Commit af915652 authored by Ulysse Beaugnon's avatar Ulysse Beaugnon

First attempt to organise the code

parent 40f9b3f2
Bugs :
When no peer is avalaible without the --no-boot option, it crash
To be discuss:
Remove the --no-boot option since we know when no node is avalaible
Maybe we should notify the server of our existence earlier
Find a better solution for config than utils.config = config, openv.config = config, ...
When I created PeersDB, I thought only be used to access the DB and not do some logic.
We should decide what it is suppose to do :
Just access the DB
Or manage the peers
The organisation of the code Just contain the main loop and the init To launch openvpn processes Small functions to do some usefull job Function to access the DB (merge with utils ?) To choose wich connection delete/keep/... To open a port and find the external IP If we find a way to be able to juste have to import config evrywhere,
call config.init() from main and then have the config evrywhere,
it would be great
How we choose which protocol we use :
IMO, we should use UDP. I've read many times than TCP other TCP can be catastrophic in terme of performance
Every time a packet is lost, it is resend 2 times, one for each TCP tunnel
And many GW allow UDP port forwarding (for bittorent, Xbox, ...) but not TCP port forwarding
Use peers_db.populate(100) every once in a while ?
from utils import *
import sqlite3
import xmlrpclib
class PeersDB:
def __init__(self, dbPath):
log('Connectiong to peers database', 4)
self.db = sqlite3.connect(dbPath, isolation_level=None)
log('Preparing peers database', 4)
self.db.execute("UPDATE peers SET used = 0")
except sqlite3.OperationalError, e:
if e.args[0] == 'no such table: peers':
raise RuntimeError
def populate(self, n):
# TODO: don't reconnect to server each time ?
log('Connecting to remote server', 3)
self.proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://%s:%u' % (config.server, config.server_port))
log('Updating peers database : populating', 2)
# TODO: determine port and proto
port = 1194
proto = 'udp'
new_peer_list = self.proxy.getPeerList(n, (config.internal_ip, config.external_ip, port, proto))
self.db.executemany("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO peers (ip, port, proto, used) VALUES (?,?,?,0)", new_peer_list)
self.db.execute("DELETE FROM peers WHERE ip = ?", (config.external_ip,))
def getUnusedPeers(self, nPeers):
return self.db.execute("SELECT id, ip, port, proto FROM peers WHERE used = 0 "
"ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT ?", (nPeers,))
def usePeer(self, id):
log('Updating peers database : using peer ' + str(id), 5)
self.db.execute("UPDATE peers SET used = 1 WHERE id = ?", (id,))
def unusePeer(self, id):
log('Updating peers database : unusing peer ' + str(id), 5)
self.db.execute("UPDATE peers SET used = 0 WHERE id = ?", (id,))
import time
def log(message, verbose_level):
if verbose >= verbose_level:
print time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S : " + message)
import os, random
import openvpn
import utils
import db
connection_dict = {} # to remember current connections we made
free_interface_set = set(('client1', 'client2', 'client3', 'client4', 'client5',
'client6', 'client7', 'client8', 'client9', 'client10'))
def startNewConnections(n, write_pipe):
for peer_id, ip, port, proto in peers_db.getUnusedPeers(n):
utils.log('Establishing a connection with id %s (%s:%s)' % (peer_id, ip, port), 2)
iface = free_interface_set.pop()
connection_dict[peer_id] = ( openvpn.client( ip, write_pipe, '--dev', iface, '--proto', proto, '--rport', str(port),, 'vifibnet.client.%s.log' % (peer_id,)),
except KeyError:
utils.log("Can't establish connection with %s : no available interface" % ip, 2)
except Exception:
def killConnection(peer_id):
utils.log('Killing the connection with id ' + str(peer_id), 2)
p, iface = connection_dict.pop(peer_id)
except KeyError:
utils.log("Can't kill connection to " + peer_id + ": no existing connection", 1)
except Exception:
utils.log("Can't kill connection to " + peer_id + ": uncaught error", 1)
def checkConnections():
for id in connection_dict.keys():
p, iface = connection_dict[id]
if p.poll() != None:
utils.log('Connection with %s has failed with return code %s' % (id, p.returncode), 3)
del connection_dict[id]
def refreshConnections(write_pipe):
# Kill some random connections
for i in range(0, max(0, len(connection_dict) - config.client_count + config.refresh_count)):
peer_id = random.choice(connection_dict.keys())
except Exception:
# Establish new connections
startNewConnections(config.client_count - len(connection_dict), write_pipe)
import time
def log(message, verbose_level):
if verbose >= verbose_level:
print time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S : " + message)
def ipFromBin(prefix):
prefix = hex(int(prefix, 2))[2:]
ip = ''
for i in xrange(0, len(prefix) - 1, 4):
ip += prefix[i:i+4] + ':'
return ip.rstrip(':')
def ipFromPrefix(vifibnet, prefix, prefix_len):
prefix = bin(int(prefix))[2:].rjust(prefix_len, '0')
ip_t = (vifibnet + prefix).ljust(128, '0')
return ipFromBin(ip_t)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse, errno, math, os, select, sqlite3, subprocess, sys, time, xmlrpclib
import argparse, errno, math, os, select, subprocess, sys, time
from OpenSSL import crypto
import traceback
import upnpigd
import openvpn
import random
import log
connection_dict = {} # to remember current connections we made
free_interface_set = set(('client1', 'client2', 'client3', 'client4', 'client5',
'client6', 'client7', 'client8', 'client9', 'client10'))
# TODO: flag in some way the peers that are connected to us so we don't connect to them
# Or maybe we just don't care
class PeersDB:
def __init__(self, dbPath):
log.log('Connectiong to peers database', 4)
self.db = sqlite3.connect(dbPath, isolation_level=None)
log.log('Preparing peers database', 4)
self.db.execute("UPDATE peers SET used = 0")
except sqlite3.OperationalError, e:
if e.args[0] == 'no such table: peers':
raise RuntimeError
def populate(self, n):
# TODO: don't reconnect to server each time ?
log.log('Connecting to remote server', 3)
self.proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://%s:%u' % (config.server, config.server_port))
log.log('Updating peers database : populating', 2)
# TODO: determine port and proto
port = 1194
proto = 'udp'
new_peer_list = self.proxy.getPeerList(n, (config.internal_ip, config.external_ip, port, proto))
self.db.executemany("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO peers (ip, port, proto, used) VALUES (?,?,?,0)", new_peer_list)
self.db.execute("DELETE FROM peers WHERE ip = ?", (config.external_ip,))
def getUnusedPeers(self, nPeers):
return self.db.execute("SELECT id, ip, port, proto FROM peers WHERE used = 0 "
"ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT ?", (nPeers,))
def usePeer(self, id):
log.log('Updating peers database : using peer ' + str(id), 5)
self.db.execute("UPDATE peers SET used = 1 WHERE id = ?", (id,))
def unusePeer(self, id):
log.log('Updating peers database : unusing peer ' + str(id), 5)
self.db.execute("UPDATE peers SET used = 0 WHERE id = ?", (id,))
def ipFromBin(prefix):
prefix = hex(int(prefix, 2))[2:]
ip = ''
for i in xrange(0, len(prefix) - 1, 4):
ip += prefix[i:i+4] + ':'
return ip.rstrip(':')
def ipFromPrefix(prefix, prefix_len):
prefix = bin(int(prefix))[2:].rjust(prefix_len, '0')
ip_t = (config.vifibnet + prefix).ljust(128, '0')
return ipFromBin(ip_t)
import utils
import db
import tunnelmanager
def startBabel(**kw):
args = ['babeld',
'-C', 'redistribute local ip %s' % (config.internal_ip),
'-C', 'redistribute local deny',
# Route VIFIB ip adresses
'-C', 'in ip %s::/%u' % (ipFromBin(config.vifibnet), len(config.vifibnet)),
'-C', 'in ip %s::/%u' % (utils.ipFromBin(config.vifibnet), len(config.vifibnet)),
# Route only addresse in the 'local' network,
# or other entire networks
#'-C', 'in ip %s' % (config.internal_ip),
......@@ -79,7 +25,7 @@ def startBabel(**kw):
if config.babel_state:
args += '-S', config.babel_state
args = args + ['vifibnet'] + list(free_interface_set)
args = args + ['vifibnet'] + list(tunnelmanager.free_interface_set)
if config.verbose >= 5:
print args
return subprocess.Popen(args, **kw)
......@@ -123,7 +69,9 @@ def getConfig():
_('openvpn_args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
help="Common OpenVPN options (e.g. certificates)")
openvpn.config = config = parser.parse_args()
log.verbose = config.verbose
tunnelmanager.config = config
db.config = config
utils.verbose = config.verbose
# Get network prefix from ca.crt
with open(, 'r') as f:
......@@ -135,8 +83,8 @@ def getConfig():
cert = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
subject = cert.get_subject()
prefix, prefix_len = subject.CN.split('/')
config.internal_ip = ipFromPrefix(prefix, int(prefix_len))
log.log('Intranet ip : %s' % (config.internal_ip,), 3)
config.internal_ip = utils.ipFromPrefix(config.vifibnet, prefix, int(prefix_len))
utils.log('Intranet ip : %s' % (config.internal_ip,), 3)
# Treat openvpn arguments
if config.openvpn_args[0] == "--":
......@@ -146,96 +94,42 @@ def getConfig():
log.log("Configuration completed", 1)
def startNewConnection(n, write_pipe):
for peer_id, ip, port, proto in peers_db.getUnusedPeers(n):
log.log('Establishing a connection with id %s (%s:%s)' % (peer_id, ip, port), 2)
iface = free_interface_set.pop()
connection_dict[peer_id] = ( openvpn.client( ip, write_pipe, '--dev', iface, '--proto', proto, '--rport', str(port),, 'vifibnet.client.%s.log' % (peer_id,)),
except KeyError:
log.log("Can't establish connection with %s : no available interface" % ip, 2)
except Exception:
def killConnection(peer_id):
log.log('Killing the connection with id ' + str(peer_id), 2)
p, iface = connection_dict.pop(peer_id)
except KeyError:
log.log("Can't kill connection to " + peer_id + ": no existing connection", 1)
except Exception:
log.log("Can't kill connection to " + peer_id + ": uncaught error", 1)
def checkConnections():
for id in connection_dict.keys():
p, iface = connection_dict[id]
if p.poll() != None:
log.log('Connection with %s has failed with return code %s' % (id, p.returncode), 3)
del connection_dict[id]
def refreshConnections(write_pipe):
# Kill some random connections
for i in range(0, max(0, len(connection_dict) - config.client_count + config.refresh_count)):
peer_id = random.choice(connection_dict.keys())
except Exception:
# Establish new connections
startNewConnection(config.client_count - len(connection_dict), write_pipe)
utils.log("Configuration completed", 1)
def handle_message(msg):
script_type, arg = msg.split()
if script_type == 'client-connect':
log.log('Incomming connection from %s' % (arg,), 3)
utils.log('Incomming connection from %s' % (arg,), 3)
# TODO: check if we are not already connected to it
elif script_type == 'client-disconnect':
log.log('%s has disconnected' % (arg,), 3)
utils.log('%s has disconnected' % (arg,), 3)
elif script_type == 'route-up':
# TODO: save the external ip received
log.log('External Ip : ' + arg, 3)
utils.log('External Ip : ' + arg, 3)
log.log('Unknow message recieved from the openvpn pipe : ' + msg, 1)
utils.log('Unknow message recieved from the openvpn pipe : ' + msg, 1)
def main():
# Get arguments
log.verbose = config.verbose
# TODO: how do we decide which protocol we use ?
# (externalIp, externalPort) = upnpigd.GetExternalInfo(1194)
# Setup database
global peers_db # stop using global variables for everything ?
peers_db = PeersDB(config.db)
tunnelmanager.peers_db = db.PeersDB(config.db)
# Launch babel on all interfaces. WARNING : you have to be root to start babeld
log.log('Starting babel', 3)
utils.log('Starting babel', 3)
babel = startBabel(, 'vifibnet.babeld.log'), os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
# Create and open read_only pipe to get connect/disconnect events from openvpn
log.log('Creating pipe for openvpn events', 3)
utils.log('Creating pipe for openvpn events', 3)
r_pipe, write_pipe = os.pipe()
read_pipe = os.fdopen(r_pipe)
# Establish connections
log.log('Starting openvpn server', 3)
utils.log('Starting openvpn server', 3)
serverProcess = openvpn.server(config.internal_ip, write_pipe, '--dev', 'vifibnet',, 'vifibnet.server.log'), os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC))
startNewConnection(config.client_count, write_pipe)
tunnelmanager.startNewConnections(config.client_count, write_pipe)
# Timed refresh initializing
next_refresh = time.time() + config.refresh_time
......@@ -249,7 +143,7 @@ def main():
if ready:
if time.time() >= next_refresh:
next_refresh = time.time() + config.refresh_time
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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