Commit 66d7d106 authored by Ulysse Beaugnon's avatar Ulysse Beaugnon

scripts to set up the insterfaces

parent dcc76a0d
from subprocess import call
from configuration import *
def LaunchClient(serverAddress, serverPort):
if config.Debug:
print 'Connecting to :' + serverAddress
'--dev', 'tap',
'--proto', 'udp',
'--remote', serverAddress, str(serverPort),
'--script-security', '2',
'--up', './up-client',
'--ca', config.CaPath,
'--cert', config.CertPath,
'--key', config.KeyPath,
'--user', 'nobody',
'--verb', '3',
'--daemon', 'openVpnClient(' + serverAddress + ')' ])
def LaunchServer():
'--dev', 'tap',
'--mode', 'server',
'--proto', 'udp',
'--ca', config.CaPath,
'--cert', config.CertPath,
'--key', config.KeyPath,
'--dh', config.DhPath,
'--user', 'nobody',
'--port', str(config.LocalPort),
'--up', './up-server ' + config.IPv6,
'--script-security', '2',
'--daemon', 'openvpnServer',
'--verb', '3'])
# TODO : should we use comp-lzo option ?
# TODO : group nobody
import upnpigd
print "Running tests"
#!/bin/sh -e
ifconfig $dev up
#!/bin/sh -e
ifconfig $dev up
ifconfig $dev inet6 add $1
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