Commit b9333e00 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

golang: tests: Rework verifying blockforever

- put the logic to test-tweak what happens inside _blockforever into
  context manager pypanicWhenBlocked;
- place this manager in pyx code, where it can later be changed to tweak
  _blockforever at C level.
parent 4166dc65
......@@ -617,7 +617,10 @@ def pyselect(*casev):
# _blockforever blocks current goroutine forever.
_tblockforever = None
def _blockforever():
if _tblockforever is not None:
# take a lock twice. It will forever block on the second lock attempt.
# Under gevent, similarly to Go, this raises "LoopExit: This operation
# would block forever", if there are no other greenlets scheduled to be run.
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from golang cimport go, pychan, panic, pypanic, topyexc
from golang import nilchan
from golang import _golang
from golang import time
......@@ -69,6 +70,21 @@ def pywaitBlocked(pychanop):
time.sleep(0) # yield to another thread / coroutine
# `with pypanicWhenBlocked` hooks into _golang._blockforever to raise panic with
# "t: blocks forever" instead of blocking.
cdef class pypanicWhenBlocked:
def __enter__(t):
assert _golang._tblockforever is None
_golang._tblockforever = _panicblocked
return t
def __exit__(t, typ, val, tb):
_golang._tblockforever = None
def _panicblocked():
pypanic("t: blocks forever")
# small test to verify pyx(nogil) go.
cdef void _test_go_nogil() nogil except +topyexc:
go(_work, 111)
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ from six.moves import range as xrange
import gc, weakref
from golang._golang_test import pywaitBlocked as waitBlocked, pylen_recvq as len_recvq, \
pylen_sendq as len_sendq
pylen_sendq as len_sendq, pypanicWhenBlocked as panicWhenBlocked
# pyx/c/c++ tests -> test_pyx_*
from golang import _golang_test
......@@ -653,14 +653,8 @@ def bench_select(b):
def test_blockforever():
from golang import _golang
B = _golang._blockforever
def _(): panic("t: blocks forever")
_golang._blockforever = _
with panicWhenBlocked():
_golang._blockforever = B
def _test_blockforever():
z = nilchan
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