Commit 301240f2 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

software/seleniumserver,seleniumrunner: workaround firefox >= 60 font issue

This makes firefox 60 and 68 able to load some fonts and fixes the issue
that fonts were rendered as garbled text
parent ba527b82
Pipeline #9028 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ install =
url, md5sum = options[guessPlatform()].split()
extract_dir = self.extract(, md5sum))
self.copyTree(guessworkdir(extract_dir), location)
post-install =
# Current geckodriver installed as ${buildout:bin-directory}/geckodriver
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ extends =
......@@ -22,6 +23,27 @@ parts =
# XXX firefox 68 does not seem to honor <dir> from fontconfig's
# fonts.conf and only loads from system locations and from the
# fonts folder located in firefox part, so we copy (actually, symlink)
# some fonts there, otherwise firefox cannot find its standard fonts.
extra-fonts =
install =
import os
for extra_font_dir in '''${:extra-fonts}'''.splitlines():
dst = os.path.join(location, 'fonts', os.path.basename(extra_font_dir))
os.symlink(extra_font_dir, dst)
post-install =
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
......@@ -44,6 +44,33 @@ output = ${buildout:directory}/template.cfg
<= macro-template
output = ${buildout:directory}/template-selenium.cfg
# XXX firefox 62 and firefox 68 does not seem to honor <dir> from
# fonts.conf and only loads from system locations and from the fonts
# folder located in firefox part, so we copy (actually, symlink) some
# fonts there, otherwise firefox cannot find its standard fonts.
extra-fonts =
install =
import os
for extra_font_dir in '''${:extra-fonts}'''.splitlines():
dst = os.path.join(location, 'fonts', os.path.basename(extra_font_dir))
os.symlink(extra_font_dir, dst)
post-install =
post-install =
plone.recipe.command = 1.1
slapos.recipe.template = 4.4
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