Commit cdd5c554 authored by Guillaume Bury's avatar Guillaume Bury

Added openvpn ip discovery script

parent 8d07244c
......@@ -37,4 +37,5 @@ import os, sys
'untrusted_port': '59345',
'verb': '3'}
open(sys.argv[2], 'w').write('push "setenv external_ip %s"\n' % os.environ[trusted_ip])
os.write(int(sys.argv[1]), '%(script_type)s %(common_name)s\n' % os.environ)
......@@ -36,11 +36,12 @@ def server(ip, pipe_fd, *args, **kw):
'--max-clients', str(config.max_clients),
*args, **kw)
def client(serverIp, *args, **kw):
def client(serverIp, pipe_fd, *args, **kw):
return openvpn(
'--remote', serverIp,
'--up', 'up-client',
'--ipchange', 'ipchange ' + str(pipe_fd),
*args, **kw)
......@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ free_interface_set = set(('client1', 'client2', 'client3', 'client4', 'client5',
'client6', 'client7', 'client8', 'client9', 'client10'))
# TODO : flag in some way the peers that are connected to us so we don't connect to them
# Or maybe we just don't care,
# Or maybe we just don't care
class PeersDB:
def __init__(self, dbPath):
self.proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://%s:%u' % (config.server, config.server_port))
......@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ class PeersDB:
log.log('Updating peers database : unusing peer ' + str(id), 5)
self.db.execute("UPDATE peers SET used = 0 WHERE id = ?", (id,))
# TODO: do everything using 'binary' strings
def ipFromPrefix(prefix, prefix_len):
tmp = hex(int(prefix))[2:]
tmp = tmp.rjust(int((math.ceil(float(prefix_len) / 4))), '0')
......@@ -127,20 +129,19 @@ def getConfig():
subject = cert.get_subject()
prefix, prefix_len = subject.serialNumber.split('/')
ip = ipFromPrefix(prefix, int(prefix_len))
print ip
log.log('Intranet ip : %s' % (ip,), 4)
log.log('Intranet ip : %s' % (ip,), 3)
if config.openvpn_args[0] == "--":
del config.openvpn_args[0]
log.log("Configuration completed", 1)
def startNewConnection(n):
def startNewConnection(n, write_pipe):
for id, ip, port, proto in peers_db.getUnusedPeers(n):
log.log('Establishing a connection with id %s (%s:%s)' % (id,ip,port), 2)
iface = free_interface_set.pop()
connection_dict[id] = ( openvpn.client( ip, '--dev', iface, '--proto', proto, '--rport', str(port),
connection_dict[id] = ( openvpn.client( ip, write_pipe, '--dev', iface, '--proto', proto, '--rport', str(port),, 'vifibnet.client.%s.log' % (id,)),
......@@ -187,12 +188,15 @@ def refreshConnections():
startNewConnection(config.client_count - len(connection_dict))
def handle_message(msg):
script_type, common_name = msg.split()
script_type, arg = msg.split()
if script_type == 'client-connect':
log.log('Incomming connection from %s' % (common_name,), 3)
log.log('Incomming connection from %s' % (arg,), 3)
# TODO : check if we are not already connected to it
elif script_type == 'client-disconnect':
log.log('%s has disconnected' % (common_name,), 3)
log.log('%s has disconnected' % (arg,), 3)
elif script_type == 'ipchange':
# TODO: save the external ip received
log.log('External Ip : ' + arg, 3)
log.log('Unknow message recieved from the openvpn pipe : ' + msg, 1)
......@@ -220,7 +224,7 @@ def main():
log.log('Starting openvpn server', 3)
serverProcess = openvpn.server(config.ip, write_pipe, '--dev', 'vifibnet',, 'vifibnet.server.log'), os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC))
startNewConnection(config.client_count, write_pipe)
# Timed refresh initializing
next_refresh = time.time() + config.refresh_time
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