Commit 1d271f4d authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak Committed by Łukasz Nowak

caddy-frontend: Re-do zero-SSL BBB

Instead of complex architecture in the profiles, reuse kedifa-updater
capability to do backward compatibility certificate management thanks to its
fall-back mechanism.

kedifa-updater uses state file to know, if it ever succeed to download
certificate from KeDiFa, and so it really makes it that pushing at least once
certificate to KeDiFa, even if it is sometimes unresponsive, will switch to

Fallback certificate is used, thus each slave listens immediately on HTTP and
HTTPS. Thanks to this, asynchronous updates do not need to communicate with
slapos node instance, and slapos node instance does not care about the
certificates anymore.
parent 25902c06
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ md5sum = c801b7f9f11f0965677c22e6bbe9281b
filename =
md5sum = 0e96242cac04534435b07e27bd9d5096
md5sum = 1d39842e07e6a8674f3157ffc3f7a042
filename =
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ md5sum = 0f5af15a0cc024ff181c15e946d92808
filename = templates/
md5sum = 121e46e105f350c2995d5188cf340ad1
md5sum = e681b41535dcd676bb971743ad0bb27f
filename = templates/
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ md5sum = 38e9994be01ea1b8a379f8ff7aa05438
filename = templates/
md5sum = 9bd48b38abc48825388dd6ec6ab19b9a
md5sum = 7ba0f98ce1692cbd34d98c79488bf240
filename = templates/
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ md5sum = f20d6c3d2d94fb685f8d26dfca1e822b
filename = templates/
md5sum = 1d3c7dc1c0d6261c6fd4cc9d756eb19a
md5sum = ab4a32b9cc463628403fa67fa6b38507
filename = templates/
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ md5sum = cd6bb9bd0734f17469b0ca88f8b1a531
filename = templates/
md5sum = b3a971c3700cb5175f6c1e388cb88775
md5sum = 1f185e17d91bfba5a80b8359821ebce9
filename = templates/
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ md5sum = 217a6c801b8330b0b825f7b8b4c77184
filename = templates/
md5sum = b864b17a304f0fad6d8dcb0f1893145b
md5sum = 67604880521600b0913cde6948f184de
filename = templates/
......@@ -127,6 +127,25 @@ command =
<(printf "\n[SAN]\nsubjectAltName=IP:${:ipv6},IP:${:ipv4}")) \
-out ${:certificate}'
# Self Signed certificate for HTTPS access to the frontend with fallback certificate
recipe = plone.recipe.command
update-command = ${:command}
ipv6 = ${slap-network-information:global-ipv6}
ipv4 = {{instance_parameter['ipv4-random']}}
certificate = ${caddy-directory:master-autocert-dir}/fallback-access.crt
stop-on-error = True
command =
[ -f ${:certificate} ] && exit 0
rm -f ${:certificate}
/bin/bash -c ' \
{{ parameter_dict['openssl'] }} req \
-new -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 \
-nodes -x509 -days 36500 \
-keyout ${:certificate} \
-subj "/CN=Fallback certificate/OU={{ instance_parameter['configuration.frontend-name'] }}" \
-out ${:certificate}'
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
rendered = ${buildout:directory}/${:filename}
......@@ -136,7 +155,6 @@ slapparameter_dict = {{ dumps(instance_parameter['configuration']) }}
slap_software_type = {{ dumps(instance_parameter['slap-software-type']) }}
context =
import json_module json
import os_module os
raw common_profile {{ parameter_dict['common_profile'] }}
raw logrotate_base_instance {{ parameter_dict['logrotate_base_instance'] }}
key slap_software_type :slap_software_type
......@@ -394,16 +412,22 @@ command-line = ${frontend-caddy-validate:rendered}
wrapper-path = ${directory:bin}/caddy-configtest
# BBB: SlapOS Master non-zero knowledge BEGIN
recipe = collective.recipe.shelloutput
commands =
certificate = cat ${self-signed-fallback-access:certificate}
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
template = inline:
{% raw %}
{{ certificate }}
{{ key }}
{{ certificate or fallback_certificate }}
{{ key or '' }}
{% endraw %}
context =
key certificate configuration:apache-certificate
key key configuration:apache-key
key fallback_certificate get-self-signed-fallback-access:certificate
rendered = ${directory:bbb-ssl-dir}/frontend.crt
# BBB: SlapOS Master non-zero knowledge END
......@@ -4,20 +4,8 @@ import {{frontend_configuration.get('log-access-configuration')}}
import {{ slave_configuration_directory }}/*.conf
import {{ slave_with_cache_configuration_directory }}/*.conf
{%- set ssl = {} -%}
{%- if os_module.path.exists(master_certificate) -%}
{%- do ssl.__setitem__('certificate', master_certificate) -%}
{%- do ssl.__setitem__('key', master_certificate) -%}
{#- BBB: SlapOS Master non-zero knowledge BEGIN -#}
{%- elif os_module.path.getsize(apache_certificate) > 0 -%}
{%- do ssl.__setitem__('certificate', apache_certificate) -%}
{%- do ssl.__setitem__('key', apache_certificate) -%}
{%- endif -%}
{#- BBB: SlapOS Master non-zero knowledge END #}
# Catch-all and 404 for not configured instances
{% if 'key' in ssl %}
:{{ https_port }} {
tls {{ ssl['certificate'] }} {{ ssl['key'] }}
tls {{ master_certificate }} {{ master_certificate }}
bind {{ local_ipv4 }}
# Compress the output
......@@ -27,7 +15,6 @@ import {{ slave_with_cache_configuration_directory }}/*.conf
* {{ not_found_file }}
{% endif %}
:{{ http_port }} {
bind {{ local_ipv4 }}
......@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
extensions =
extra-context =
context =
import os_module os
raw common_profile {{ common_profile }}
......@@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ notifempty = true
create = true
{% if master_key_download_url %}
{% do kedifa_updater_mapping.append((master_key_download_url, master_certificate)) %}
{% do kedifa_updater_mapping.append((master_key_download_url, master_certificate, apache_certificate)) %}
{% endif %}
{% if slave_kedifa_information %}
......@@ -174,7 +173,6 @@ bytes = 8
{% set cert_name = slave_reference.replace('-','.') + '.pem' %}
{% set certificate = '%s/%s' % (autocert, cert_name) %}
{% do slave_parameter_dict.__setitem__('certificate', certificate )%}
{% do kedifa_updater_mapping.append((key_download_url, certificate)) %}
{# Set ssl certificates for each slave #}
{% for cert_name in ('ssl_csr', 'ssl_proxy_ca_crt')%}
......@@ -199,13 +197,12 @@ value = {{ dumps(slave_instance.get(cert_name)) }}
{% endfor %}
{#- Set Up Certs #}
{% do slave_instance.__setitem__('apache_certificate', apache_certificate) %}
{% if 'ssl_key' in slave_instance and 'ssl_crt' in slave_instance %}
{% set cert_title = '%s-crt' % (slave_reference) %}
{% set cert_file = '/'.join([bbb_ssl_directory, cert_title.replace('-','.')]) %}
{% do kedifa_updater_mapping.append((key_download_url, certificate, cert_file)) %}
{% do part_list.append(cert_title) %}
{% do slave_parameter_dict.__setitem__("ssl_crt", cert_file) %}
{% do slave_instance.__setitem__('path_to_ssl_crt', cert_file) %}
< = jinja2-template-base
......@@ -214,6 +211,8 @@ rendered = {{ cert_file }}
cert-content = {{ dumps(slave_instance.get('ssl_crt') + '\n' + slave_instance.get('ssl_ca_crt', '') + '\n' + slave_instance.get('ssl_key')) }}
extra-context =
key content :cert-content
{% else %}
{% do kedifa_updater_mapping.append((key_download_url, certificate, master_certificate)) %}
{% endif %}
# BBB: SlapOS Master non-zero knowledge END
......@@ -471,7 +470,7 @@ recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
file = {{ kedifa_updater_mapping_file }}
template = inline:
{% for mapping in kedifa_updater_mapping %}
{{ mapping[0] }} {{ mapping[1] }}
{{ mapping[0] }} {{ mapping[1] }} {{ mapping[2] }}
{% endfor %}
rendered = ${:file}
......@@ -26,25 +26,11 @@
{%- set default_path = slave_parameter.get('default-path', '').strip('/') | urlencode %}
# SSL enabled hosts
{% set ssl = {} %}
{% if os_module.path.exists(slave_parameter['certificate']) %}
{% do ssl.__setitem__('certificate', slave_parameter['certificate']) %}
{% do ssl.__setitem__('key', slave_parameter['certificate']) %}
{#- BBB: SlapOS Master non-zero knowledge BEGIN -#}
{% elif 'path_to_ssl_crt' in slave_parameter %}
{% do ssl.__setitem__('certificate', slave_parameter['path_to_ssl_crt']) %}
{% do ssl.__setitem__('key', slave_parameter['path_to_ssl_crt']) %}
{% elif os_module.path.getsize(slave_parameter['apache_certificate']) > 0 %}
{% do ssl.__setitem__('certificate', slave_parameter['apache_certificate']) %}
{% do ssl.__setitem__('key', slave_parameter['apache_certificate']) %}
{% endif %}
{#- BBB: SlapOS Master non-zero knowledge END -#}
{% if 'key' in ssl %}
{{ https_host_list|join(', ') }} {
bind {{ slave_parameter['local_ipv4'] }}
# Compress the output
tls {{ ssl['certificate'] }} {{ ssl['key'] }} {
tls {{ slave_parameter['certificate'] }} {{ slave_parameter['certificate'] }} {
{%- if enable_h2 %}
# Allow HTTP2
alpn h2 http/1.1
......@@ -189,7 +175,6 @@
{%- endif %} {#- if backend_url #}
{%- endif %} {#- if slave_type == 'zope' and backend_url #}
} {# https_host_list|join(', ') #}
{% endif %}
# SSL-disabled hosts
{{ http_host_list|join(', ') }} {
......@@ -5,20 +5,6 @@
{%- set https_upstream = https_url.split("/")[2] %}
# SSL-enabled
{% set ssl = {} %}
{% if os_module.path.exists(slave_parameter['certificate']) %}
{% do ssl.__setitem__('certificate', slave_parameter['certificate']) %}
{% do ssl.__setitem__('key', slave_parameter['certificate']) %}
{#- BBB: SlapOS Master non-zero knowledge BEGIN -#}
{% elif 'path_to_ssl_crt' in slave_parameter %}
{% do ssl.__setitem__('certificate', slave_parameter['path_to_ssl_crt']) %}
{% do ssl.__setitem__('key', slave_parameter['path_to_ssl_crt']) %}
{% elif os_module.path.getsize(slave_parameter['apache_certificate']) > 0 %}
{% do ssl.__setitem__('certificate', slave_parameter['apache_certificate']) %}
{% do ssl.__setitem__('key', slave_parameter['apache_certificate']) %}
{% endif %}
{#- BBB: SlapOS Master non-zero knowledge END -#}
{% if 'key' in ssl %}
https://{{ slave_parameter.get('custom_domain') }}:{{ slave_parameter['nginx_https_port'] }} {
bind {{ slave_parameter['local_ipv4'] }}
# Compress the output
......@@ -26,7 +12,7 @@ https://{{ slave_parameter.get('custom_domain') }}:{{ slave_parameter['nginx_htt
log / {{ slave_parameter.get('access_log') }} "{remote} - {>REMOTE_USER} [{when}] \"{method} {uri} {proto}\" {status} {size} \"{>Referer}\" \"{>User-Agent}\" {latency_ms}"
errors {{ slave_parameter.get('error_log') }}
tls {{ ssl['certificate'] }} {{ ssl['key'] }} {
tls {{ slave_parameter['certificate'] }} {{ slave_parameter['certificate'] }} {
alpn http/1.1
......@@ -50,7 +36,6 @@ https://{{ slave_parameter.get('custom_domain') }}:{{ slave_parameter['nginx_htt
{% endif %}
# SSL-disabled
http://{{ slave_parameter.get('custom_domain') }}:{{ slave_parameter['nginx_http_port'] }} {
......@@ -58,20 +58,8 @@
import {{ slave_configuration_directory }}/*.conf
# Catch-all and 404 for not configured instances
{%- set ssl = {} -%}
{%- if os_module.path.exists(master_certificate) -%}
{%- do ssl.__setitem__('certificate', master_certificate) -%}
{%- do ssl.__setitem__('key', master_certificate) -%}
{#- BBB: SlapOS Master non-zero knowledge BEGIN -#}
{%- elif os_module.path.getsize(apache_certificate) > 0 -%}
{%- do ssl.__setitem__('certificate', apache_certificate) -%}
{%- do ssl.__setitem__('key', apache_certificate) -%}
{%- endif -%}
{#- BBB: SlapOS Master non-zero knowledge END -#}
# Catch-all and 404 for not configured instances
{% if 'key' in ssl %}
:{{ port }} {
tls {{ ssl['certificate'] }} {{ ssl['key'] }}
tls {{ master_certificate }} {{ master_certificate }}
bind {{ local_ip }}
# Serve an error 204 (No Content) for favicon.ico
status 204 /favicon.ico
......@@ -81,7 +69,6 @@ import {{ slave_configuration_directory }}/*.conf
* {{ not_found_file }}
{% endif %}
:{{ plain_port }} {
bind {{ local_ip }}
......@@ -750,6 +750,10 @@ class SlaveHttpFrontendTestCase(HttpFrontendTestCase):
# run once more slapos node instance, as kedifa-updater sets up
# certificates needed for caddy-frontend, and on this moment it can be
# not started yet
for slave_reference, partition_parameter_kw in cls\
slave_instance = request(
......@@ -5139,23 +5143,15 @@ class TestSlaveSlapOSMasterCertificateCompatibility(
self.assertEqualResultJson(result, 'Path', '/test-path')
certificate_file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(
self.instance_path, '*', 'etc', 'caddy-slave-conf.d', 'ssl',
self.instance_path, '*', 'srv', 'bbb-ssl',
self.assertEqual(1, len(certificate_file_list))
certificate_file = certificate_file_list[0]
with open(certificate_file) as out:
expected = self.customdomain_ca_certificate_pem + '\n' + \ + '\n' + self.customdomain_ca_key_pem
self.customdomain_ca_certificate_pem + '\n' +,
key_file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(
self.instance_path, '*', 'etc', 'caddy-slave-conf.d', 'ssl',
self.assertEqual(1, len(key_file_list))
key_file = key_file_list[0]
with open(key_file) as out:
......@@ -5182,6 +5178,7 @@ class TestSlaveSlapOSMasterCertificateCompatibility(
result = self.fakeHTTPSResult(
parameter_dict['domain'], parameter_dict['public-ipv4'], 'test-path')
......@@ -5192,23 +5189,15 @@ class TestSlaveSlapOSMasterCertificateCompatibility(
self.assertEqualResultJson(result, 'Path', '/test-path')
certificate_file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(
self.instance_path, '*', 'etc', 'caddy-slave-conf.d', 'ssl',
self.instance_path, '*', 'srv', 'bbb-ssl',
self.assertEqual(1, len(certificate_file_list))
certificate_file = certificate_file_list[0]
with open(certificate_file) as out:
expected = customdomain_ca_certificate_pem + '\n' + ca.certificate_pem \
+ '\n' + customdomain_ca_key_pem
customdomain_ca_certificate_pem + '\n' + ca.certificate_pem,
key_file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(
self.instance_path, '*', 'etc', 'caddy-slave-conf.d', 'ssl',
self.assertEqual(1, len(key_file_list))
key_file = key_file_list[0]
with open(key_file) as out:
......@@ -5267,23 +5256,15 @@ class TestSlaveSlapOSMasterCertificateCompatibility(
certificate_file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(
self.instance_path, '*', 'etc', 'caddy-slave-conf.d', 'ssl',
self.instance_path, '*', 'srv', 'bbb-ssl',
self.assertEqual(1, len(certificate_file_list))
certificate_file = certificate_file_list[0]
with open(certificate_file) as out:
expected = self.certificate_pem + '\n' + + \
'\n' + self.key_pem
self.certificate_pem + '\n' +,
key_file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(
self.instance_path, '*', 'etc', 'caddy-slave-conf.d', 'ssl',
self.assertEqual(1, len(key_file_list))
key_file = key_file_list[0]
with open(key_file) as out:
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