Commit 43ddad18 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

re6st: rename bootstrap script

parent ea3ad793
# Note that this file and related scripts (rebootstrap, install-eggs) don't
# Note that this file and related scripts (bootstrap, install-eggs) don't
# contain anything specific to re6stnet. They could be reused as is for SlapOS.
# We don't strip ELF files because all dists automatically do it.
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ install: _install
cd $(BUILD) && $(PYTHON2) -S $(CURDIR)/rebootstrap
cd $(BUILD) && $(PYTHON2) -S $(CURDIR)/bootstrap
$(BUILD)/.installed.cfg: $(BUILD)/bin/buildout $(BUILD)/buildout.cfg
cd $(BUILD) && bin/buildout babeld-repository:recipe=
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ def upstream(task):
task.outputs = glob("re6stnet/docs/*.[1-9]")
@task((upstream, buildout, __file__,
"", "cleanup", "install-eggs", "rebootstrap"))
"", "cleanup", "install-eggs", "bootstrap"))
def tarball(task):
prefix = "%s-%s/" % (PACKAGE, VERSION)
def xform(path):
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