a.fld1)) and a.fld1=b.fld1;
......@@ -1708,8 +1708,8 @@ companynr companyname count(*)
select t2.fld1,count(*) from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=158402 and group by;
fld1 count(*)
158402 4181
select sum(Period_)/count(*) from t1;
select sum(Period)/count(*) from t1;
select companynr,count(price) as "count",sum(price) as "sum" ,abs(sum(price)/count(price)-avg(price)) as "diff",(0+count(price))*companynr as func from t3 group by companynr;
companynr count sum diff func
......@@ -2039,26 +2039,26 @@ t2nr count(*)
select max(t2nr) from t3 where price=983543950;
select t1.period_ from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
Nuvarande period_
select t1.period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
Nuvarande period
select period_ as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period_ as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select 1+1 as summa from t1 group by summa limit 1;
select period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period_" limit 1;
Nuvarande period_
select period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period" limit 1;
Nuvarande period
show tables;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ SET @save_optimizer_switch=@@optimizer_switch;
SET optimizer_switch=ifnull(@optimizer_switch_for_select_test,'outer_join_with_cache=off');
set join_cache_level=1;
Period_ smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period_ from t1;
select period from t1;
select * from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
select t1.* from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
auto int not null auto_increment,
......@@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ companynr
select distinct t2.fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
fld3 period_
select distinct t2.fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
fld3 period
obliterates 9410
offload 9410
opaquely 9410
......@@ -485,12 +485,12 @@ acu
create table t3 (
period_ int not null,
period int not null,
name char(32) not null,
companynr int not null,
price double(11,0),
price2 double(11,0),
key (period_),
key (period),
key (name)
create temporary table tmp engine = myisam select * from t3;
......@@ -604,35 +604,35 @@ explain select t3.t2nr,fld3 from t2,t3 where t2.companynr = 34 and t2.fld1=t3.t2
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 ALL fld1 NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 test.t2.fld1 1 Using where; Using index
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 ALL period_ NULL NULL NULL 41810 Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t1.period_ 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_ limit 10;
1 SIMPLE t1 ALL period NULL NULL NULL 41810 Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period period 4 test.t1.period 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period limit 10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t3 index period_ period_ 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t1 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t3.period_ 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t1.period_ limit 10;
1 SIMPLE t3 index period period 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t1 ref period period 4 test.t3.period 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t1.period limit 10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index period_ period_ 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t1.period_ 4181
select period_ from t1;
1 SIMPLE t1 index period period 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period period 4 test.t1.period 4181
select period from t1;
select period_ from t1 where period_=1900;
select fld3,period_ from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period_;
fld3 period_
select period from t1 where period=1900;
select fld3,period from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period;
fld3 period
breaking 9410
select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period_=1001;
fld3 period_
select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period=1001;
fld3 period
breaking 1001
explain select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period_;
explain select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 const fld1 fld1 4 const 1
1 SIMPLE t3 const PRIMARY,period_ PRIMARY 4 const 1
select fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
fld3 period_
1 SIMPLE t3 const PRIMARY,period PRIMARY 4 const 1
select fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
fld3 period
breaking 9410
Romans 9410
intercepted 9410
......@@ -1221,8 +1221,8 @@ dusted 9410
encompasses 9410
presentation 9410
Kantian 9410
select fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ >= 1001 and period_ <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period_, price;
fld3 period_ price price2
select fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period >= 1001 and period <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period, price;
fld3 period price price2
admonishing 1002 28357832 8723648
analyzable 1002 28357832 8723648
annihilates 1001 5987435 234724
......@@ -1282,8 +1282,8 @@ ventilate 1001 5987435 234724
wallet 1001 5987435 234724
Weissmuller 1002 28357832 8723648
Wotan 1002 28357832 8723648
select t2.fld1,fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
fld1 fld3 period_ price price2
select t2.fld1,fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
fld1 fld3 period price price2
018201 relaxing 1001 5987435 234724
018601 vacuuming 1001 5987435 234724
018801 inch 1001 5987435 234724
......@@ -1323,7 +1323,7 @@ companynr companyname
65 company 9
68 company 10
select * from t1,t1 t12;
Period_ Varor_period Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period Period Varor_period
9410 9412 9410 9412
select t2.fld1,t22.fld1 from t2,t2 t22 where t2.fld1 >= 250501 and t2.fld1 <= 250505 and t22.fld1 >= 250501 and t22.fld1 <= 250505;
fld1 fld1
......@@ -1435,23 +1435,23 @@ explain select distinct t2.companynr,t4.companynr from t2,t4 where t2.companynr=
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t4 index NULL PRIMARY 1 NULL 12 Using index; Using temporary
1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period = 1008;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select period_ from t1 where (((period_ > 0) or period_ < 10000 or (period_ = 1900)) and (period_=1900 and period_ <= 1901) or (period_=1903 and (period_=1903)) and period_>=1902) or ((period_=1904 or period_=1905) or (period_=1906 or period_>1907)) or (period_=1908 and period_ = 1909);
select period from t1 where (((period > 0) or period < 10000 or (period = 1900)) and (period=1900 and period <= 1901) or (period=1903 and (period=1903)) and period>=1902) or ((period=1904 or period=1905) or (period=1906 or period>1907)) or (period=1908 and period = 1909);
select period_ from t1 where ((period_ > 0 and period_ < 1) or (((period_ > 0 and period_ < 100) and (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 0 and (period_ > 5 or period_ > 6)));
select period from t1 where ((period > 0 and period < 1) or (((period > 0 and period < 100) and (period > 10)) or (period > 10)) or (period > 0 and (period > 5 or period > 6)));
select a.fld1 from t2 as a,t2 b where ((a.fld1 = 250501 and a.fld1=b.fld1) or a.fld1=250502 or a.fld1=250503 or (a.fld1=250505 and a.fld1<=b.fld1 and b.fld1>=a.fld1)) and a.fld1=b.fld1;
......@@ -1708,8 +1708,8 @@ companynr companyname count(*)
select t2.fld1,count(*) from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=158402 and group by;
fld1 count(*)
158402 4181
select sum(Period_)/count(*) from t1;
select sum(Period)/count(*) from t1;
select companynr,count(price) as "count",sum(price) as "sum" ,abs(sum(price)/count(price)-avg(price)) as "diff",(0+count(price))*companynr as func from t3 group by companynr;
companynr count sum diff func
......@@ -2039,26 +2039,26 @@ t2nr count(*)
select max(t2nr) from t3 where price=983543950;
select t1.period_ from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
Nuvarande period_
select t1.period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
Nuvarande period
select period_ as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period_ as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select 1+1 as summa from t1 group by summa limit 1;
select period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period_" limit 1;
Nuvarande period_
select period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period" limit 1;
Nuvarande period
show tables;
connect shm_con,localhost,root,,,,$shm_name,SHM;
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
Period_ smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period_ from t1;
select period from t1;
select * from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
select t1.* from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
auto int not null auto_increment,
......@@ -276,8 +276,8 @@ companynr
select distinct t2.fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
fld3 period_
select distinct t2.fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
fld3 period
obliterates 9410
offload 9410
opaquely 9410
......@@ -481,12 +481,12 @@ acu
create table t3 (
period_ int not null,
period int not null,
name char(32) not null,
companynr int not null,
price double(11,0),
price2 double(11,0),
key (period_),
key (period),
key (name)
create temporary table tmp engine = myisam select * from t3;
......@@ -600,35 +600,35 @@ explain select t3.t2nr,fld3 from t2,t3 where t2.companynr = 34 and t2.fld1=t3.t2
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 ALL fld1 NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 test.t2.fld1 1 Using where; Using index
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 ALL period_ NULL NULL NULL 41810 Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t1.period_ 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_ limit 10;
1 SIMPLE t1 ALL period NULL NULL NULL 41810 Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period period 4 test.t1.period 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period limit 10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t3 index period_ period_ 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t1 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t3.period_ 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t1.period_ limit 10;
1 SIMPLE t3 index period period 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t1 ref period period 4 test.t3.period 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t1.period limit 10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index period_ period_ 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t1.period_ 4181
select period_ from t1;
1 SIMPLE t1 index period period 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period period 4 test.t1.period 4181
select period from t1;
select period_ from t1 where period_=1900;
select fld3,period_ from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period_;
fld3 period_
select period from t1 where period=1900;
select fld3,period from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period;
fld3 period
breaking 9410
select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period_=1001;
fld3 period_
select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period=1001;
fld3 period
breaking 1001
explain select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period_;
explain select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 const fld1 fld1 4 const 1
1 SIMPLE t3 const PRIMARY,period_ PRIMARY 4 const 1
select fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
fld3 period_
1 SIMPLE t3 const PRIMARY,period PRIMARY 4 const 1
select fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
fld3 period
breaking 9410
Romans 9410
intercepted 9410
......@@ -1217,8 +1217,8 @@ dusted 9410
encompasses 9410
presentation 9410
Kantian 9410
select fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ >= 1001 and period_ <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period_, price;
fld3 period_ price price2
select fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period >= 1001 and period <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period, price;
fld3 period price price2
admonishing 1002 28357832 8723648
analyzable 1002 28357832 8723648
annihilates 1001 5987435 234724
......@@ -1278,8 +1278,8 @@ ventilate 1001 5987435 234724
wallet 1001 5987435 234724
Weissmuller 1002 28357832 8723648
Wotan 1002 28357832 8723648
select t2.fld1,fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
fld1 fld3 period_ price price2
select t2.fld1,fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
fld1 fld3 period price price2
018201 relaxing 1001 5987435 234724
018601 vacuuming 1001 5987435 234724
018801 inch 1001 5987435 234724
......@@ -1319,7 +1319,7 @@ companynr companyname
65 company 9
68 company 10
select * from t1,t1 t12;
Period_ Varor_period Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period Period Varor_period
9410 9412 9410 9412
select t2.fld1,t22.fld1 from t2,t2 t22 where t2.fld1 >= 250501 and t2.fld1 <= 250505 and t22.fld1 >= 250501 and t22.fld1 <= 250505;
fld1 fld1
......@@ -1434,23 +1434,23 @@ explain select distinct t2.companynr,t4.companynr from t2,t4 where t2.companynr=
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t4 index NULL PRIMARY 1 NULL 12 Using index; Using temporary
1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period = 1008;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select period_ from t1 where (((period_ > 0) or period_ < 10000 or (period_ = 1900)) and (period_=1900 and period_ <= 1901) or (period_=1903 and (period_=1903)) and period_>=1902) or ((period_=1904 or period_=1905) or (period_=1906 or period_>1907)) or (period_=1908 and period_ = 1909);
select period from t1 where (((period > 0) or period < 10000 or (period = 1900)) and (period=1900 and period <= 1901) or (period=1903 and (period=1903)) and period>=1902) or ((period=1904 or period=1905) or (period=1906 or period>1907)) or (period=1908 and period = 1909);
select period_ from t1 where ((period_ > 0 and period_ < 1) or (((period_ > 0 and period_ < 100) and (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 0 and (period_ > 5 or period_ > 6)));
select period from t1 where ((period > 0 and period < 1) or (((period > 0 and period < 100) and (period > 10)) or (period > 10)) or (period > 0 and (period > 5 or period > 6)));
select a.fld1 from t2 as a,t2 b where ((a.fld1 = 250501 and a.fld1=b.fld1) or a.fld1=250502 or a.fld1=250503 or (a.fld1=250505 and a.fld1<=b.fld1 and b.fld1>=a.fld1)) and a.fld1=b.fld1;
......@@ -1707,8 +1707,8 @@ companynr companyname count(*)
select t2.fld1,count(*) from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=158402 and group by;
fld1 count(*)
158402 4181
select sum(Period_)/count(*) from t1;
select sum(Period)/count(*) from t1;
select companynr,count(price) as "count",sum(price) as "sum" ,abs(sum(price)/count(price)-avg(price)) as "diff",(0+count(price))*companynr as func from t3 group by companynr;
companynr count sum diff func
......@@ -2038,26 +2038,26 @@ t2nr count(*)
select max(t2nr) from t3 where price=983543950;
select t1.period_ from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
Nuvarande period_
select t1.period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
Nuvarande period
select period_ as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period_ as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select 1+1 as summa from t1 group by summa limit 1;
select period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period_" limit 1;
Nuvarande period_
select period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period" limit 1;
Nuvarande period
show tables;
......@@ -10,18 +10,18 @@ Variable_name Value
Ssl_server_not_after Apr 20 20:52:21 2037 GMT
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
Period_ smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period_ from t1;
select period from t1;
select * from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
select t1.* from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
auto int not null auto_increment,
......@@ -285,8 +285,8 @@ companynr
select distinct t2.fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
fld3 period_
select distinct t2.fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
fld3 period
obliterates 9410
offload 9410
opaquely 9410
......@@ -490,12 +490,12 @@ acu
create table t3 (
period_ int not null,
period int not null,
name char(32) not null,
companynr int not null,
price double(11,0),
price2 double(11,0),
key (period_),
key (period),
key (name)
create temporary table tmp engine = myisam select * from t3;
......@@ -609,35 +609,35 @@ explain select t3.t2nr,fld3 from t2,t3 where t2.companynr = 34 and t2.fld1=t3.t2
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 ALL fld1 NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 test.t2.fld1 1 Using where; Using index
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 ALL period_ NULL NULL NULL 41810 Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t1.period_ 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_ limit 10;
1 SIMPLE t1 ALL period NULL NULL NULL 41810 Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period period 4 test.t1.period 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period limit 10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t3 index period_ period_ 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t1 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t3.period_ 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t1.period_ limit 10;
1 SIMPLE t3 index period period 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t1 ref period period 4 test.t3.period 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t1.period limit 10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index period_ period_ 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t1.period_ 4181
select period_ from t1;
1 SIMPLE t1 index period period 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period period 4 test.t1.period 4181
select period from t1;
select period_ from t1 where period_=1900;
select fld3,period_ from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period_;
fld3 period_
select period from t1 where period=1900;
select fld3,period from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period;
fld3 period
breaking 9410
select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period_=1001;
fld3 period_
select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period=1001;
fld3 period
breaking 1001
explain select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period_;
explain select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 const fld1 fld1 4 const 1
1 SIMPLE t3 const PRIMARY,period_ PRIMARY 4 const 1
select fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
fld3 period_
1 SIMPLE t3 const PRIMARY,period PRIMARY 4 const 1
select fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
fld3 period
breaking 9410
Romans 9410
intercepted 9410
......@@ -1226,8 +1226,8 @@ dusted 9410
encompasses 9410
presentation 9410
Kantian 9410
select fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ >= 1001 and period_ <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period_, price;
fld3 period_ price price2
select fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period >= 1001 and period <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period, price;
fld3 period price price2
admonishing 1002 28357832 8723648
analyzable 1002 28357832 8723648
annihilates 1001 5987435 234724
......@@ -1287,8 +1287,8 @@ ventilate 1001 5987435 234724
wallet 1001 5987435 234724
Weissmuller 1002 28357832 8723648
Wotan 1002 28357832 8723648
select t2.fld1,fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
fld1 fld3 period_ price price2
select t2.fld1,fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
fld1 fld3 period price price2
018201 relaxing 1001 5987435 234724
018601 vacuuming 1001 5987435 234724
018801 inch 1001 5987435 234724
......@@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ companynr companyname
65 company 9
68 company 10
select * from t1,t1 t12;
Period_ Varor_period Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period Period Varor_period
9410 9412 9410 9412
select t2.fld1,t22.fld1 from t2,t2 t22 where t2.fld1 >= 250501 and t2.fld1 <= 250505 and t22.fld1 >= 250501 and t22.fld1 <= 250505;
fld1 fld1
......@@ -1443,23 +1443,23 @@ explain select distinct t2.companynr,t4.companynr from t2,t4 where t2.companynr=
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t4 index NULL PRIMARY 1 NULL 12 Using index; Using temporary
1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period = 1008;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select period_ from t1 where (((period_ > 0) or period_ < 10000 or (period_ = 1900)) and (period_=1900 and period_ <= 1901) or (period_=1903 and (period_=1903)) and period_>=1902) or ((period_=1904 or period_=1905) or (period_=1906 or period_>1907)) or (period_=1908 and period_ = 1909);
select period from t1 where (((period > 0) or period < 10000 or (period = 1900)) and (period=1900 and period <= 1901) or (period=1903 and (period=1903)) and period>=1902) or ((period=1904 or period=1905) or (period=1906 or period>1907)) or (period=1908 and period = 1909);
select period_ from t1 where ((period_ > 0 and period_ < 1) or (((period_ > 0 and period_ < 100) and (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 0 and (period_ > 5 or period_ > 6)));
select period from t1 where ((period > 0 and period < 1) or (((period > 0 and period < 100) and (period > 10)) or (period > 10)) or (period > 0 and (period > 5 or period > 6)));
select a.fld1 from t2 as a,t2 b where ((a.fld1 = 250501 and a.fld1=b.fld1) or a.fld1=250502 or a.fld1=250503 or (a.fld1=250505 and a.fld1<=b.fld1 and b.fld1>=a.fld1)) and a.fld1=b.fld1;
......@@ -1716,8 +1716,8 @@ companynr companyname count(*)
select t2.fld1,count(*) from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=158402 and group by;
fld1 count(*)
158402 4181
select sum(Period_)/count(*) from t1;
select sum(Period)/count(*) from t1;
select companynr,count(price) as "count",sum(price) as "sum" ,abs(sum(price)/count(price)-avg(price)) as "diff",(0+count(price))*companynr as func from t3 group by companynr;
companynr count sum diff func
......@@ -2047,26 +2047,26 @@ t2nr count(*)
select max(t2nr) from t3 where price=983543950;
select t1.period_ from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
Nuvarande period_
select t1.period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
Nuvarande period
select period_ as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period_ as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select 1+1 as summa from t1 group by summa limit 1;
select period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period_" limit 1;
Nuvarande period_
select period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period" limit 1;
Nuvarande period
show tables;
......@@ -7,18 +7,18 @@ Variable_name Value
Compression ON
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
Period_ smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period_ from t1;
select period from t1;
select * from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
select t1.* from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
auto int not null auto_increment,
......@@ -282,8 +282,8 @@ companynr
select distinct t2.fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
fld3 period_
select distinct t2.fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
fld3 period
obliterates 9410
offload 9410
opaquely 9410
......@@ -487,12 +487,12 @@ acu
create table t3 (
period_ int not null,
period int not null,
name char(32) not null,
companynr int not null,
price double(11,0),
price2 double(11,0),
key (period_),
key (period),
key (name)
create temporary table tmp engine = myisam select * from t3;
......@@ -606,35 +606,35 @@ explain select t3.t2nr,fld3 from t2,t3 where t2.companynr = 34 and t2.fld1=t3.t2
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 ALL fld1 NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 test.t2.fld1 1 Using where; Using index
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 ALL period_ NULL NULL NULL 41810 Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t1.period_ 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_ limit 10;
1 SIMPLE t1 ALL period NULL NULL NULL 41810 Using filesort
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period period 4 test.t1.period 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period limit 10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t3 index period_ period_ 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t1 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t3.period_ 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t1.period_ limit 10;
1 SIMPLE t3 index period period 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t1 ref period period 4 test.t3.period 4181
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t1.period limit 10;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t1 index period_ period_ 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period_ period_ 4 test.t1.period_ 4181
select period_ from t1;
1 SIMPLE t1 index period period 4 NULL 1
1 SIMPLE t3 ref period period 4 test.t1.period 4181
select period from t1;
select period_ from t1 where period_=1900;
select fld3,period_ from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period_;
fld3 period_
select period from t1 where period=1900;
select fld3,period from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period;
fld3 period
breaking 9410
select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period_=1001;
fld3 period_
select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period=1001;
fld3 period
breaking 1001
explain select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period_;
explain select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period;
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t2 const fld1 fld1 4 const 1
1 SIMPLE t3 const PRIMARY,period_ PRIMARY 4 const 1
select fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
fld3 period_
1 SIMPLE t3 const PRIMARY,period PRIMARY 4 const 1
select fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
fld3 period
breaking 9410
Romans 9410
intercepted 9410
......@@ -1223,8 +1223,8 @@ dusted 9410
encompasses 9410
presentation 9410
Kantian 9410
select fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ >= 1001 and period_ <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period_, price;
fld3 period_ price price2
select fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period >= 1001 and period <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period, price;
fld3 period price price2
admonishing 1002 28357832 8723648
analyzable 1002 28357832 8723648
annihilates 1001 5987435 234724
......@@ -1284,8 +1284,8 @@ ventilate 1001 5987435 234724
wallet 1001 5987435 234724
Weissmuller 1002 28357832 8723648
Wotan 1002 28357832 8723648
select t2.fld1,fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
fld1 fld3 period_ price price2
select t2.fld1,fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
fld1 fld3 period price price2
018201 relaxing 1001 5987435 234724
018601 vacuuming 1001 5987435 234724
018801 inch 1001 5987435 234724
......@@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ companynr companyname
65 company 9
68 company 10
select * from t1,t1 t12;
Period_ Varor_period Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period Period Varor_period
9410 9412 9410 9412
select t2.fld1,t22.fld1 from t2,t2 t22 where t2.fld1 >= 250501 and t2.fld1 <= 250505 and t22.fld1 >= 250501 and t22.fld1 <= 250505;
fld1 fld1
......@@ -1440,23 +1440,23 @@ explain select distinct t2.companynr,t4.companynr from t2,t4 where t2.companynr=
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE t4 index NULL PRIMARY 1 NULL 12 Using index; Using temporary
1 SIMPLE t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1199 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period = 1008;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period_
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
fld1 companynr fld3 period
038008 37 reporters 1008
038208 37 Selfridge 1008
select period_ from t1 where (((period_ > 0) or period_ < 10000 or (period_ = 1900)) and (period_=1900 and period_ <= 1901) or (period_=1903 and (period_=1903)) and period_>=1902) or ((period_=1904 or period_=1905) or (period_=1906 or period_>1907)) or (period_=1908 and period_ = 1909);
select period from t1 where (((period > 0) or period < 10000 or (period = 1900)) and (period=1900 and period <= 1901) or (period=1903 and (period=1903)) and period>=1902) or ((period=1904 or period=1905) or (period=1906 or period>1907)) or (period=1908 and period = 1909);
select period_ from t1 where ((period_ > 0 and period_ < 1) or (((period_ > 0 and period_ < 100) and (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 0 and (period_ > 5 or period_ > 6)));
select period from t1 where ((period > 0 and period < 1) or (((period > 0 and period < 100) and (period > 10)) or (period > 10)) or (period > 0 and (period > 5 or period > 6)));
select a.fld1 from t2 as a,t2 b where ((a.fld1 = 250501 and a.fld1=b.fld1) or a.fld1=250502 or a.fld1=250503 or (a.fld1=250505 and a.fld1<=b.fld1 and b.fld1>=a.fld1)) and a.fld1=b.fld1;
......@@ -1713,8 +1713,8 @@ companynr companyname count(*)
select t2.fld1,count(*) from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=158402 and group by;
fld1 count(*)
158402 4181
select sum(Period_)/count(*) from t1;
select sum(Period)/count(*) from t1;
select companynr,count(price) as "count",sum(price) as "sum" ,abs(sum(price)/count(price)-avg(price)) as "diff",(0+count(price))*companynr as func from t3 group by companynr;
companynr count sum diff func
......@@ -2044,26 +2044,26 @@ t2nr count(*)
select max(t2nr) from t3 where price=983543950;
select t1.period_ from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
Nuvarande period_
select t1.period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
Nuvarande period
select period_ as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period_ as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select 1+1 as summa from t1 group by summa limit 1;
select period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period_" limit 1;
Nuvarande period_
select period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period" limit 1;
Nuvarande period
show tables;
......@@ -3,18 +3,18 @@ call mtr.add_suppression("Table 't1' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
DROP TABLE if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6;
SET storage_engine=ARCHIVE;
Period_ smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
) ENGINE=archive;
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period_ FROM t1;
select period FROM t1;
select * FROM t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
select t1.* FROM t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
auto int,
......@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ SET storage_engine=ARCHIVE;
let $MYSQLD_DATADIR= `SELECT @@datadir`;
Period_ smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
) ENGINE=archive;
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period_ FROM t1;
select period FROM t1;
select * FROM t1;
select t1.* FROM t1;
CALL mtr.add_suppression("Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT");
drop table if exists t1,t2;
Period_ smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
) ENGINE=blackhole;
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period_ from t1;
select period from t1;
select * from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
select t1.* from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
auto int NOT NULL auto_increment,
fld1 int(6) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '000000' NOT NULL,
......@@ -3,18 +3,18 @@ call mtr.add_suppression("Table 'test_repair_table4' is marked as crashed and sh
call mtr.add_suppression("Table 't1' is marked as crashed and should be repaired");
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
Period_ smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period_ from t1;
select period from t1;
select * from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
select t1.* from t1;
Period_ Varor_period
Period Varor_period
9410 9412
auto int not null,
......@@ -4919,12 +4919,12 @@ DROP TABLE t1;
Period_ smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period_ from t1;
select period from t1;
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
......@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
Period_ smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period_ from t1;
select period from t1;
select * from t1;
select t1.* from t1;
......@@ -1308,13 +1308,13 @@ ALTER TABLE t2 RENAME t1;
Period_ smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period_ from t1;
select period from t1;
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
......@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ if (`select @join_cache_level_for_select_test is not null`)
Period_ smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period_ from t1;
select period from t1;
select * from t1;
select t1.* from t1;
......@@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ select fld1,fld3 from t2 where fld1 like "25050_";
select distinct companynr from t2;
select distinct companynr from t2 order by companynr;
select distinct companynr from t2 order by companynr desc;
select distinct t2.fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
select distinct t2.fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
select distinct fld3 from t2 where companynr = 34 order by fld3;
select distinct fld3 from t2 limit 10;
......@@ -1374,26 +1374,26 @@ select distinct substring(fld3,1,3) as a from t2 having a like "A%" limit 10;
# make a big table.
create table t3 (
period_ int not null,
period int not null,
name char(32) not null,
companynr int not null,
price double(11,0),
price2 double(11,0),
key (period_),
key (period),
key (name)
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1001,"Iranizes",37,5987435,234724);
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1002,"violinist",37,28357832,8723648);
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1003,"extramarital",37,39654943,235872);
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1004,"spates",78,726498,72987523);
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1005,"cloakroom",78,98439034,823742);
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1006,"gazer",101,834598,27348324);
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1007,"hand",154,983543950,29837423);
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1008,"tucked",311,234298,3275892);
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1009,"gems",447,2374834,9872392);
INSERT INTO t3 (period_,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1010,"clinker",512,786542,76234234);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1001,"Iranizes",37,5987435,234724);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1002,"violinist",37,28357832,8723648);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1003,"extramarital",37,39654943,235872);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1004,"spates",78,726498,72987523);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1005,"cloakroom",78,98439034,823742);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1006,"gazer",101,834598,27348324);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1007,"hand",154,983543950,29837423);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1008,"tucked",311,234298,3275892);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1009,"gems",447,2374834,9872392);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1010,"clinker",512,786542,76234234);
create temporary table tmp engine = myisam select * from t3;
......@@ -1462,39 +1462,39 @@ explain select t3.t2nr,fld3 from t2,t3 where t2.companynr = 34 and t2.fld1=t3.t2
# Some test with ORDER BY and limit
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t3.period_ limit 10;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period_=t3.period_ order by t1.period_ limit 10;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period limit 10;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t1.period limit 10;
# Search with a constant table.
select period_ from t1;
select period_ from t1 where period_=1900;
select fld3,period_ from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period_;
select period from t1;
select period from t1 where period=1900;
select fld3,period from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period;
# Search with a constant table and several keyparts. (Rows are read only once
# in the beginning of the search)
select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period_=1001;
select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period=1001;
explain select fld3,period_ from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period_;
explain select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period;
# Search with a constant table and several rows from another table
select fld3,period_ from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
select fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
# Search with a table reference and without a key.
# t3 will be the main table.
select fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ >= 1001 and period_ <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period_, price;
select fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period >= 1001 and period <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period, price;
# Search with an interval on a table with full key on reference table.
......@@ -1502,7 +1502,7 @@ select fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ >=
# t2nr will be checked.
select t2.fld1,fld3,period_,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
select t2.fld1,fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
# We need another table for join stuff..
......@@ -1594,18 +1594,18 @@ explain select distinct t2.companynr,t4.companynr from t2,t4 where t2.companynr=
# each record
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period_ = 1008;
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period = 1008;
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period_ from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period_>=1008 and period_<=1009;
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
# Test of many parenthesis levels
select period_ from t1 where (((period_ > 0) or period_ < 10000 or (period_ = 1900)) and (period_=1900 and period_ <= 1901) or (period_=1903 and (period_=1903)) and period_>=1902) or ((period_=1904 or period_=1905) or (period_=1906 or period_>1907)) or (period_=1908 and period_ = 1909);
select period_ from t1 where ((period_ > 0 and period_ < 1) or (((period_ > 0 and period_ < 100) and (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 10)) or (period_ > 0 and (period_ > 5 or period_ > 6)));
select period from t1 where (((period > 0) or period < 10000 or (period = 1900)) and (period=1900 and period <= 1901) or (period=1903 and (period=1903)) and period>=1902) or ((period=1904 or period=1905) or (period=1906 or period>1907)) or (period=1908 and period = 1909);
select period from t1 where ((period > 0 and period < 1) or (((period > 0 and period < 100) and (period > 10)) or (period > 10)) or (period > 0 and (period > 5 or period > 6)));
select a.fld1 from t2 as a,t2 b where ((a.fld1 = 250501 and a.fld1=b.fld1) or a.fld1=250502 or a.fld1=250503 or (a.fld1=250505 and a.fld1<=b.fld1 and b.fld1>=a.fld1)) and a.fld1=b.fld1;
......@@ -1663,7 +1663,7 @@ select t2.fld1,count(*) from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=158402 and grou
# Calculation with group functions
select sum(Period_)/count(*) from t1;
select sum(Period)/count(*) from t1;
select companynr,count(price) as "count",sum(price) as "sum" ,abs(sum(price)/count(price)-avg(price)) as "diff",(0+count(price))*companynr as func from t3 group by companynr;
select companynr,sum(price)/count(price) as avg from t3 group by companynr having avg > 70000000 order by avg;
......@@ -1753,13 +1753,13 @@ select max(t2nr) from t3 where price=983543950;
# Test of alias
select t1.period_ from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select period_ as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period_ as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select t1.period from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select 1+1 as summa from t1 group by summa limit 1;
select period_ as "Nuvarande period_" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period_" limit 1;
select period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period" limit 1;
# Some simple show commands
......@@ -871,10 +871,10 @@ bool my_yyoverflow(short **a, YYSTYPE **b, ulong *yystacksize);
%parse-param { THD *thd }
%lex-param { THD *thd }
Currently there are 115 shift/reduce conflicts.
Currently there are 117 shift/reduce conflicts.
We should not introduce new conflicts any more.
%expect 115
%expect 117
Comments for TOKENS.
......@@ -15074,6 +15074,7 @@ keyword:
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