When editing software/instance profile, submit button is now named 'Save'. Old...

When editing software/instance profile, submit button is now named 'Save'. Old name ('Update') was misleading.
parent ff652551
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<dt>Instance Profile:
<dd><textarea name=content rows=20 cols=100>{{ profile }}</textarea>
<dd><input type=submit value=Update>
<dd><input type=submit value="Save">
{% endblock %}
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<dt>Note: Url of instance.cfg is <tt>{{ instance_url }}</tt>
<dt>Software Profile:
<dd><textarea name=content rows=20 cols=100>{{ profile }}</textarea>
<dd><input type=submit value=Update>
<dd><input type=submit value="Save">
{% endblock %}
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