Commit 989e9920 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

qa: fix a random failure in threaded tests

This also reverts commit 442bb43a.
parent 26b1246a
......@@ -304,7 +304,13 @@ class TestSerialized(Serialized):
class Node(object):
def getConnectionList(self, *peers):
addr = lambda c: c and (c.addr if c.is_server else c.getAddress())
def addr(c):
# Do not identify only by source address because 2 TCP connections
# can have same source host:port to different destinations.
if c:
a = c.addr
b = c.getAddress()
return (b, a) if c.is_server else (ServerNode.resolv(a), b)
addr_set = {addr(c.connector) for peer in peers
for c in peer.em.connection_dict.itervalues()
if isinstance(c, Connection)}
......@@ -1834,18 +1834,7 @@ class Test(NEOThreadedTest):
x.value += 1
c2.root()['x'].value += 2
TransactionalResource(t1, 1, tpc_begin=begin1)
# BUG: Very rarely, getConnectionList returns more that 1
# connection ("too many values to unpack"), which is
# a mystery and impossible to reproduce:
# - 1st time: v1.8.1 on a test machine (no SSL)
# - last: current revision on my laptop (SSL),
# at the first iteration of this loop
_sm = list(s1.getConnectionList(cluster.master))
s1m, = _sm
except ValueError:, list(
s1m, = s1.getConnectionList(cluster.master)
with ConnectionFilter() as f, \
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