Commit 99b29a87 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

software/kvm: Simple "Boot image" selection

Thanks to using to draft-06 schema oneOf the "Boot image" field provides a
list of images to select one to boot.
parent 4b83a276
......@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ md5sum = e6d5c7bb627b4f1d3e7c99721b7c58fe
filename = instance-kvm.cfg.jinja2
md5sum = 2fb085450d33e2674b0c1d4ab2055762
md5sum = 23493c541efef97ac5fe435114910b8e
filename =
md5sum = be228c9e39682be53aaba491f858f848
md5sum = bdf8549a76ec61e125d51a05e611e004
filename = instance-kvm-resilient.cfg.jinja2
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ md5sum = b7e87479a289f472b634a046b44b5257
filename = template/
md5sum = 536c3b208fec9fa29ba6223432cd3509
md5sum = 84e40e43a74559f3b31677c2b2052360
filename = template/
......@@ -87,4 +87,4 @@ md5sum = 7e4b54f8172c364bd12d28b07f8b1600
_update_hash_filename_ = template/
md5sum = 7f6cd75096695922fddbba1c9292cef5
md5sum = 54261e418ab9860efe73efd514c4d47f
......@@ -48,6 +48,40 @@
"description": "The list shall be list of direct URLs to images, followed by hash (#), then by image MD5SUM. Each image shall appear on newline, like: \"<newline>\". They will be provided in KVM image list according to the order on the list. After updating the list, the instance has to be restarted to refresh it. Amount of images is limited to 4, and one image can be maximum 5G. Image will be downloaded and checked against its MD5SUM 4 times, then it will be considered as impossible to download with given MD5SUM. Each image has to be downloaded in time shorter than 4 hours, so in case of very slow images to access, it can take up to 16 hours to download all of them. Note: The instance has to be restarted in order to update the list of available images in the VM.",
"type": "string",
"textarea": "true"
"boot-image-url-select": {
"title": "Boot image",
"type": "array",
"oneOf": [
"const": [""],
"title": "Debian Buster 10.5 netinst x86_64"
"const": [""],
"title": "Centos 8.2004 Minimal x86_64"
"const": [""],
"title": "Ubuntu Focal 20.04.1 Live Server x86_64"
"const": [""],
"title": "openSUSE Leap 15.2 NET x86_64"
"const": [""],
"title": "Arch Linux 2020.09.01 x86_64"
"const": [""],
"title": "Fedora Server 32-1.6 netinst x86_64"
"const": [""],
"title": "FreeBSD 12.1 RELEASE bootonly x86_64"
"type": "object"
......@@ -131,6 +131,10 @@ config-keyboard-layout-language = {{ dumps(kvm_parameter_dict.get('keyboard-layo
{#- play nice: if parameter was not constructed by the original request, do not send it at all #}
config-boot-image-url-list = {{ kvm_parameter_dict['boot-image-url-list'] }}
{%- endif %}
{%- if 'boot-image-url-select' in kvm_parameter_dict %}
{#- play nice: if parameter was not constructed by the original request, do not send it at all #}
config-boot-image-url-select = {{ kvm_parameter_dict['boot-image-url-select'] }}
{%- endif %}
config-type = cluster
{% set bootstrap_script_url = slapparameter_dict.get('bootstrap-script-url', kvm_parameter_dict.get('bootstrap-script-url', '')) -%}
"type": "object",
"$schema": "",
"$schema": "",
"title": "Input Parameters",
"properties": {
"enable-device-hotplug": {
......@@ -371,6 +371,54 @@
"description": "The list shall be list of direct URLs to images, followed by hash (#), then by image MD5SUM. Each image shall appear on newline, like: \"<newline>\". They will be provided in KVM image list according to the order on the list. After updating the list, the instance has to be restarted to refresh it. Amount of images is limited to 4, and one image can be maximum 5G. Image will be downloaded and checked against its MD5SUM 4 times, then it will be considered as impossible to download with given MD5SUM. Each image has to be downloaded in time shorter than 4 hours, so in case of very slow images to access, it can take up to 16 hours to download all of them. Note: The instance has to be restarted in order to update the list of available images in the VM.",
"type": "string",
"textarea": "true"
"boot-image-url-select": {
"title": "Boot image",
"type": "array",
"oneOf": [
"const": [
"title": "Debian Buster 10.5 netinst x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "Centos 8.2004 Minimal x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "Ubuntu Focal 20.04.1 Live Server x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "openSUSE Leap 15.2 NET x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "Arch Linux 2020.09.01 x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "Fedora Server 32-1.6 netinst x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "FreeBSD 12.1 RELEASE bootonly x86_64"
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
{% set nat_rule_list = slapparameter_dict.get('nat-rules', '22 80 443') -%}
{% set disk_device_path = slapparameter_dict.get('disk-device-path', None) -%}
{% set boot_image_url_list_enabled = 'boot-image-url-list' in slapparameter_dict %}
{% set boot_image_url_select_enabled = 'boot-image-url-select' in slapparameter_dict %}
{% set cpu_max_count = dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('cpu-max-count', int(slapparameter_dict.get('cpu-count', 1)) + 1)) %}
{% set ram_max_size = dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('ram-max-size', int(slapparameter_dict.get('ram-size', 1024)) + 512)) %}
{% set extends_list = [] -%}
......@@ -59,6 +60,11 @@ boot-image-url-list-repository = ${:srv}/boot-image-url-list-repository
boot-image-url-list-var = ${:var}/boot-image-url-list
boot-image-url-list-expose = ${monitor-directory:private}/boot-image-url-list
{%- endif %}
{%- if boot_image_url_select_enabled %}
boot-image-url-select-repository = ${:srv}/boot-image-url-select-repository
boot-image-url-select-var = ${:var}/boot-image-url-select
boot-image-url-select-expose = ${monitor-directory:private}/boot-image-url-select
{%- endif %}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:generate.mac
......@@ -73,9 +79,116 @@ recipe = slapos.cookbook:generate.password
storage-path = ${directory:srv}/passwd
bytes = 8
{% if boot_image_url_select_enabled %}
## boot-image-url-select support BEGIN
<= monitor-promise-base
module = check_file_state
name = ${:_buildout_section_name_}.py
config-state = empty
# It's very hard to put the username and password correctly, after schema://
# and before the host, as it's not the way how one can use monitor provided
# information, so just show the information in the URL
config-url = ${monitor-base:base-url}/private/boot-image-url-select/${:filename} with username ${monitor-publish-parameters:monitor-user} and password ${monitor-publish-parameters:monitor-password}
# generates configuration of the image from the user parameter
# special "magic" is used, to properly support multiline boot-image-url-select
# but in the same time correctly generate the configuration file
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
template = inline:
{#- Do special trick to support boot-image-url-select being None, if key is present with value "" #}
{%- raw %}
{%- set boot_image_url_select = slap_parameter.get('boot-image-url-select') or '' %}
{%- if boot_image_url_select == 'None' %}
{#- That's insane protection, is it 'None' because of type = array? #}
{%- set boot_image_url_select = '' %}
{%- endif %}
{{ boot_image_url_select }}
{% endraw -%}
context =
section slap_parameter slap-parameter
rendered = ${directory:etc}/boot-image-url-select.json
# compares if the current configuration has been used by
# the boot-image-url-select-download, if not, exposes it as not empty file with
# information
recipe =
install =
import os
import hashlib
if not os.path.exists(location):
with open('${:state-file}', 'w') as state_handler:
with open('${:config-file}', 'rb') as config_handler, open('${:processed-md5sum}') as processed_handler:
config_md5sum = hashlib.md5(
processed_md5sum =
if config_md5sum == processed_md5sum:
state_handler.write('config %s != processed %s' % (config_md5sum, processed_md5sum))
except Exception as e:
update = ${:install}
config-file = ${boot-image-url-select-source-config:rendered}
state-filename = boot-image-url-select-processed-config.state
state-file = ${directory:boot-image-url-select-expose}/${:state-filename}
processed-md5sum = ${directory:boot-image-url-select-var}/update-image-processed.md5sum
# promise to check if the configuration provided by the user has been already
# processed by the boot-image-url-select-download script, which runs asynchronously
<= empty-file-state-base-select-promise
filename = ${boot-image-url-select-processed-config:state-filename}
config-filename = ${boot-image-url-select-processed-config:state-file}
# generates json configuration from user configuration
recipe = plone.recipe.command
command = {{ python_executable }} {{ image_download_config_creator }} ${boot-image-url-select-source-config:rendered} ${:rendered} ${directory:boot-image-url-select-repository} ${:error-state-file}
update-command = ${:command}
rendered = ${directory:boot-image-url-select-var}/boot-image-url-select.json
error-state-filename = boot-image-url-select-json-config-error.txt
error-state-file = ${directory:boot-image-url-select-expose}/${:error-state-filename}
# promise to check if configuration has been parsed without errors
<= empty-file-state-base-select-promise
filename = ${boot-image-url-select-json-config:error-state-filename}
config-filename = ${boot-image-url-select-json-config:error-state-file}
# wrapper to execute boot-image-url-select-download on each run
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
wrapper-path = ${directory:scripts}/boot-image-url-select-updater
command-line = {{ python_executable }} {{ image_download_controller }} ${boot-image-url-select-json-config:rendered} {{ curl_executable_location }} ${:md5sum-state-file} ${:error-state-file} ${boot-image-url-select-processed-config:processed-md5sum}
md5sum-state-filename = boot-image-url-select-download-controller-md5sum-fail.json
md5sum-state-file = ${directory:boot-image-url-select-expose}/${:md5sum-state-filename}
error-state-filename = boot-image-url-select-download-controller-error.text
error-state-file = ${directory:boot-image-url-select-expose}/${:error-state-filename}
hash-existing-files = ${buildout:directory}/software_release/buildout.cfg
# promise to report errors with problems with calculating md5sum of the
# downloaded images
<= empty-file-state-base-select-promise
filename = ${boot-image-url-select-download-wrapper:md5sum-state-filename}
config-filename = ${boot-image-url-select-download-wrapper:md5sum-state-file}
# promise to report errors during download
<= empty-file-state-base-select-promise
filename = ${boot-image-url-select-download-wrapper:error-state-filename}
config-filename = ${boot-image-url-select-download-wrapper:error-state-file}
## boot-image-url-select support END
{% endif %} {# if boot_image_url_select_enabled #}
{% if boot_image_url_list_enabled %}
## boot-image-url-list support BEGIN
<= monitor-promise-base
module = check_file_state
name = ${:_buildout_section_name_}.py
......@@ -130,7 +243,7 @@ processed-md5sum = ${directory:boot-image-url-list-var}/update-image-processed.m
# promise to check if the configuration provided by the user has been already
# processed by the boot-image-url-list-download script, which runs asynchronously
<= empty-file-state-base-promise
<= empty-file-state-base-list-promise
filename = ${boot-image-url-list-processed-config:state-filename}
config-filename = ${boot-image-url-list-processed-config:state-file}
......@@ -145,7 +258,7 @@ error-state-file = ${directory:boot-image-url-list-expose}/${:error-state-filena
# promise to check if configuration has been parsed without errors
<= empty-file-state-base-promise
<= empty-file-state-base-list-promise
filename = ${boot-image-url-list-json-config:error-state-filename}
config-filename = ${boot-image-url-list-json-config:error-state-file}
......@@ -163,13 +276,13 @@ hash-existing-files = ${buildout:directory}/software_release/buildout.cfg
# promise to report errors with problems with calculating md5sum of the
# downloaded images
<= empty-file-state-base-promise
<= empty-file-state-base-list-promise
filename = ${boot-image-url-list-download-wrapper:md5sum-state-filename}
config-filename = ${boot-image-url-list-download-wrapper:md5sum-state-file}
# promise to report errors during download
<= empty-file-state-base-promise
<= empty-file-state-base-list-promise
filename = ${boot-image-url-list-download-wrapper:error-state-filename}
config-filename = ${boot-image-url-list-download-wrapper:error-state-file}
## boot-image-url-list support END
......@@ -200,6 +313,11 @@ boot-image-url-list-json-config = ${boot-image-url-list-json-config:rendered}
{% else %}
boot-image-url-list-json-config =
{% endif %}
{% if boot_image_url_select_enabled %}
boot-image-url-select-json-config = ${boot-image-url-select-json-config:rendered}
{% else %}
boot-image-url-select-json-config =
{% endif %}
nbd-host = ${slap-parameter:nbd-host}
nbd-port = ${slap-parameter:nbd-port}
nbd2-host = ${slap-parameter:nbd2-host}
......@@ -957,6 +1075,13 @@ parts =
{% endif %}
{% if boot_image_url_select_enabled %}
{% endif %}
{% if additional_frontend %}
{% endif %}
......@@ -24,7 +24,18 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
image_number = 0
data =
configuration_dict['config-md5sum'] = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
for entry in data.decode('utf-8').split():
if source_configuration.endswith('.json'):
data = data.strip()
data_list = []
if len(data):
data_list = json.loads(data)
except Exception:
error_list.append('ERR: Data is not a JSON')
data_list = []
data_list = data.decode('utf-8').split()
for entry in data_list:
split_entry = entry.split('#')
if len(split_entry) != 2:
error_list.append('ERR: entry %r is incorrect' % (entry,))
......@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ enable_device_hotplug = '{{ parameter_dict.get("enable-device-hotplug") }}'.lowe
logfile = '{{ parameter_dict.get("log-file") }}'
boot_image_url_list_json_config = '{{ parameter_dict.get("boot-image-url-list-json-config") }}'
boot_image_url_select_json_config = '{{ parameter_dict.get("boot-image-url-select-json-config") }}'
if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context') and url_check_certificate == 'false':
opener = FancyURLopener(context=ssl._create_unverified_context())
......@@ -370,6 +371,18 @@ for nbd_ip, nbd_port in nbd_list:
'file=nbd:[%s]:%s,media=cdrom' % (nbd_ip, nbd_port)])
if boot_image_url_select_json_config:
# Support boot-image-url-select
with open(boot_image_url_select_json_config) as fh:
image_config = json.load(fh)
if image_config['error-amount'] == 0:
for image in sorted(image_config['image-list'], key=lambda k: k['link']):
link = os.path.join(image_config['destination-directory'], image['link'])
if os.path.exists(link) and os.path.islink(link):
'file=%s,media=cdrom' % (link,)
if boot_image_url_list_json_config:
# Support boot-image-url-list
with open(boot_image_url_list_json_config) as fh:
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