from setuptools import setup, find_packages import os name = "slapos.libnetworkcache" version = '0.11-dev' def read(*rnames): return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), *rnames)).read() long_description = ( read('README.txt') + '\n' + read('CHANGES.txt') ) additional_install_requires = [] # Even if argparse is available in python2.7, some python2.7 installations # do not have it, so checking python version is dangerous try: import argparse except ImportError: additional_install_requires.append('argparse') setup( name=name, version=version, description="libnetworkcache - Client for ShaCache and ShaDir HTTP Server", long_description=long_description, license="GPLv3", keywords="slapos networkcache shadir shacache", install_requires=[ 'setuptools', # for namespace ] + additional_install_requires, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', ], entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'generate-signature-key = slapos.signature:run', ] }, zip_safe=True, packages=find_packages(), namespace_packages=['slapos'], test_suite="slapos.libnetworkcachetests" )