Commit bce547ed authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

Add support for software instanciation.

Reuse erp5.util.taskdistribution for better TaskDistributionTool
integration (adds a dependency, removes 2 entry points): it is possible to
create several test agents with same configuration, each testing a subset
of the entire test suite. Especially useful if/when test agents gets the
extra task of monitoring commits on software releases, and they locally
build & instanciate the SR they test.
Use a medium-lived process rather than a short-lived one, to drop state
loading & saving complexity.
Allow a single test agent to run several concurrent tests.
Cleanup pidfile, even when exceptions occur.
Factorise code used to test each step.
Rework configuration file layout, to better use magic "[DEFAULT]" section.
Take keys & certs from configuration file, allowing for per-test certs.
Remove the need for storing using login & password by reusing x509 auth.
parent a479c4a5
...@@ -45,14 +45,13 @@ setup(name=name, ...@@ -45,14 +45,13 @@ setup(name=name,
extras_require = { extras_require = {
'lampconfigure': ["mysql-python"], #needed for MySQL Database access 'lampconfigure': ["mysql-python"], #needed for MySQL Database access
'zodbpack': ['ZODB3'], # needed to play with ZODB 'zodbpack': ['ZODB3'], # needed to play with ZODB
'agent': ['erp5.util'],
}, },
zip_safe=False, # proxy depends on Flask, which has issues with zip_safe=False, # proxy depends on Flask, which has issues with
# accessing templates # accessing templates
entry_points={ entry_points={
'console_scripts': [ 'console_scripts': [
'agent = slapos.agent.agent:main', 'agent = slapos.agent.agent:main [agent]',
'report_start = slapos.agent.report_start:main',
'report_stop = slapos.agent.report_stop:main',
'clouddestroy = slapos.cloudmgr.destroy:main', 'clouddestroy = slapos.cloudmgr.destroy:main',
'cloudgetprivatekey = slapos.cloudmgr.getprivatekey:main', 'cloudgetprivatekey = slapos.cloudmgr.getprivatekey:main',
'cloudgetpubliciplist = slapos.cloudmgr.getpubliciplist:main', 'cloudgetpubliciplist = slapos.cloudmgr.getpubliciplist:main',
This diff is collapsed.
import ConfigParser, argparse, pprint, socket, sys, time, xmlrpclib, json
def safeRpcCall(function, *args):
retry = 64
xmlrpc_arg_list = []
for argument in args:
if isinstance(argument, dict):
argument = dict([(x, isinstance(y,str) and xmlrpclib.Binary(y) or y) \
for (x,y) in argument.iteritems()])
while True:
return function(*xmlrpc_arg_list)
except (socket.error, xmlrpclib.ProtocolError), e:
print >>sys.stderr, e
pprint.pprint(args, file(function._Method__name, 'w'))
retry += retry >> 1
def main(*args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("configuration_file", nargs=1, type=argparse.FileType(),
help="Slap Test Agent configuration file.")
if args == ():
argument_option_instance = parser.parse_args()
argument_option_instance = \
configuration_file = argument_option_instance.configuration_file[0]
configuration = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
master_url = configuration.get("agent", "report_url")
if master_url[-1] != '/':
master_url += '/'
master = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("%s%s" %
(master_url, 'portal_task_distribution'),
assert master.getProtocolRevision() == 1
software_list = json.loads(configuration.get("agent", "software_list"))
test_result = safeRpcCall(master.createTestResult,
"SlapOS Test", "", software_list,
True, "SlapOS Test", "SlapOS Test Agent", "ViFiB Project")
test_result_path, revision = test_result
state = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
exclude_list = software_list[:]
for software in software_list:
test_path, test_name = safeRpcCall(master.startUnitTest,
test_result_path, exclude_list)
state.set("path", test_name, test_path)
path_file = configuration.get("agent", "path_file")
state.write(open(path_file, "w"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import ConfigParser, argparse, pprint, socket, sys, time, xmlrpclib, json, os
from datetime import datetime
def safeRpcCall(function, *args):
retry = 64
xmlrpc_arg_list = []
for argument in args:
if isinstance(argument, dict):
argument = dict([(x, isinstance(y,str) and xmlrpclib.Binary(y) or y) \
for (x,y) in argument.iteritems()])
while True:
return function(*xmlrpc_arg_list)
except (socket.error, xmlrpclib.ProtocolError), e:
print >>sys.stderr, e
pprint.pprint(args, file(function._Method__name, 'w'))
retry += retry >> 1
def main(*args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("configuration_file", nargs=1, type=argparse.FileType(),
help="Slap Test Agent configuration file.")
if args == ():
argument_option_instance = parser.parse_args()
argument_option_instance = \
configuration_file = argument_option_instance.configuration_file[0]
configuration = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
master_url = configuration.get("agent", "report_url")
software_list = json.loads(configuration.get("agent", "software_list"))
if master_url[-1] != '/':
master_url += '/'
master = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("%s%s" %
(master_url, 'portal_task_distribution'),
assert master.getProtocolRevision() == 1
log_directory = configuration.get("agent", "log_directory")
logfile_path = os.path.join(log_directory, "agent-%s.log" % datetime.strftime(, "%Y%m%d"))
logfile = open(logfile_path, 'r')
logline_list = logfile.readlines()
path_file = configuration.get("agent", "path_file")
state = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
for software in software_list:
test_path = state.get("path", software)
success, failure = 0, 0
log = ''
for logline in logline_list:
success_pattern = "Successfully installed %s" % software
failure_pattern = "Failed to install %s" % software
if success_pattern in logline:
success = success + 1
log = log + logline
if failure_pattern in logline:
failure = failure + 1
log = log + logline
safeRpcCall(master.stopUnitTest, test_path,
"status_code": 0,
"stderr": log,
"duration": 0,
"test_count": success + failure,
"failure_count": failure
if __name__ == "__main__":
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