Commit 5146eb0b authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

Add support for defer & recover

`defer` allows to schedule a cleanup to be executed when current function
returns. It is similar to `try`/`finally` but does not force the cleanup part
to be far away in the end. For example::

   wc = wcfs.join(zurl)    │     wc = wcfs.join(zurl)
   defer(wc.close)         │     try:
                           │        ...
   ...                     │        ...
   ...                     │        ...
   ...                     │     finally:
                           │        wc.close()

For completeness there is `recover` and `panic` that allow to program with
Go-style error handling, for example::

   def _():
      r = recover()
      if r is not None:
         print("recovered. error was: %s" % (r,))



But `recover` and `panic` are probably of less utility since they can be
practically natively modelled with `try`/`except`.

If `defer` is used, the function that uses it must be wrapped with `@func` or
`@method` decorators.

The implementation is partly inspired by work of Denis Kolodin:

parent f0b592b4
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Package golang provides Go-like features for Python:
- `go` spawns lightweight thread.
- `chan` and `select` provide channels with Go semantic.
- `method` allows to define methods separate from class.
- `defer` allows to schedule a cleanup from the main control flow.
- `gimport` allows to import python modules by full path in a Go workspace.
......@@ -63,6 +64,40 @@ For example::
will define `MyClass.my_method()`.
Defer / recover / panic
`defer` allows to schedule a cleanup to be executed when current function
returns. It is similar to `try`/`finally` but does not force the cleanup part
to be far away in the end. For example::
wc = wcfs.join(zurl) │ wc = wcfs.join(zurl)
defer(wc.close) │ try:
│ ...
... │ ...
... │ ...
... │ finally:
│ wc.close()
For completeness there is `recover` and `panic` that allow to program with
Go-style error handling, for example::
def _():
r = recover()
if r is not None:
print("recovered. error was: %s" % (r,))
But `recover` and `panic` are probably of less utility since they can be
practically natively modelled with `try`/`except`.
If `defer` is used, the function that uses it must be wrapped with `@func` or
`@method` decorators.
......@@ -22,15 +22,17 @@
- `go` spawns lightweight thread.
- `chan` and `select` provide channels with Go semantic.
- `method` allows to define methods separate from class.
- `defer` allows to schedule a cleanup from the main control flow.
- `gimport` allows to import python modules by full path in a Go workspace.
__all__ = ['method', 'go', 'chan', 'select', 'default', 'panic', 'gimport']
__all__ = ['method', 'go', 'chan', 'select', 'default', 'defer', 'panic', 'recover', 'func' 'gimport']
from golang._gopath import gimport # make gimport available from golang
import threading, collections, random
import inspect, threading, collections, random, sys
import decorator
import six
from golang._pycompat import im_class
......@@ -58,6 +60,9 @@ from golang._pycompat import im_class
# ...
def method(cls):
def deco(f):
# wrap f with @func, so that e.g. defer works automatically.
f = func(f)
if isinstance(f, (staticmethod, classmethod)):
func_name = f.__func__.__name__
......@@ -73,6 +78,96 @@ def panic(arg):
class _PanicError(Exception):
# @func is a necessary decorator for functions for selected golang features to work.
# It is needed for defer.
def func(f):
# @staticmethod & friends require special care:
# unpack f first to original func and then repack back after wrapping.
fclass = None
if isinstance(f, (staticmethod, classmethod)):
fclass = type(f)
f = f.__func__
def _(f, *argv, **kw):
# run f under separate frame, where defer will register calls.
__goframe__ = _GoFrame()
with __goframe__:
return f(*argv, **kw)
# keep all f attributes, like __name__, __doc__, etc on _
_ = decorator.decorate(f, _)
# repack _ into e.g. @staticmethod if that was used on f.
if fclass is not None:
_ = fclass(_)
return _
# _GoFrame serves __goframe__ that is setup by @func.
class _GoFrame:
def __init__(self):
self.deferv = [] # defer registers funcs here
self.recovered = False # whether exception, if there was any, was recovered
def __enter__(self):
# __exit__ simulates both except and finally.
def __exit__(__goframe__, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
if exc_val is not None:
__goframe__.recovered = False
if len(__goframe__.deferv) != 0:
d = __goframe__.deferv.pop()
# even if d panics - we have to call other defers
with __goframe__:
return __goframe__.recovered
# recover checks whether there is exception/panic currently being raised and returns it.
# If it was panic - it returns the argument that was passed to panic.
# If there is other exception - it returns the exception object.
# If there is no exception/panic, or the panic argument was None - recover returns None.
# Recover also returns None if it was not called by a deferred function directly.
def recover():
fcall = inspect.currentframe().f_back # caller's frame (deferred func)
fgo = fcall.f_back # caller's parent frame defined by _GoFrame.__exit__
goframe = fgo.f_locals['__goframe__']
except KeyError:
# called not under go func/defer
return None
_, exc, _ = sys.exc_info()
if exc is not None:
goframe.recovered = True
if type(exc) is _PanicError:
exc = exc.args[0]
return exc
# defer registers f to be called when caller function exits.
# It is similar to try/finally but does not force the cleanup part to be far
# away in the end.
def defer(f):
fcall = inspect.currentframe().f_back # caller's frame
fgo = fcall.f_back # caller's parent frame defined by @func
goframe = fgo.f_locals['__goframe__']
except KeyError:
panic("function %s uses defer, but not @func" % fcall.f_code.co_name)
# go spawns lightweight thread.
# NOTE it spawns threading.Thread, but if gevent was activated via
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
# See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
# See for rationale and options.
from golang import go, chan, select, default, _PanicError, method
from golang import go, chan, select, default, _PanicError, func, method, panic, defer, recover
from pytest import raises
from os.path import dirname
import os, sys, time, threading, inspect, subprocess
......@@ -385,6 +385,7 @@ def test_select():
def test_method():
# test how @method works
# this also implicitly tests @func, since @method uses that.
class MyClass:
def __init__(self, v):
......@@ -413,7 +414,7 @@ def test_method():
assert obj.mstatic(5) == 5 + 1
assert obj.mcls(7) == 7 + 1
# this tests that @method preserves decorated function signature
# this tests that @func (used by @method) preserves decorated function signature
assert inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(MyClass.zzz)) == '(self, v, x=2, **kkkkwww)'
assert MyClass.zzz.__module__ == __name__
......@@ -424,3 +425,205 @@ def test_method():
assert MyClass.mcls.__module__ == __name__
assert MyClass.mcls.__name__ == 'mcls'
def test_deferrecover():
# regular defer calls
v = []
def _():
defer(lambda: v.append(1))
defer(lambda: v.append(2))
defer(lambda: v.append(3))
assert v == [3, 2, 1]
# defers called even if exception is raised
v = []
def _():
defer(lambda: v.append(1))
defer(lambda: v.append(2))
def _(): v.append('ran ok')
raises(ZeroDivisionError, "_()")
assert v == ['ran ok', 2, 1]
# defer without @func is caught and properly reported
v = []
def nofunc():
defer(lambda: v.append('xx'))
with raises(_PanicError) as exc:
assert exc.value.args == ("function nofunc uses defer, but not @func",)
# panic in deferred call - all defers are called
v = []
def _():
defer(lambda: v.append(1))
defer(lambda: v.append(2))
defer(lambda: panic(3))
defer(lambda: v.append(4))
raises(_PanicError, "_()")
assert v == [4, 2, 1]
# defer + recover
v = []
def _():
defer(lambda: v.append(1))
def _():
r = recover()
assert r == "aaa"
v.append('recovered ok')
defer(lambda: v.append(3))
assert v == [3, 'recovered ok', 1]
# recover + panic in defer
v = []
def _():
defer(lambda: v.append(1))
defer(lambda: panic(2))
def _():
r = recover()
assert r == "bbb"
v.append('recovered 1')
defer(lambda: v.append(3))
raises(_PanicError, "_()")
assert v == [3, 'recovered 1', 1]
# recover + panic in defer + recover
v = []
def _():
defer(lambda: v.append(1))
def _():
r = recover()
assert r == "ddd"
v.append('recovered 2')
defer(lambda: panic("ddd"))
def _():
r = recover()
assert r == "ccc"
v.append('recovered 1')
defer(lambda: v.append(3))
assert v == [3, 'recovered 1', 'recovered 2', 1]
# ---- recover() -> None ----
# no exception / not under defer
assert recover() is None
# no exception/panic
def _():
def _():
assert recover() is None
# not directly called by deferred func
v = []
def _():
def f():
assert recover() is None
v.append('not recovered')
defer(lambda: f())
raises(_PanicError, "_()")
assert v == ['not recovered']
# ---- defer in @method(x) ----
# defer in @method
v = []
class MyClass:
def zzz(self):
defer(lambda: v.append(1))
defer(lambda: v.append(2))
defer(lambda: v.append(3))
obj = MyClass()
assert v == [3, 2, 1]
# defer in std method
v = []
class MyClass:
def method(self):
defer(lambda: v.append(1))
defer(lambda: v.append(2))
defer(lambda: v.append(4))
obj = MyClass()
assert v == [4, 2, 1]
# defer in std @staticmethod
v = []
class MyClass:
def mstatic():
defer(lambda: v.append(1))
defer(lambda: v.append(2))
defer(lambda: v.append(5))
assert v == [5, 2, 1]
# defer in std @classmethod
v = []
class MyClass:
def mcls(cls):
assert cls is MyClass
defer(lambda: v.append(1))
defer(lambda: v.append(2))
defer(lambda: v.append(7))
assert v == [7, 2, 1]
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ setup(
packages = find_packages(),
install_requires = ['six'],
install_requires = ['six', 'decorator'],
extras_require = {
'test': ['pytest'],
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