# # Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Nexedi SA # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. import neo from neo.handler import EventHandler from neo.protocol import Packets, ZERO_TID, ZERO_OID from neo.util import add64 # TODO: benchmark how different values behave RANGE_LENGTH = 4000 MIN_RANGE_LENGTH = 1000 CHECK_CHUNK = 0 CHECK_REPLICATE = 1 CHECK_DONE = 2 """ Replication algorythm Purpose: replicate the content of a reference node into a replicating node, bringing it up-to-date. This happens both when a new storage is added to en existing cluster, as well as when a nde was separated from cluster and rejoins it. Replication happens per partition. Reference node can change between partitions. 2 parts, done sequentially: - Transaction (metadata) replication - Object (data) replication Both part follow the same mechanism: - On both sides (replicating and reference), compute a checksum of a chunk (RANGE_LENGTH number of entries). If there is a mismatch, chunk size is reduced, and scan restarts from same row, until it reaches a minimal length (MIN_RANGE_LENGTH). Then, it replicates all rows in that chunk. If the content of chunks match, it moves on to the next chunk. - Replicating a chunk starts with asking for a list of all entries (only their identifier) and skipping those both side have, deleting those which reference has and replicating doesn't, and asking individually all entries missing in replicating. """ # TODO: Make object replication get ordered by serial first and oid second, so # changes are in a big segment at the end, rather than in many segments (one # per object). # TODO: To improve performance when a pack happened, the following algorithm # should be used: # - If reference node packed, find non-existant oids in reference node (their # creation was undone, and pack pruned them), and delete them. # - Run current algorithm, starting at our last pack TID. # - Pack partition at reference's TID. def checkConnectionIsReplicatorConnection(func): def decorator(self, conn, *args, **kw): if self.app.replicator.isCurrentConnection(conn): result = func(self, conn, *args, **kw) else: # Should probably raise & close connection... result = None return result return decorator class ReplicationHandler(EventHandler): """This class handles events for replications.""" def connectionLost(self, conn, new_state): neo.logging.error('replication is stopped due to a connection lost') self.app.replicator.storageLost() def connectionFailed(self, conn): neo.logging.error('replication is stopped due to connection failure') self.app.replicator.storageLost() def acceptIdentification(self, conn, node_type, uuid, num_partitions, num_replicas, your_uuid): # set the UUID on the connection conn.setUUID(uuid) self.startReplication(conn) def startReplication(self, conn): conn.ask(self._doAskCheckTIDRange(ZERO_TID), timeout=300) @checkConnectionIsReplicatorConnection def answerTIDsFrom(self, conn, tid_list): assert tid_list app = self.app ask = conn.ask # If I have pending TIDs, check which TIDs I don't have, and # request the data. tid_set = frozenset(tid_list) my_tid_set = frozenset(app.replicator.getTIDsFromResult()) extra_tid_set = my_tid_set - tid_set if extra_tid_set: deleteTransaction = app.dm.deleteTransaction for tid in extra_tid_set: deleteTransaction(tid) missing_tid_set = tid_set - my_tid_set for tid in missing_tid_set: ask(Packets.AskTransactionInformation(tid), timeout=300) ask(self._doAskCheckTIDRange(add64(tid_list[-1], 1), RANGE_LENGTH)) @checkConnectionIsReplicatorConnection def answerTransactionInformation(self, conn, tid, user, desc, ext, packed, oid_list): app = self.app # Directly store the transaction. app.dm.storeTransaction(tid, (), (oid_list, user, desc, ext, packed), False) @checkConnectionIsReplicatorConnection def answerObjectHistoryFrom(self, conn, object_dict): assert object_dict app = self.app ask = conn.ask deleteObject = app.dm.deleteObject my_object_dict = app.replicator.getObjectHistoryFromResult() object_set = set() max_oid = max(object_dict.iterkeys()) max_serial = max(object_dict[max_oid]) for oid, serial_list in object_dict.iteritems(): for serial in serial_list: object_set.add((oid, serial)) my_object_set = set() for oid, serial_list in my_object_dict.iteritems(): filter = lambda x: True if max_oid is not None: if oid > max_oid: continue elif oid == max_oid: filter = lambda x: x <= max_serial for serial in serial_list: if filter(serial): my_object_set.add((oid, serial)) extra_object_set = my_object_set - object_set for oid, serial in extra_object_set: deleteObject(oid, serial) missing_object_set = object_set - my_object_set for oid, serial in missing_object_set: ask(Packets.AskObject(oid, serial, None), timeout=300) ask(self._doAskCheckSerialRange(max_oid, add64(max_serial, 1), RANGE_LENGTH)) @checkConnectionIsReplicatorConnection def answerObject(self, conn, oid, serial_start, serial_end, compression, checksum, data, data_serial): app = self.app # Directly store the transaction. obj = (oid, compression, checksum, data, data_serial) app.dm.storeTransaction(serial_start, [obj], None, False) del obj del data def _doAskCheckSerialRange(self, min_oid, min_tid, length=RANGE_LENGTH): replicator = self.app.replicator partition = replicator.getCurrentRID() replicator.checkSerialRange(min_oid, min_tid, length, partition) return Packets.AskCheckSerialRange(min_oid, min_tid, length, partition) def _doAskCheckTIDRange(self, min_tid, length=RANGE_LENGTH): replicator = self.app.replicator partition = replicator.getCurrentRID() replicator.checkTIDRange(min_tid, length, partition) return Packets.AskCheckTIDRange(min_tid, length, partition) def _doAskTIDsFrom(self, min_tid, length): replicator = self.app.replicator partition_id = replicator.getCurrentRID() max_tid = replicator.getCurrentCriticalTID() replicator.getTIDsFrom(min_tid, max_tid, length, partition_id) return Packets.AskTIDsFrom(min_tid, max_tid, length, partition_id) def _doAskObjectHistoryFrom(self, min_oid, min_serial, length): replicator = self.app.replicator partition_id = replicator.getCurrentRID() max_serial = replicator.getCurrentCriticalTID() replicator.getObjectHistoryFrom(min_oid, min_serial, max_serial, length, partition_id) return Packets.AskObjectHistoryFrom(min_oid, min_serial, max_serial, length, partition_id) def _checkRange(self, match, current_boundary, next_boundary, length, count): if count == 0: # Reference storage has no data for this chunk, stop and truncate. return CHECK_DONE, (current_boundary, ) if match: # Same data on both sides if length < RANGE_LENGTH and length == count: # ...and previous check detected a difference - and we still # haven't reached the end. This means that we just check the # first half of a chunk which, as a whole, is different. So # next test must happen on the next chunk. recheck_min_boundary = next_boundary else: # ...and we just checked a whole chunk, move on to the next # one. recheck_min_boundary = None else: # Something is different in current chunk recheck_min_boundary = current_boundary if recheck_min_boundary is None: if count == length: # Go on with next chunk action = CHECK_CHUNK params = (next_boundary, RANGE_LENGTH) else: # No more chunks. action = CHECK_DONE params = (next_boundary, ) else: # We must recheck current chunk. if length <= MIN_RANGE_LENGTH: # We are already at minimum chunk length, replicate. action = CHECK_REPLICATE params = (recheck_min_boundary, ) else: # Check a smaller chunk. # Note: +1, so we can detect we reached the end when answer # comes back. action = CHECK_CHUNK params = (recheck_min_boundary, min(length / 2, count + 1)) return action, params @checkConnectionIsReplicatorConnection def answerCheckTIDRange(self, conn, min_tid, length, count, tid_checksum, max_tid): ask = conn.ask app = self.app replicator = app.replicator next_tid = add64(max_tid, 1) action, params = self._checkRange( replicator.getTIDCheckResult(min_tid, length) == ( count, tid_checksum, max_tid), min_tid, next_tid, length, count) if action == CHECK_REPLICATE: (min_tid, ) = params ask(self._doAskTIDsFrom(min_tid, count)) if length != count: action = CHECK_DONE params = (next_tid, ) if action == CHECK_CHUNK: (min_tid, count) = params if min_tid >= replicator.getCurrentCriticalTID(): # Stop if past critical TID action = CHECK_DONE params = (next_tid, ) else: ask(self._doAskCheckTIDRange(min_tid, count)) if action == CHECK_DONE: # Delete all transactions we might have which are beyond what peer # knows. (last_tid, ) = params app.dm.deleteTransactionsAbove(app.pt.getPartitions(), replicator.getCurrentRID(), last_tid) # If no more TID, a replication of transactions is finished. # So start to replicate objects now. ask(self._doAskCheckSerialRange(ZERO_OID, ZERO_TID)) @checkConnectionIsReplicatorConnection def answerCheckSerialRange(self, conn, min_oid, min_serial, length, count, oid_checksum, max_oid, serial_checksum, max_serial): ask = conn.ask app = self.app replicator = app.replicator next_params = (max_oid, add64(max_serial, 1)) action, params = self._checkRange( replicator.getSerialCheckResult(min_oid, min_serial, length) == ( count, oid_checksum, max_oid, serial_checksum, max_serial), (min_oid, min_serial), next_params, length, count) if action == CHECK_REPLICATE: ((min_oid, min_serial), ) = params ask(self._doAskObjectHistoryFrom(min_oid, min_serial, count)) if length != count: action = CHECK_DONE params = (next_params, ) if action == CHECK_CHUNK: ((min_oid, min_serial), count) = params ask(self._doAskCheckSerialRange(min_oid, min_serial, count)) if action == CHECK_DONE: # Delete all objects we might have which are beyond what peer # knows. ((last_oid, last_serial), ) = params app.dm.deleteObjectsAbove(app.pt.getPartitions(), replicator.getCurrentRID(), last_oid, last_serial) # Nothing remains, so the replication for this partition is # finished. replicator.setReplicationDone()