Commit 0fb53e33 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

sync: Move/Port Once to C++/Pyx nogil

Provide sync.Once that can be used directly from C++ and Pyx/nogil worlds.
Python-level sync.Once becomes small wrapper around pyx/nogil sync.Once .
parent 1d153a45
......@@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ cdef extern from * nogil:
extern void _test_select_win_while_queue();
extern void _test_select_inplace();
extern void _test_defer();
extern void _test_sync_once_cpp();
void _test_chan_cpp_refcount() except +topyexc
void _test_chan_cpp() except +topyexc
......@@ -188,6 +189,7 @@ cdef extern from * nogil:
void _test_select_win_while_queue() except +topyexc
void _test_select_inplace() except +topyexc
void _test_defer() except +topyexc
void _test_sync_once_cpp() except +topyexc
def test_chan_cpp_refcount():
with nogil:
......@@ -215,6 +217,9 @@ def test_select_inplace():
def test_defer():
with nogil:
def test_sync_once_cpp(): # TODO move -> _sync_test.pyx
with nogil:
# helpers for pychan(dtype=X) py <-> c tests.
......@@ -33,3 +33,6 @@ cdef extern from "golang/libgolang.h" namespace "golang::sync" nogil:
cppclass Mutex:
void lock()
void unlock()
cppclass Once:
void do "do_" (...) # ... = std::function
......@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from cython cimport final
from cpython cimport PyObject
from golang cimport topyexc
cdef class PySema:
......@@ -63,9 +65,45 @@ cdef class PyMutex:
# ---- misc ----
cdef class PyOnce:
"""Once allows to execute an action only once.
from golang cimport topyexc
For example:
once = Once()
cdef Once once
# FIXME cannot catch/pyreraise panic of .once ctor
def do(PyOnce pyonce, object f):
with nogil:
_once_pydo(&pyonce.once, <PyObject *>f)
cdef void _once_pydo(Once *once, PyObject *f) nogil except *:
__once_pydo(once, f)
cdef extern from * nogil:
static void __pyx_f_6golang_5_sync__pycall_fromnogil(PyObject *);
static void __once_pydo(golang::sync::Once *once, PyObject *f) {
once->do_([&]() {
void __once_pydo(Once *once, PyObject *f) except +topyexc
cdef void _pycall_fromnogil(PyObject *f) nogil except *:
with gil:
# ---- misc ----
cdef nogil:
......@@ -147,3 +147,29 @@ cdef nogil:
def test_sema_wakeup():
with nogil:
# verify Once
cdef nogil:
int _once_ncall = 0
void _once_call():
global _once_ncall
_once_ncall += 1
cdef void _test_once() nogil except +topyexc:
cdef sync.Once once
if not (_once_ncall == 0):
panic("once @0: ncall != 0");
if not (_once_ncall == 1):
panic("once @1: ncall != 1");
if not (_once_ncall == 1):
panic("once @2: ncall != 1");
if not (_once_ncall == 1):
panic("once @3: ncall != 1")
def test_once():
with nogil:
......@@ -509,6 +509,26 @@ private:
Mutex(Mutex&&); // don't move
// Once allows to execute an action only once.
// For example:
// sync::Once once;
// ...
// once.do_(doSomething);
class Once {
Mutex _mu;
bool _done;
LIBGOLANG_API void do_(const std::function<void(void)> &f);
Once(const Once&); // don't copy
Once(Once&&); // don't move
} // golang::sync::
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ void _semarelease(_sema *sema) {
_runtime->sema_release((_libgolang_sema *)sema);
// golang::sync::
// golang::sync:: (only Sema and Mutex)
namespace sync {
Sema::Sema() {
......@@ -1234,6 +1234,33 @@ double now() {
}} // golang::time::
// ---- golang::sync:: (except Sema and Mutex) ----
namespace golang {
namespace sync {
Once::Once() {
Once *once = this;
once->_done = false;
Once::~Once() {}
void Once::do_(const std::function<void(void)> &f) {
Once *once = this;
defer([&]() {
if (!once->_done) {
once->_done = true;
}} // golang::sync::
// ---- misc ----
// zalloc allocates zeroed memory.
......@@ -475,3 +475,26 @@ void _test_defer() {
// ---- sync:: ----
// verify that sync::Once works.
void _test_sync_once_cpp() {
sync::Once once;
int ncall = 0;
ASSERT(ncall == 0);
once.do_([&]() {
ASSERT(ncall == 1);
once.do_([&]() {
ASSERT(ncall == 1);
once.do_([&]() {
panic("should not panic");
ASSERT(ncall == 1);
......@@ -34,26 +34,8 @@ import six
from golang._sync import \
PySema as Sema, \
PyMutex as Mutex \
# Once allows to execute an action only once.
# For example:
# once = Once()
# ...
class Once(object):
def __init__(once):
once._mu = Mutex()
once._done = False
def do(once, f):
with once._mu:
if not once._done:
once._done = True
PyMutex as Mutex, \
PyOnce as Once \
# WaitGroup allows to wait for collection of tasks to finish.
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