Commit ab18083f authored by Ulysse Beaugnon's avatar Ulysse Beaugnon

Changes in TODO after having discussed with guillaume.bury

parent f1be3456
Bugs :
When no peer is avalaible, the setup crash without the --no-boot option
G : see below
U : this is still a bug to be solved
To be done :
use the server as a bootstrap node
Use an algorithm to choose which connections to keep and/or establish
instead of pure randomness
......@@ -17,12 +14,10 @@ To be done :
Use the server events ( client connection/deconnection ) to do something
In peers DB, remove some peers when they are too many of them -> remove the
dead peers
In peers DB, flag the dead peers so we only choose them if necessary and we can remove them if we have enought peers
Use a timeout for the peersDB
G : removing the dead peers should be enough
U : I was speaking of the server peers DB
Use a timeout for the server peersDB so we can rflag unreachable peers and
remove the peers whose certificate is no longer valid
Specify a lease duration in ForwardViaUPnP
......@@ -69,15 +64,6 @@ To be discussed:
directly from the server. The requiered db size can be calculated from
the number of connections and the refresh time.
U : Remove the --no-boot option since we know when no node is avalaible
G : the no-boot option is only useful when the server knows no peer,
irl it should never happen, no-boot is a debug option
U : Ok, but the server knows when no peers is avalaible, doesn't he ?
G : Well when no peer is available the SQL request ( + next() method ) raise
a StopIteration exception
U : Well, I don't think this is a good thing. When not in debug, a node
cannot now if their is anyone else already connected
G : don't reconnect to server each time we repopulate in peers_db ?
U : From what I've read on the internet, when you create a server object,
you don't connect to the server, You only connect to the server once you
......@@ -85,6 +71,3 @@ To be discussed:
connection for 15sec
G : ok, it justs need testing ( for when some requests for the server will
require to be plugged in the network )
U : Use more than one boostrap node
G : we'll use the server as a bootstrap node
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