Commit 4fb9b51c authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

context: Provide way to create PyContext from raw Context

sync.PyWorkGroup will need to wrap raw Context into PyContext for
spawned workers.
parent a36efe6d
......@@ -83,3 +83,7 @@ from cython cimport final
cdef class PyContext:
cdef Context ctx
cdef pychan _pydone # pychan wrapping ctx.done()
# PyContext.from_ctx returns PyContext wrapping pyx/nogil-level Context ctx.
cdef PyContext from_ctx (Context ctx)
......@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ cdef PyContext _newPyCtx(Context ctx):
cdef class PyContext:
cdef PyContext from_ctx(Context ctx):
return _newPyCtx(ctx)
def __cinit__(PyContext pyctx, object bywho):
if bywho is not _frompyx:
raise AssertionError("Context must not be instantiated by user")
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