Commit 2667eb96 authored by iv's avatar iv

nayuos: Add README.

parent 6f16963d
# NayuOS
This is a SlapOS recipe to build Chromium OS. It needs to be put in the <code>/srv/slapgrid/\<part\>/srv/runner/project/slapos/software/</code> directory.
## Requirements
* sudo and git on the host (for now)
* slapuser with sudo rights to execute the cros_sdk scripts (needed to access the chroot environment provided by Chromium OS)
in /etc/sudoers:
\<slapuser\> ALL= NOPASSWD: /srv/slapgrid/\<part\>/srv/runner/instance/\<inst_part\>/parts/clone-depot-tools/cros_sdk, /srv/slapgrid/\<part\>/srv/runner/instance/\<inst_part\>/parts/chromiumos/chromite/bin/cros_sdk, /srv/slapgrid/\<part\>/srv/runner/instance/\<inst_part\>/parts/chromiumos/chromite/bootstrap/cros_sdk, /srv/slapgrid/\<part\>/srv/runner/instance/\<inst_part\>/parts/chromiumos/chromite/scripts/, /srv/slapgrid/\<part\>/srv/runner/instance/\<inst_part\>/parts/chromiumos/chromite/scripts/cros_sdk.pyc, /srv/slapgrid/\<part\>/srv/runner/instance/\<inst_part\>/parts/chromiumos/chromium/tools/depot_tools/cros_sdk
## Input
In the vifib parameters (softinst\<nb\> \> Services \> Parameters):
* board / ex: peppy, swanky, ... (daisy won't work because of Mali drivers license)
* branch / ex: release-R46-7390.B
## Output
The image will be produced in
and the logs are in
<code>/srv/slapgrid/\<part\>/srv/runner/instance/\<inst_part\>/var/log/cros_sources_dl.log</code> and <code>/srv/slapgrid/\<part\>/srv/runner/instance/\<inst_part\>/var/log/cros_build.log</code>
The script that download the sources and build is located in
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