Commit 2ba25059 authored by Bryton Lacquement's avatar Bryton Lacquement 🚪


parent 1e24baee
......@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ def readFileFrom(f, lastPosition, limit=20000):
# XXX-Marco do now shadow 'bytes'
bytes = f.tell()
block = -1
data = ""
data = b""
length = bytes
truncated = False # True if a part of log data has been truncated
if (lastPosition <= 0 and length > limit) or (length - lastPosition > limit):
......@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ def slapgridResult():
if request.form['log'] in ['software', 'instance']:
log_file = request.form['log'] + "_log"
if os.path.exists(app.config[log_file]):
log_result = readFileFrom(open(app.config[log_file]),
log_result = readFileFrom(open(app.config[log_file], 'rb'),
build_result = getSlapgridResult(app.config, 'software')
run_result = getSlapgridResult(app.config, 'instance')
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