Commit 54196ec1 authored by Grégory Wisniewski's avatar Grégory Wisniewski

Handle TCP timeout error.

git-svn-id: 71dcc9de-d417-0410-9af5-da40c76e7ee4
parent 212ec1d1
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class SocketConnector:
raise ConnectorTryAgainException
if err in (errno.ECONNREFUSED, errno.EHOSTUNREACH):
raise ConnectorConnectionRefusedException
if err == errno.ECONNRESET:
if err in (errno.ECONNRESET, errno.ETIMEDOUT):
raise ConnectorConnectionClosedException
raise ConnectorException, 'receive failed: %s:%s' % (err, errmsg)
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class SocketConnector:
except socket.error, (err, errmsg):
if err == errno.EAGAIN:
raise ConnectorTryAgainException
if err in (errno.ECONNRESET, errno.EPIPE):
if err in (errno.ECONNRESET, errno.ETIMEDOUT, errno.EPIPE):
raise ConnectorConnectionClosedException
raise ConnectorException, 'send failed: %s:%s' % (err, errmsg)
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