Commit 36a19bc2 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

caddy-frontend: Simplify slave configuration generation

Differences between tls and non-tls are minimal, so simplify the generation
as much as possible with simple tls switch.

It seems more readable than creating Jinja2 macros, which would be used only
parent 3f5f1d51
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ md5sum = f20d6c3d2d94fb685f8d26dfca1e822b
filename = templates/
md5sum = b882c408202cd2dd13f619210321a528
md5sum = 6037ecfd80b5af4e826c7869c19da07c
filename = templates/
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
{%- if slave_parameter.get('custom_domain') not in host_list %}
{%- do host_list.append(slave_parameter.get('custom_domain')) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- set backend_url = slave_parameter.get('https-url', slave_parameter.get('url', '')).rstrip('/') %}
{%- set http_host_list = [] %}
{%- set https_host_list = [] %}
{%- for host in host_list %}
......@@ -25,11 +24,20 @@
{%- endfor %} {#- for host in host_list #}
{%- set default_path = slave_parameter.get('default-path', '').strip('/') | urlencode %}
{%- for tls in [True, False] %}
{%- if tls %}
{%- set backend_url = slave_parameter.get('https-url', slave_parameter.get('url', '')).rstrip('/') %}
# SSL enabled hosts
{{ https_host_list|join(', ') }} {
{%- else %}
{%- set backend_url = slave_parameter.get('url', '').rstrip('/') %}
# SSL-disabled hosts
{{ http_host_list|join(', ') }} {
{%- endif %}
bind {{ slave_parameter['local_ipv4'] }}
# Compress the output
{%- if tls %}
tls {{ slave_parameter['certificate'] }} {{ slave_parameter['certificate'] }} {
{%- if enable_h2 %}
# Allow HTTP2
......@@ -39,6 +47,7 @@
alpn http/1.1
{%- endif %} {#- if enable_h2 #}
} {# tls #}
{%- endif %} {#- if tls #}
log / {{ slave_parameter.get('access_log') }} "{remote} - {>REMOTE_USER} [{when}] \"{method} {uri} {proto}\" {status} {size} \"{>Referer}\" \"{>User-Agent}\" {latency_ms}" {
rotate_size 0
......@@ -67,7 +76,12 @@
{% endif %}
{%- endif %} {#- if not (slave_type == 'zope' and backend_url) #}
{%- if slave_type == 'zope' and backend_url %}
{%- if not tls and https_only %}
# Enforced redirection to SSL-enabled host
redir 302 {
/ https://{host}{rewrite_uri}
{%- elif slave_type == 'zope' and backend_url %}
# Zope configuration
{%- for (proxy_name, proxy_comment) in proxy_append_list %}
# {{ proxy_comment }}
......@@ -114,17 +128,29 @@
rewrite {
regexp (.*)
if {>Accept-Encoding} match "(^gzip,.*|.*, gzip,.*|.*, gzip$|^gzip$)"
{%- if tls %}
to /prefer-gzip/VirtualHostBase/{scheme}%2F%2F{hostonly}:{{ slave_parameter.get('virtualhostroot-https-port', '443') | int }}%2F{{ slave_parameter.get('path', '').strip('/') }}%2FVirtualHostRoot/{1}
{%- else %}
to /prefer-gzip/VirtualHostBase/{scheme}%2F%2F{hostonly}:{{ slave_parameter.get('virtualhostroot-http-port', '80') | int }}%2F{{ slave_parameter.get('path', '').strip('/') }}%2FVirtualHostRoot/{1}
{%- endif %}
rewrite {
regexp (.*)
if {>Accept-Encoding} not_match "(^gzip,.*|.*, gzip,.*|.*, gzip$|^gzip$)"
{%- if tls %}
to /VirtualHostBase/{scheme}%2F%2F{hostonly}:{{ slave_parameter.get('virtualhostroot-https-port', '443') | int }}%2F{{ slave_parameter.get('path', '').strip('/') }}%2FVirtualHostRoot/{1}
{%- else %}
to /VirtualHostBase/{scheme}%2F%2F{hostonly}:{{ slave_parameter.get('virtualhostroot-http-port', '80') | int }}%2F{{ slave_parameter.get('path', '').strip('/') }}%2FVirtualHostRoot/{1}
{%- endif %}
{%- else %}
rewrite {
regexp (.*)
{%- if tls %}
to /VirtualHostBase/{scheme}%2F%2F{hostonly}:{{ slave_parameter.get('virtualhostroot-https-port', '443') | int }}%2F{{ slave_parameter.get('path', '').strip('/') }}%2FVirtualHostRoot/{1}
{%- else %}
to /VirtualHostBase/{scheme}%2F%2F{hostonly}:{{ slave_parameter.get('virtualhostroot-http-port', '80') | int }}%2F{{ slave_parameter.get('path', '').strip('/') }}%2FVirtualHostRoot/{1}
{%- endif %}
} {# rewrite #}
{%- endif %} {#- if prefer_gzip #}
{%- elif slave_type == 'redirect' and backend_url %} {#- if slave_type == 'zope' and backend_url #}
......@@ -180,154 +206,4 @@
{%- endif %} {#- if backend_url #}
{%- endif %} {#- if slave_type == 'zope' and backend_url #}
} {# https_host_list|join(', ') #}
# SSL-disabled hosts
{{ http_host_list|join(', ') }} {
bind {{ slave_parameter['local_ipv4'] }}
# Compress the output
log / {{ slave_parameter.get('access_log') }} "{remote} - {>REMOTE_USER} [{when}] \"{method} {uri} {proto}\" {status} {size} \"{>Referer}\" \"{>User-Agent}\" {latency_ms}" {
rotate_size 0
errors {{ slave_parameter.get('error_log') }} {
rotate_size 0
{%- if not (slave_type == 'zope' and backend_url) %}
{%- if prefer_gzip %}
rewrite {
regexp (.*)
if {>Accept-Encoding} match "(^gzip,.*|.*, gzip,.*|.*, gzip$|^gzip$)"
to /prefer-gzip{1}
rewrite {
regexp (.*)
if {>Accept-Encoding} not_match "(^gzip,.*|.*, gzip,.*|.*, gzip$|^gzip$)"
to {1}
{% else %}
rewrite {
regexp (.*)
to {1}
{% endif %}
{%- endif %} {#- if not (slave_type == 'zope' and backend_url) #}
{%- if https_only %}
# Enforced redirection to SSL-enabled host
redir 302 {
/ https://{host}{rewrite_uri}
{%- elif slave_type == 'redirect' and slave_parameter.get('url', '') %} {#- if https_only #}
# Redirect configuration
redir 302 {
/ {{ slave_parameter.get('url', '') }}{rewrite_uri}
} {# redir #}
{%- elif slave_type == 'zope' and backend_url %} {#- if https_only #}
# Zope configuration
{%- for (proxy_name, proxy_comment) in proxy_append_list %}
# {{ proxy_comment }}
proxy /{{ proxy_name }} {{ backend_url }} {
try_duration {{ slave_parameter['proxy_try_duration'] }}s
try_interval {{ slave_parameter['proxy_try_interval'] }}ms
{%- if proxy_name == 'prefer-gzip' %}
without /prefer-gzip
header_upstream Accept-Encoding gzip
{%- endif %} {#- if proxy_name == 'prefer-gzip' #}
# As backend is trusting REMOTE_USER header unset it always
header_upstream -REMOTE_USER
{%- for disabled_cookie in disabled_cookie_list %}
# Remove cookie {{ disabled_cookie }} from client Cookies
header_upstream Cookie "(.*)(^{{ disabled_cookie }}=[^;]*; |; {{ disabled_cookie }}=[^;]*|^{{ disabled_cookie }}=[^;]*$)(.*)" "$1 $3"
{%- endfor %} {#- for disabled_cookie in disabled_cookie_list #}
{%- if disable_via_header %}
header_downstream -Via
{%- endif %} {#- if disable_via_header #}
{%- if disable_no_cache_header %}
header_upstream -Cache-Control
header_upstream -Pragma
{%- endif %} {#- if disable_no_cache_header #}
timeout 600s
{%- if ssl_proxy_verify %}
{%- if 'path_to_ssl_proxy_ca_crt' in slave_parameter %}
ca_certificates {{ slave_parameter['path_to_ssl_proxy_ca_crt'] }}
{%- endif %} {#- if 'path_to_ssl_proxy_ca_crt' in slave_parameter #}
{%- else %} {#- if ssl_proxy_verify #}
{%- endif %} {#- if ssl_proxy_verify #}
} {# proxy #}
{%- endfor %} {#- for (proxy_name, proxy_comment) in proxy_append_list #}
{%- if default_path %}
redir 301 {
if {path} is /
/ {scheme}://{host}/{{ default_path }}
} {# redir #}
{%- endif %} {#- if default_path #}
{%- if prefer_gzip %}
rewrite {
regexp (.*)
if {>Accept-Encoding} match "(^gzip,.*|.*, gzip,.*|.*, gzip$|^gzip$)"
to /prefer-gzip/VirtualHostBase/{scheme}%2F%2F{hostonly}:{{ slave_parameter.get('virtualhostroot-http-port', '80') | int }}%2F{{ slave_parameter.get('path', '').strip('/') }}%2FVirtualHostRoot/{1}
rewrite {
regexp (.*)
if {>Accept-Encoding} not_match "(^gzip,.*|.*, gzip,.*|.*, gzip$|^gzip$)"
to /VirtualHostBase/{scheme}%2F%2F{hostonly}:{{ slave_parameter.get('virtualhostroot-http-port', '80') | int }}%2F{{ slave_parameter.get('path', '').strip('/') }}%2FVirtualHostRoot/{1}
{%- else %}
rewrite {
regexp (.*)
to /VirtualHostBase/{scheme}%2F%2F{hostonly}:{{ slave_parameter.get('virtualhostroot-http-port', '80') | int }}%2F{{ slave_parameter.get('path', '').strip('/') }}%2FVirtualHostRoot/{1}
} {# rewrite #}
{% endif %} {#- if prefer_gzip #}
{%- else %} {#- if https_only #}
# Default configuration
{%- if default_path %}
redir 301 {
if {path} is /
/ {scheme}://{host}/{{ default_path }}
} {# redir #}
{%- endif %} {#- if default_path #}
{%- if slave_parameter.get('url', '') %}
{%- for (proxy_name, proxy_comment) in proxy_append_list %}
# {{ proxy_comment }}
proxy /{{ proxy_name }} {{ slave_parameter.get('url', '') }} {
try_duration {{ slave_parameter['proxy_try_duration'] }}s
try_interval {{ slave_parameter['proxy_try_interval'] }}ms
{%- if proxy_name == 'prefer-gzip' %}
without /prefer-gzip
header_upstream Accept-Encoding gzip
{%- endif %} {#- if proxy_name == 'prefer-gzip' #}
# As backend is trusting REMOTE_USER header unset it always
header_upstream -REMOTE_USER
{%- for disabled_cookie in disabled_cookie_list %}
# Remove cookie {{ disabled_cookie }} from client Cookies
header_upstream Cookie "(.*)(^{{ disabled_cookie }}=[^;]*; |; {{ disabled_cookie }}=[^;]*|^{{ disabled_cookie }}=[^;]*$)(.*)" "$1 $3"
{%- endfor %} {#- for disabled_cookie in disabled_cookie_list #}
{%- if disable_via_header %}
header_downstream -Via
{%- endif %} {#- if disable_via_header #}
{%- if disable_no_cache_header %}
header_upstream -Cache-Control
header_upstream -Pragma
{%- endif %} {#- if disable_no_cache_header #}
timeout 600s
{%- if ssl_proxy_verify %}
{%- if 'path_to_ssl_proxy_ca_crt' in slave_parameter %}
ca_certificates {{ slave_parameter['path_to_ssl_proxy_ca_crt'] }}
{%- endif %} {#- if 'path_to_ssl_proxy_ca_crt' in slave_parameter #}
{%- else %} {#- if ssl_proxy_verify #}
{%- endif %} {#- if ssl_proxy_verify #}
} {# proxy #}
{%- endfor %} {#- for (proxy_name, proxy_comment) in proxy_append_list #}
{%- endif %} {#- if slave_parameter.get('url', '') #}
{%- endif %} {#- if https_only #}
} {# http_host_list|join(', ') #}
{%- endfor %} {#- for tls in [True, False] #}
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