Commit 9111943b authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

proxy: bypass simple frontend requests by returning URL

When slapproxy is not using multi-master, shared frontend requests
were never fulfilled. This is problematic because several promises (for
example monitor ones) assert that frontend is instanciated and properly
responding to HTTP requests.
Better-than-nothing approach is to return the URL provided as input,
ie: "Give me a frontend for $URL" -> "OK, just use $URL".
parent c90aa383
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ from slapos.util import loads, dumps
import six
from six.moves import range
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse
app = Flask(__name__)
......@@ -348,6 +349,26 @@ def supplySupply():
@app.route('/requestComputerPartition', methods=['POST'])
def requestComputerPartition():
parsed_request_dict = parseRequestComputerPartitionForm(request.form)
# slapproxy cannot request frontends, but if client request a "simple" frontend for an URL
# we can tell this client to use the URL directly.
apache_frontend_sr_url_list = (
if not isRequestToBeForwardedToExternalMaster(parsed_request_dict)\
and parsed_request_dict['software_release'] in apache_frontend_sr_url_list \
and parsed_request_dict.get('software_type', '') in ('', 'RootSoftwareInstance'):
url = parsed_request_dict['partition_parameter_kw'].get('url')
if url:
app.logger.warning("Bypassing frontend for %s => %s", parsed_request_dict, url)
partition = ComputerPartition('', 'Fake frontend for {}'.format(url))
partition.slap_computer_id = ''
partition.slap_computer_partition_id = ''
partition._parameter_dict = {}
partition._connection_dict = {
'secure_access': url,
'domain': urlparse(url).netloc,
return dumps(partition)
# Is it a slave instance?
slave = loads(request.form.get('shared_xml', EMPTY_DICT_XML).encode('utf-8'))
......@@ -615,6 +615,22 @@ class TestRequest(MasterMixin):
partition_parameter_kw={'text': u'Привет Мир!'})
self.assertIsInstance(request, slapos.slap.ComputerPartition)
def test_request_frontend(self):
# slapproxy tells client to bypass "simple" frontends by just using the URL.
request = self.request(
partition_parameter_kw={'url': 'https://[::1]:123/', })
class TestSlaveRequest(MasterMixin):
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