Commit c1778540 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin Committed by Rafael Monnerat

*.rst: fix syntax, a few typo and remove some outdated parts

parent f430b831
......@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ Changes
1.4.10 (2018-09-20)
* add `--buildout-debug` command line option to `slapos node software` and
`slapos node instance` commands which starts buildout debugger on errors.
* pretty print json serialised instance parameters in `slapos proxy show`
* add ``--buildout-debug`` command line option to ``slapos node software`` and
``slapos node instance`` commands which starts buildout debugger on errors.
* pretty print json serialised instance parameters in ``slapos proxy show``
* Add devperm plugin
1.4.9 (2018-07-31)
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Changes
* slapos.grid: rework checkpromise method to utils so it can be reused
1.4.3 (2017-11-08)
* slapos.cli.grid: Allow definition of different pidfiles for each software subcommand in config file
* slapos.cli.configure_local: Get template locally instead do an http request.
* slapos.cli: Update API for get person certificates and register computer
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ documentation.
request(product.kvm, "mykvm")
* "slap" is an instance of the SLAP library. It is only used for advanced usages.
"slap" instance is obtained by doing ::
"slap" instance is obtained by doing ::
slap = slapos.slap.slap()
.. warning::
This section is outdated, ``slapgrid`` command was reorganised in ``slapos`` sub-commands.
slapgrid is a client of SLAPos. SLAPos provides support for deploying a SaaS
system in a minute.
Slapgrid allows you to easily deploy instances of softwares based on buildout
......@@ -3,14 +3,6 @@ slap
Simple Language for Accounting and Provisioning python library.
Developer note - python version
This library is used on client (slapgrid) and server side.
Server is using python2.4 and client is using python2.6
Having this in mind, code of this library *have* to work
on python2.4
How it works
......@@ -20,11 +12,10 @@ Each participating server is identified by a unique ID and runs a slap-server da
The data structure on the main server is the following:
A - Action: an action which can happen to provide a resource or account its usage
CP - Computer Partition: provides a URL to Access a Cloud Resource
RI - Resource Item: describes a resource
CI - Contract Item: describes the contract to attach the DL to (This is unclear still)
R - Resource: describes a type of cloud resource (ex. MySQL Table) is published on
DL - Delivery Line: Describes an action happening on a resource item on a computer partition
D - Delivery: groups multiple Delivery Lines
* A - Action: an action which can happen to provide a resource or account its usage
* CP - Computer Partition: provides a URL to Access a Cloud Resource
* RI - Resource Item: describes a resource
* CI - Contract Item: describes the contract to attach the DL to (This is unclear still)
* R - Resource: describes a type of cloud resource (ex. MySQL Table) is published on
* DL - Delivery Line: Describes an action happening on a resource item on a computer partition
* D - Delivery: groups multiple Delivery Lines
\ No newline at end of file
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