Commit a298c46e authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat

erp5_jio: Use onLoop instead RSVP.delay for site_status.

parent 96c0b199
......@@ -125,6 +125,43 @@
return status;
function getStatus(gadget) {
return new RSVP.Queue()
.push(function () {
return gadget.jio_get(gadget.options.value.jio_key);
.push(function (result) {
var monitor_url,
status_class = 'ui-btn-no-data',
status_title = 'Computer',
right_title = 'Partitions',
right_class = 'ui-btn-no-data',
status_style = "color: transparent !important;",
right_style = 'color: transparent !important;';
status_class = checkSiteStatus(result);
right_class = checkSitePartitionStatus(result);
right_style = '';
status_style = '';
if (status_class === 'ui-btn-no-data') {
status_style = "color: transparent !important;";
monitor_url = gadget.props.hateoas_url + gadget.options.value.jio_key + '/Base_redirectToMonitor';
gadget.element.innerHTML = inline_status_template({
monitor_url: monitor_url,
status_class: status_class,
status_title: status_title,
status_style: status_style,
right_class: right_class,
right_title: right_title,
right_style: right_style
return gadget;
.ready(function (gadget) {
......@@ -141,71 +178,20 @@
.declareMethod("getContent", function () {
return {};
.declareJob("getStatus", function () {
var gadget = this;
return getStatus(gadget);
.onLoop(function () {
var gadget = this;
return getStatus(gadget);
}, 300000)
.declareMethod("render", function (options) {
var gadget = this,
queue = new RSVP.Queue();
function getStatus(options) {
queue.push(function () {
return gadget.jio_get(options.value.jio_key);
.push(function (result) {
var project,
count = 0,
sum = 0,
no_data = true,
no_data_since_24_hours = true,
value = "",
status_class = 'ui-btn-no-data',
status_title = 'Computer',
right_title = 'Partitions',
right_class = 'ui-btn-no-data',
status_style = "color: transparent !important;",
right_style = 'color: transparent !important;';
if ((options.value !== undefined) && (options.doc === undefined)) {
options.doc = options.value.doc;
status_class = checkSiteStatus(result);
right_class = checkSitePartitionStatus(result);
i = options;
// right_title = value.max? Math.round(value.max * 100 * 10) / 10 + '%': 'nan';
right_style = '';
status_style = '';
template = inline_status_template;
if (status_class === 'ui-btn-no-data') {
status_style = "color: transparent !important;";
monitor_url = gadget.props.hateoas_url + options.value.jio_key + '/Base_redirectToMonitor';
gadget.element.innerHTML = template({
monitor_url: monitor_url,
status_class: status_class,
status_title: status_title,
status_style: status_style,
middle_style: middle_style,
right_class: right_class,
right_title: right_title,
right_style: right_style
return RSVP.delay(300000);
.push(function () {
gadget.element.innerHTML = loading_template();
return getStatus(options);
return queue.push(getStatus(options));
var gadget = this;
gadget.options = options;
gadget.flag = options.value.jio_key;
return gadget.getStatus();
}(window, rJS, RSVP, Handlebars));
\ No newline at end of file
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