Commit 2843fc08 authored by Ayush Tiwari's avatar Ayush Tiwari

Update README as we do not fetch anymore in development mode

parent 5f7fb658
......@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@ Then let's run the buildout::
Running uninstall recipe.
Installing git-clone.
Cloning into '/sample-buildout/parts/git-clone'...
HEAD is now at 2566127 ...
Let's take a look at the buildout parts directory now::
......@@ -249,15 +250,12 @@ And let's see that current revision is "2566127"::
>>> print(subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD'], universal_newlines=True))
When updating, it will do a "git fetch; git reset revision"::
When updating, it shouldn't do anything as revision is mentioned::
>>> cd(sample_buildout)
>>> print(system(buildout))
Updating git-clone.
HEAD is now at 2566127 ...
Empty revision/branch
......@@ -366,7 +364,6 @@ repository::
>>> cd(sample_buildout)
>>> print(system(buildout))
Updating git-clone.
Fetching origin
......@@ -386,17 +383,7 @@ Then, when update occurs, nothing is done::
>>> cd(sample_buildout)
>>> print(system(buildout))
Updating git-clone.
Fetching origin
Fetching broken
Unable to update:
Traceback (most recent call last):
...CalledProcessError: Command '['git', 'fetch', '--all']' returned non-zero exit status 1
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 500
error: Could not fetch broken
>>> cd(sample_buildout, 'parts', 'git-clone')
>>> print(system('cat local_change'))
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