Commit 721f9d43 authored by Thomas Gambier's avatar Thomas Gambier 🚴🏼

fix typo in documentation

parent 1adefd5d
......@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ def getConfig():
" 2=INFO, 3=DEBUG, 4=TRACE. Use SIGUSR1 to reopen log."
" See also --babel-verb and --verb for logs of spawned processes.")
_('-i', '--interface', action='append', dest='iface_list', default=[],
help="Extra interface for LAN discovery. Highly recommanded if there"
" are other re6st node on the same network segment.")
help="Extra interface for LAN discovery. Highly recommended if there"
" are other re6st nodes on the same network segment.")
_('-I', '--main-interface', metavar='IFACE', default='lo',
help="Set re6stnet IP on given interface. Any interface not used for"
" tunnelling can be chosen.")
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