Commit dfa0a156 authored by Teddy Zeenny's avatar Teddy Zeenny

Run reduce tests only in node

parent 2158a5a9
......@@ -979,50 +979,56 @@ describe("RSVP extensions", function() {
// thanks to @wizardwerdna for the test case ->
describe("using reduce to sum integers using promises", function(){
var resolve = RSVP.resolve;
// Only run these tests in node (phantomjs cannot handle them)
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
it("should build the promise pipeline without error", function(){
var array, iters, pZero, i;
describe("using reduce to sum integers using promises", function(){
var resolve = RSVP.resolve;
array = [];
iters = 1000;
it("should build the promise pipeline without error", function(){
var array, iters, pZero, i;
for (i=1; i<=iters; i++) {
array = [];
iters = 1000;
pZero = resolve(0);
for (i=1; i<=iters; i++) {
array.reduce(function(promise, nextVal) {
return promise.then(function(currentVal) {
return resolve(currentVal + nextVal);
}, pZero);
pZero = resolve(0);
it("should get correct answer without blowing the nextTick stack", function(done){
var pZero, array, iters, result, i;
array.reduce(function(promise, nextVal) {
return promise.then(function(currentVal) {
return resolve(currentVal + nextVal);
}, pZero);
pZero = resolve(0);
it("should get correct answer without blowing the nextTick stack", function(done){
var pZero, array, iters, result, i;
array = [];
iters = 1000;
pZero = resolve(0);
for (i=1; i<=iters; i++) {
array = [];
iters = 1000;
result = array.reduce(function(promise, nextVal) {
return promise.then(function(currentVal) {
return resolve(currentVal + nextVal);
}, pZero);
for (i=1; i<=iters; i++) {
result = array.reduce(function(promise, nextVal) {
return promise.then(function(currentVal) {
return resolve(currentVal + nextVal);
}, pZero);
assert.equal(value, (iters*(iters+1)/2));
assert.equal(value, (iters*(iters+1)/2));
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