Commit d87f899b authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

client: fix processing of invalidations older than snapshot tid

Also patch ZODB to fix an invalidation bug.

git-svn-id: 71dcc9de-d417-0410-9af5-da40c76e7ee4
parent 76c85aa3
......@@ -39,6 +39,15 @@ class Storage(BaseStorage.BaseStorage,
"""Wrapper class for neoclient."""
# Stores the highest TID visible for current transaction.
# First call sets this snapshot by asking master node most recent
# committed TID.
# As a (positive) side-effect, this forces us to handle all pending
# invalidations, so we get a very recent view of the database (which is
# good when multiple databases are used in the same program with some
# amount of referential integrity).
# Should remain None when not bound to a connection,
# so that it always read the last revision.
_snapshot_tid = None
implements(*filter(None, (
......@@ -70,8 +79,6 @@ class Storage(BaseStorage.BaseStorage,
self._is_read_only = read_only
if _app is None:
_app = Application(master_nodes, name, compress=compress)
# always read the last revision when not bound to a connection
self._getSnapshotTID = lambda: None = _app
# Used to clone self (see new_instance & IMVCCStorage definition).
self._init_args = (master_nodes, name)
......@@ -87,34 +94,13 @@ class Storage(BaseStorage.BaseStorage,
def _cache(self):
def _getSnapshotTID(self):
Get the highest TID visible for current transaction.
First call sets this snapshot by asking master node most recent
committed TID.
As a (positive) side-effect, this forces us to handle all pending
invalidations, so we get a very recent view of the database (which is
good when multiple databases are used in the same program with some
amount of referential integrity).
tid = self._snapshot_tid
if tid is None:
tid = self.lastTransaction()
if tid is ZERO_TID:
raise NEOStorageDoesNotExistError('No transaction in storage')
# Increment by one, as we will use this as an excluded upper
# bound (loadBefore).
tid = add64(tid, 1)
self._snapshot_tid = tid
return tid
def load(self, oid, version=''):
# XXX: interface definition states that version parameter is
# mandatory, while some ZODB tests do not provide it. For now, make
# it optional.
assert version == '', 'Versions are not supported'
return, None, self._getSnapshotTID())[:2]
return, None, self._snapshot_tid)[:2]
except NEOStorageNotFoundError:
raise POSException.POSKeyError(oid)
......@@ -181,7 +167,7 @@ class Storage(BaseStorage.BaseStorage,
# undo
def undo(self, transaction_id, txn):
return, undone_tid=transaction_id,
return, undone_tid=transaction_id,
txn=txn, tryToResolveConflict=self.tryToResolveConflict)
......@@ -205,7 +191,7 @@ class Storage(BaseStorage.BaseStorage,
def loadEx(self, oid, version):
data, serial, _ =, None, self._getSnapshotTID())
data, serial, _ =, None, self._snapshot_tid)
except NEOStorageNotFoundError:
raise POSException.POSKeyError(oid)
return data, serial, ''
......@@ -223,7 +209,12 @@ class Storage(BaseStorage.BaseStorage,
raise KeyError
def sync(self, force=True):
self._snapshot_tid = None
# XXX: Unfortunately, we're quite slow (lastTransaction) and
# we're also called at the end of each transaction by ZODB
# (see Connection.afterCompletion), probably for no useful reason.
# Increment by one, as we will use this as an excluded upper
# bound (loadBefore).
self._snapshot_tid = add64(self.lastTransaction(), 1)
def copyTransactionsFrom(self, source, verbose=False):
""" Zope compliant API """
......@@ -50,6 +50,45 @@ if needs_patch:
Connection.tpc_finish = tpc_finish
if Connection._nexedi_fix != 1:
raise Exception("A different ZODB fix is already applied")
except AttributeError:
Connection._nexedi_fix = 1
# Whenever an connection is opened (and there's usually an existing one
# in DB pool that can be reused) whereas the transaction is already
# started, we must make sure that proper storage setup is done by
# calling Connection.newTransaction.
# For example, there's no open transaction when a ZPublisher/Publish
# transaction begins.
def open(self, *args, **kw):
def _flush_invalidations():
acquire = self._db._a
except thread.error:
acquire = lambda: None
del self._flush_invalidations
self._flush_invalidations = _flush_invalidations
self._flush_invalidations = _flush_invalidations
Connection_open(self, *args, **kw)
del self._flush_invalidations
Connection_open = Connection._setDB
Connection._setDB = open
except AttributeError: # recent ZODB
Connection_open = = open
class _DB(object):
Wrapper to DB instance that properly initialize Connection objects
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import tempfile
import traceback
import threading
import psutil
import transaction
import neo.scripts
from neo.neoctl.neoctl import NeoCTL, NotReadyException
......@@ -654,6 +655,13 @@ class NEOCluster(object):
class NEOFunctionalTest(NeoTestBase):
def tearDown(self):
# Kill all unfinished transactions for next test.
# Note we don't even abort them because it may require a valid
# connection to a master node (see Storage.sync()).
def setupLog(self):
log_file = os.path.join(self.getTempDirectory(), 'test.log')
setupLog('TEST', log_file, True)
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