Commit 3ca8ea08 authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

Deprecate connection's getHandler.

parent b181b08b
......@@ -258,6 +258,7 @@ class BaseConnection(object):
# XXX: do not use getHandler
getHandler = property(lambda self: self._handlers.getHandler)
getLastHandler = property(lambda self: self._handlers.getLastHandler)
isPending = property(lambda self: self._handlers.isPending)
......@@ -117,6 +117,13 @@ class Node(object):
assert force is not None, \
attributeTracker.whoSet(self, '_connection')
# The test on peer_id is there to protect against buggy nodes.
# XXX: handler comparison does not cover all cases: there may
# be a pending handler change, which won't be detected, or a future
# handler change which is not prevented. Complete implementation
# should allow different handlers for each connection direction,
# with in-packets client/server indicators to decide which handler
# (server-ish or client-ish) to use. There is currently no need for
# the full-fledged functionality, and it is simpler this way.
if not force or conn.getPeerId() is not None or \
type(conn.getHandler()) is not type(connection.getHandler()):
raise ProtocolError("already connected")
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