Commit 14660de1 authored by Tomáš Peterka's avatar Tomáš Peterka Committed by Tomáš Peterka

[nayuos] Improve readme

parent 8e498af3
# NayuOS
This is a SlapOS recipe to build NayuOS. It needs to be put in the <code>/srv/slapgrid/\<part\>/srv/runner/project/slapos/software/</code> directory. The created directory is called <code>\<nayuos_build_dirname\></code> in this documentation.
This is a SlapOS recipe to build NayuOS.
## License
......@@ -8,43 +8,61 @@ GPL v2 or later
## Requirements
* sudo on the host (for now)
* some environment variables need to be authorized to be propagated when cros_sdk calls sudo:
* sudo on the host
* environment variables need to be authorized to be propagated when cros_sdk calls sudo: `: Defaults env_keep += "CROS_CACHEDIR DEPOT_TOOLS"`
* slapuser with sudo rights to execute the cros_sdk scripts (needed to access the chroot environment provided by Chromium OS)
in /etc/sudoers (replace slapuser9 by your user, and release-R48-7647.B by the release you have chosen): `: slapuser9 ALL=NOPASSWD: /srv/slapgrid/slappart9/srv/runner/instance/slappart0/parts/chromiumos/release-R48-7647.B/chromite/bin/cros_sdk, /srv/slapgrid/slappart9/srv/runner/instance/slappart0/wrapper_bin/wrapper_cros_sdk, /bin/kill`
: Defaults env_keep += "CROS_CACHEDIR DEPOT_TOOLS"
It's useful to have the right to kill cros_sdk processes, when needed. ;)
* slapuser with sudo rights to execute the cros_sdk scripts (needed to access the chroot environment provided by Chromium OS)
in /etc/sudoers (replace slapuser9 by your user, and release-R48-7647.B by the release you have chosen):
## Technical notes
: slapuser9 ALL=NOPASSWD: /srv/slapgrid/slappart9/srv/runner/instance/slappart0/parts/chromiumos/release-R48-7647.B/chromite/bin/cros_sdk, /srv/slapgrid/slappart9/srv/runner/instance/slappart0/wrapper_bin/wrapper_cros_sdk, /bin/kill
After any change to the build process it is necessary to delete (using sudo)
the building environment at `~/srv/runner/instance/slappart0/parts/chromiumos/<TAG>`.
BEWARE that the web runner is serving images for the [official website](
NayuOS and ChromiumOS is "just" a version of Gentoo. Thus it uses `ebuild` packages
and anything installable in Gentoo can be installed to NayuOS too. Of course only
during OS build phase and one has to count with limited space.
### Upgrading (building new image)
Please read **Requirements** section carefully. After selecting your desired
`release` from the list <>
it is **necessary** to add `sudo` rules for that release as shown there.
It's useful to have the right to kill cros_sdk processes, when needed. ;)
## Input
In the vifib parameters (softinst\<nb\> \> Services \> Parameters):
* board / ex: peppy, swanky, ... (choosing daisy will accept all licenses for the daisy board build only, in order to use Mali drivers, see [chromium mailing list](!topic/chromium-os-dev/Pf9ZG2itxWM))
* branch / ex: release-R46-7390.B (you can find the release in the [Chromium OS source tree](
* keep_cache / yes|no (choosing "no" saves about 15Go of disk space per board, choosing "yes" will makes next build faster and less expensive in term of needed ressources because of not rebuilding everything)
* **board** / ex: peppy, swanky, ... (choosing daisy will accept all licenses for the daisy board build only, in order to use Mali drivers, see [chromium mailing list](!topic/chromium-os-dev/Pf9ZG2itxWM))
* **branch** / ex: release-R46-7390.B (you can find the release in the [Chromium OS source tree](
* **keep_cache** / yes|no (choosing "no" saves about 15Go of disk space per board, choosing "yes" will makes next build faster and less expensive in term of needed ressources because of not rebuilding everything)
## Output
The image will be produced in:
and the logs are in:
<code>/srv/slapgrid/\<part\>/srv/runner/instance/\<inst_part\>/var/log/cros_sources_dl.log</code> and <code>/srv/slapgrid/\<part\>/srv/runner/instance/\<inst_part\>/var/log/cros_build.log</code>
The script that download the sources and build is located in
Software release produces a build script `<instance_partition>/etc/run/cros_full_build`.
Build produces
* Image: `<instance_partition>/parts/chromiumos/images/`
* Compilation logs: `<instance_partition>/var/log/cros_sources_dl.log`
* Build logs: `<instance_partition>/var/log/cros_build.log`
## External documents
* [ <code>repo</code> command reference ](
* [ NayuOS official website ](
* [ `repo` command reference ](
* [ NayuOS official website ](
* [ crouton for chroot ]( ([warning about verified boot](
## Notes for possible improvements
* [ Running virtual machines on your chromebook ](
* to have a more common User Agent (the one of ChromiumOS/NayuOS is quite rare and identifies the user, see [studies of the EFF](, it seems possible to change the User-Agent flag for guest mode in the getOffTheRecord function, and adding a line (key "kUserAgent" , value "some common user agent" string). Then rebuild Chromium and [add it to NayuOS](
* remove need of root priviledge for entering the chroot, maybe by using fakeroot in 'scripts/'?
* change more options on Chromium OS "Privacy" part by default: there are [a few options]( which still use Google services
* provide ChromiumOS package manager [ chromebrew ]( by default
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