Commit 1650be7b authored by Nicolas Wavrant's avatar Nicolas Wavrant

runner: get rid off bad use of tests on var in javascript

parent 48eeebec
/*jslint undef: true */
/*global $, window, $SCRIPT_ROOT, setRunningState, setCookie, getCookie, deleteCookie */
/*global currentState: true, running: true, $current: true, processType: true, currentProcess: true */
/*global currentState: true, running: true, $current: true, currentProcess: true, processTypes: true */
/*global sendStop: true, openedlogpage: true, logReadingPosition: true, speed: true */
/*global isRunning: true */
/* vim: set et sts=4: */
......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
var url = $SCRIPT_ROOT + "/slapgridResult";
var currentState = false;
var running = true;
var processType = "";
var currentProcess;
var currentProcess = "";
var processTypes = {instance:"instance", software:"software"};
var sendStop = false;
var forcedStop = false;
var openedlogpage = ""; //content software or instance if the current page is software or instance log, otherwise nothing
......@@ -91,14 +91,14 @@ function getRunningState() {
run_success = 0,
param = {
position: logReadingPosition,
log: (openedlogpage !== "") ? processType.toLowerCase() : ""
log: (openedlogpage !== "") ? currentProcess : ""
jqxhr = $.post(url, param, function (data) {
running = data.result;
if (data.instance.state) {
processType = "Instance";
currentProcess = processTypes.instance;
} else if ( {
processType = "Software";
currentProcess =;
//show accurate right panel
if (running) {
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ function getRunningState() {
if(data.result) {
updateStatus(processType.toLowerCase(), "running");
updateStatus(currentProcess, "running");
} else {
build_success = ( === 0)? "terminated":"failed";
run_success = (data.instance.success === 0)? "terminated":"failed";
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ function stopProcess() {
var urlfor = $SCRIPT_ROOT + "stopSlapgrid",
type = "slapgrid-sr";
if (processType === "Instance") {
if (currentProcess === processTypes.instance) {
type = "slapgrid-cp";
$.post(urlfor, {type: type}, function (data) {
......@@ -229,13 +229,13 @@ function setRunningState(data) {
} else {
if ( $("#running").is(":visible") ) {
$("#error").Popup("Slapgrid finished running your " + processType + " Profile", {type: 'info', duration: 3000});
$("#error").Popup("Slapgrid finished running your " + currentProcess + " profile", {type: 'info', duration: 3000});
if ( forcedStop ) {
updateStatus('instance', 'stopped');
updateStatus('software', 'stopped');
else {
updateStatus(processType.toLowerCase(), 'terminated');
updateStatus(currentProcess, 'terminated');
//Update window!!!
$("#slapswitch").attr('rel', 'opend');
......@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ function setRunningState(data) {
function runProcess(urlfor) {
"use strict";
if (!isRunning()) {
currentProcess = $.post(urlfor);
if ( $("#running_info").children('span').length > 0 ) {
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