Commit 48b261aa authored by Thomas Gambier's avatar Thomas Gambier 🚴🏼 Committed by Alain Takoudjou

promise: check_port_listening is now available with new promise mechanism

This promise will replace the old check_port_listening promise ( See for how to instantiate this promise in buildout.

/reviewed-on !42
parent a49f5374
from zope import interface as zope_interface
from slapos.grid.promise import interface
from slapos.grid.promise.generic import GenericPromise
import socket
import sys
class RunPromise(GenericPromise):
def __init__(self, config):
GenericPromise.__init__(self, config)
# check port is listening at least every 2 minutes
def sense(self):
Simply test if we can connect to specified host:port.
hostname = self.getConfig('hostname')
port = self.getConfig('port')
addr = (hostname , port)
# in case of any error, we call "logger.error"
# note that we could simply let the function raise an error, it would have the same effect
# in this case the following code would be enough:
# socket.create_connection(addr).close()
#"port connection OK")
except (socket.herror, socket.gaierror), e:
self.logger.error("ERROR hostname/port ({}) is not correct: {}".format(addr, e))
except (socket.error, socket.timeout), e:
self.logger.error("ERROR while connecting to {}: {}".format(addr, e))
else:"port connection OK ({})".format(addr))
# no need to define Test as it is the default implementation
#def test(self):
# """
# Test is failing if last sense was bad.
# """
# return self._test(result_count=1, failure_amount=1)
def anomaly(self):
There is an anomaly if last 3 senses were bad.
return self._anomaly(result_count=3, failure_amount=3)
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