Commit bc4a4559 authored by Alain Takoudjou's avatar Alain Takoudjou

stack/supervisord: update README

parent 390dc987
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ To use:
* extend ``stack/supervisord/buildout.cfg`` in your software.cfg file.
* provide ``supervisord-library:target`` and ``supervisord-conf:target`` to your instance template which require to use supervisord controller.
* add ``{% import "supervisord_lib" as supervisord_lib with context %}`` to instance template which call supervisord library. See example bellow:
* add ``{% import "supervisord" as supervisord with context %}`` to instance template which call supervisord library. See example bellow:
......@@ -55,3 +55,32 @@ To use:
Supervisord inside partition
Check supervisord controlled services status:
$ instance/slappartXX/bin/custom-controllerctl status
mariadb RUNNING pid 5511, uptime 6:04:54
`supervisord_program` parameters and defaults:
.. code-block:: python
program_dict = {
"name": "NAME",
"command": "WRAPPER_PATH",
"stopwaitsecs": 60,
"environment": ['PATH="/usr/bin/:/partition/bin/:$PATH"', 'MAKEFLAGS="-j2"'],
"autostart": True,
"autorestart": False,
"startsecs": 0,
"startretries": 0,
"stopsignal": "TERM",
"stdout_logfile": "NONE",
"stderr_logfile": "NONE"
......@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ template = inline:[program:{{ parameter_dict['name'] }}]
directory = ${buildout:directory}
command = {{ parameter_dict['command'] }}
process_name = {{ parameter_dict['name'] }}
autostart = {{ parameter_dict.get('autostart', true) }}
autorestart = {{ parameter_dict.get('autorestart', false) }}
autostart = {{ parameter_dict.get('autostart', True) }}
autorestart = {{ parameter_dict.get('autorestart', False) }}
startsecs = {{ parameter_dict.get('startsecs', 0) }}
startretries = {{ parameter_dict.get('startretries', 0) }}
exitcodes = {{ parameter_dict.get('exitcodes', 0) }}
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