Commit 90c7b597 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

slap/interface: introduce IStandaloneSlapOS - XXX

all this interface is wrong
parent 35de3ee1
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.interface import Attribute
Note: all strings accepted/returned by the slap library are encoded in UTF-8.
......@@ -546,3 +547,140 @@ class slap(Interface):
Get the list of existing open orders (services) for the current user.
class IStandaloneSlapOS(ISupply, IRequester):
"""A SlapOS that can be embedded in other applications,
also useful for testing.
This plays the role of an `IComputer` where users of classes
implementing this interface can install software, create partitions
and access parameters of the running partitions.
Extends the existing `IRequester` and `ISupply`, with the
special behavior that `IRequester.request` and `` will
automatically use the embedded computer.
def __init__(base_directory, server_ip, server_port):
"""Constructor, just create an instance in `base_directory`.
* `base_directory` -- the directory which will contain softwares and instances.
* `server_ip`, `server_port` -- the address this SlapOS proxy will listen to.
Error cases:
* `IException` when `base_directory` is too deep. Because of limitation with
the length of paths of UNIX sockets, too deep paths cannot be used. Note that
once slapns work is integrated, this should not be an issue anymore.
def register():
"""Creates configuration file, starts the SlapOS proxy. TODO ?
Error cases:
* `socket.SocketError` when failed to bind `server_ip` / `server_port`.
SlapOS proxy might already be running.
def simple_format(partition_count, ipv4_address, ipv6_address):
"""Creates `partition_count` partitions.
All partitions are created to listen on `ipv4_address` and `ipv6_address`.
Stop and delete previously existing instances. XXX ???
Error when already running.
This is a simplified version of format that uses current user and
same ips for all partitions.
def getInstallProcess():
"""Returns a IStandaloneSlapOSProcess installing softwares.
def getInstanciationProcess():
"""Returns a IStandaloneSlapOSProcess creating instances.
def getReportProcess():
""" XXX Name? Cleanup unused instances."""
def getComputerPartition(partition_reference):
"""Returns the `IComputerPartition` for partition with reference `partition_reference`
def getComputer():
""" XXX do we need need getPartition?
def shutdown():
"""Stop embedded SlapOS server and running instances.
def cleanup():
"""Remove instances and softwares.
In most cases, this method is not recommended because it's
usually convenient to keep softwares installed.
XXX bad idea ? this is just .shutdown() the shutil.rmtree ?
class IStandaloneSlapOSProcess(Interface):
"""A background process. XXX more doc
return_code = Attribute("""Return code of the process.
None if process is still running or was killed. ( XXX why no return code if killed ?)
output = Attribute("""output of the program.""")
def start():
"""Start the process.
Returns immediately.
def isAlive():
"""Returns True if process is still alive, false otherwise.
Returns immediately.
def terminate():
"""Stop the process.
Must call join() after terminate.
def join():
"""Wait until process finished.
class ISynchronousStandaloneSlapOS(IStandaloneSlapOS):
"""A synchronous API on top of IStandaloneSlapOS, for convenience
def installSoftware(max_retry=0, debug=False):
"""Synchronously install or uninstall all softwares previously supplied/removed.
This method retries on errors. If after `max_retry` times there's
still an error, the error is raised.
Error cases:
* `IException` when buildout error while installing software.
* Unexpected `IConnectionError` while connecting embedded slap server.
def instantiatePartition(max_retry=5):
"""Instantiate all partitions previously requested.
This method retry on errors. If after `max_retry` times there's
still an error, the error is raised.
Error cases:
* `IResourceNotReady` requested software_url is not installed.
* `IException` when buildout error while installing software.
In that case, exception message contain the last lines of the
buildout log to help diagnosing what the problem was.
* `IException` when some promise are reporting errors.
* Unexpected `IConnectionError` while connecting embedded slap server.
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