Commit c9ec6e62 authored by Sven Franck's avatar Sven Franck

add functional descriptions (partial)

parent 1ec0842a
......@@ -11,35 +11,6 @@
// active on the page
// -> for browser history, we would have to change the URL with a hash
// (1)
// (2) If not used for interactions or routing, what's the purpose of
// gadgetIndex?
// (3) Do we dumb-store in the index or perform some sort of validation
// before adding a gadget to an index?
// (4)
// (5) Should findGadget() = find recursive gadgets, also work with a single
// gadget id, like findGadget({"id":"1ewnel73"}), I guess not as we
// are using random uuids internally only
// (6)
// (7)
// (8)
// (9) When hard-coding services (see content.html), the "url" parameter can
// be omitted which would default to current iFrame (window) or root?
// (10)
// (11)is passing the root URL through the URL a security vulnerablity?
// (12)should findGadget and findService be API methods? They will scan the
// DOM for services/gadgets, but this should actually be done (and is done)
// automatically
// (13)we need to use an id to identify <frames> on a page, currently set as
// uuid by renderJs. We could also use data-id or remove the id and try
// to match by src (url), but this will be worse in terms of performance
// (14)what do to about service parameters. A service that requires parameters
// a and b passed to return c should somewhere also specify this. Do we
// need a service JSON/HAL API? or where should this information be made
// availabel
// Info:
// iframe communication:
......@@ -66,7 +37,7 @@
var priv = {},
that = {};
// ================== utility methods ==================
// ================== helpers (needed) ==================
// extend $.deferred to allow multiple calls and resolves
// thx router.js
......@@ -145,6 +116,8 @@
priv.removeWhiteSpace = /\s+/mg;
priv.removeWhiteSpaceBetweenElements = />\s+</mg;
// ================ ===== helpers (remove asap) ============================
// TODO: make renderJs work without these!
// => convert all URLs to absolute URLs
// thx JQM -
......@@ -1031,7 +1004,14 @@
// ================ public API (call on renderJs and $(elem) ===========
// => public API to map a URL via Ajax and run the result through a callback
* convert an url with ?file=base64 into object
* @method mapUrl
* @param {string} url/searchstring >
* @param {function} callback
* @param {boolean} internal > if function was called internally
* @return {div} ajax data|jqXHR, textStatus, jqXHR|errorThrown | undefined
that.mapUrl = function (url, callback, internal) {
var queryString = typeof url === "string" ? url :;
......@@ -1050,23 +1030,33 @@
// => publish a service to this instance (and root instance)
* add a service to the parent (and root)
* @method addService
* @param {object} options > addService will be called internally, too!!
that.addService = $.fn.addService = function (options) {
var addressArray = window.location.href.split("?"), targetUrl;
options.src = priv.makeUrlAbsolute(priv.decodeURI(options.src)) || addressArray[0];
// posts to URL passed (need for CORS?)
// otherwise would also work
// TODO: clean this up
if (addressArray.length === 1) {
targetUrl = priv.decodeURI(addressArray[0]);
} else {
targetUrl = priv.decodeURI(addressArray[1].split("=")[1]);
// TODO: this should be a URL link
// TODO: make this a link, ajaxPOST, which will then be called from dispatch(), targetUrl);
// => request a service to be run
* request a service to be run
* @method addService
* @param {options} options identifying service and parameters
* @param {function} callback, stored in $.deferred(!) to allow firing a postMessage returns answer
that.requestService = $.fn.requestService = function (options, callbackFunction) {
var deferred = new $.StatelessDeferred(),
callbackId = priv.generateUuid(),
......@@ -1089,10 +1079,15 @@
options.type = "request/any";
// TODO: make this a link, ajaxPOST, which will then be called from dispatch(), window.location.href);
// => add a gadget
* add a gadget to the DOM
* @method addGadget
* @param {options} options > addGadget will be called internally, too!!
that.addGadget = $.fn.addGadget = function (options) {
var element = this[0];
......@@ -1114,18 +1109,18 @@
// set cors
// ======================== LOADING ========================
// module/requireJs
// ======================== gadget loading ========================
// module/requireJs (nothing done)
if (options.module && require !== undefined) {
require([priv.extractModuleName(options.src)], function (response) {
priv.appendGadget(response, options);
// iFrame
// iFrame (working)
} else if (options.iframe) {
priv.appendGadget(undefined, options);
// straight ajax (default)
// straight ajax (default, working)
} else {
url: options.src,
......@@ -1140,7 +1135,11 @@
// => find gadgets inside a newly added gadget
* recursively find hardcoded gadgets
* @method findGadget
* @param {object} sentRoot object in which new gadgets should be found
that.findGadget = $.fn.findGadget = function (sentRoot) {
var root = sentRoot || this,
spec = {};
......@@ -1153,7 +1152,11 @@
priv.findGadgetinHTML(spec, root);
// => recursive call - find services inside newly added gadget
* recursively find hardcoded services/methods
* @method findService
* @param {object} sentRoot object in which new services should be found
that.findService = $.fn.findService = function (sentRoot) {
var root = sentRoot || this,
spec = {};
......@@ -1166,20 +1169,23 @@
priv.findServiceInHTML(spec, root);
// ================== ENTRY =============
// => start here
// ======================== entry point ========================
// don't use doc.ready, but otherwise cannot load references to elements in
// body from <SCRIPT> in <HEAD>
$(document).ready(function() {
// prevent renderJs reloads from different URLs!
// this does not solve the problem of re-requesting dependencies
// with ?timestamp=_123241231231 when injecting elements into a page
// without iFrame
// with plain AJAX!
if (window.renderJs === undefined) {
// ======================== stuff done with Romain ========================
// TODO: integrate
// Fake xhr to access local resource
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