Commit 854a2bf6 authored by Cédric de Saint Martin's avatar Cédric de Saint Martin Committed by Marco Mariani

Fix 428e9dad.

copied dict was completely replacing current dict, so _partition_id and _computer_id were deleted.
parent 385ea052
......@@ -102,7 +102,10 @@ class SlapRequester(SlapDocument):
# Hack to give all object attributes to the ComputerPartition instance
computer_partition.__dict__ = software_instance.__dict__.copy()
# XXX Should be removed by correctly specifying difference between
# ComputerPartition and SoftwareInstance
computer_partition.__dict__ = dict(computer_partition.__dict__.items() +
# XXX not generic enough.
if xml_marshaller.loads(request_dict['shared_xml']):
computer_partition._synced = True
......@@ -336,7 +339,7 @@ class Computer(SlapDocument):
return xml_marshaller.loads(xml)
class ComputerPartition(SlapDocument):
class ComputerPartition(SlapRequester):
......@@ -444,7 +447,7 @@ class ComputerPartition(SlapDocument):
self._connection_helper.POST('/softwareInstanceRename', post_dict)
def getId(self):
if not self._partition_id:
if not getattr(self, '_partition_id', None):
raise ResourceNotReady()
return self._partition_id
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