# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2O10 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#                    Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <jp@nexedi.com>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

from zLOG import LOG
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.ERP5Type.Cache import transactional_cached

class ExplanationCache:
  """ExplanationCache provides a central access to 
  all parameters and values which are needed to process 
  an explanation. It is based on the idea that a value is calculated
  once and once only, as a way to accelerate performance of algorithms
  related to an explanation.

  - implement property explanation calculation
    (with parent simulation movements, not only children)

  def __init__(self, explanation):
    """Explanation cache keeps a handful list of caches
    to accelerate performance of business path browsing and
    business process algorithms
    # Define share properties
    self.explanation = explanation
    self.portal_catalog = getToolByName(explanation, 'portal_catalog')
    self.simulation_movement_cache = {} # Simulation Movement Cache
    self.explanation_uid_cache = []
    self.explanation_path_pattern_cache = []
    self.reference_date_cache = {}
    self.closure_cache = {}
    self.union_cache = None

  def _getDeliveryMovementList(self):
    """Returns self if explanation is a delivery line
    or the list of explanation delivery lines if explanation
    is a delivery
    explanation = self.explanation
    if explanation.isDelivery():
      # Gather all movements of the delivery
      delivery_movement_list = explanation.getMovementList()
      # Only consider a single movement - XXX-JPS is this OK when we have lines in lines ?
      delivery_movement_list = [explanation]
    return delivery_movement_list

  def getRootExplanationUidList(self):
    """Return the list of explanation_uid values involved
    in the context of the explanation. This will be useful later
    in order to accelerate searches in the catalog.
    # Return cache if defined
    if self.explanation_uid_cache:
      return self.explanation_uid_cache
    result = set()
    # For each delivery movement
    for movement in self._getDeliveryMovementList():
      # For each simulation movement
      for simulation_movement in movement.getDeliveryRelatedValueList():
        result.add(simulation_movement.getExplanationUid()) # XXX-JPS use new API later
    # Return result
    self.explanation_uid_cache = tuple(result)
    return self.explanation_uid_cache

  def getSimulationPathPatternList(self):
    """Return the list of root path of simulation tree which are 
    involved in the context of the explanation. This will be useful later
    in order to accelerate searches in the catalog.

    XXX-JPS: QUESTION: should we consider only patterns starting from
    the movement, or from the root delivery line related movement ?
    In one case, we must provided appropriate explanation for everything
    to work. In the other case, we can take any delivery line any where
    a explanation.
    # Return cache if defined
    if self.explanation_path_pattern_cache:
      return self.explanation_path_pattern_cache

    # Helper method to update path_dict with
    # each key which forms the pay of the simulation_movement
    path_dict = {}
    def updatePathDict(simulation_movement):
      local_path_dict = path_dict
      container_path = simulation_movement.getParentValue().getPhysicalPath()
      simulation_movement_id = simulation_movement.getId()
      insert_movement = True
      for path_id in container_path:
        local_path_dict = local_path_dict.setdefault(path_id, {})
        if not isinstance(local_path_dict, dict):
          # A movement was already inserted
          insert_movement = False
      if insert_movement:
        local_path_dict[simulation_movement_id] = simulation_movement

    # For each delivery movement
    for movement in self._getDeliveryMovementList():
      # For each simulation movement
      for simulation_movement in movement.getDeliveryRelatedValueList():
    # Build result by browsing path_dict and
    # assembling path '/erp5/portal_simulation/1/34/23/43/%'
    result = []
    def browsePathDict(prefix, local_path_dict):
      for key, value in local_path_dict.items():
        if not isinstance(value, dict):
          # We have a real root
          result.append('%s/%s' % (prefix, key))
          result.append('%s/%s/%%' % (prefix, key))
          # XXX-JPS here we must add all parent movements XXX-JPS
          browsePathDict('%s/%s' % (prefix, key), value) # Recursing with string append is slow XXX-JPS

    # path_dict is typically like this:
    #  {'': {'erp5': {'portal_simulation': {'3': {'4': <SimulationMovement at /erp5/portal_simulation/3/4>}}}}}
    if path_dict:
      browsePathDict('', path_dict[''])
    self.explanation_path_pattern_cache = result
    return result

  def getBusinessLinkRelatedSimulationMovementValueList(self, business_link):
    """Returns the list of simulation movements caused by a business_link
    in the context the our explanation.
    return self.getSimulationMovementValueList(causality_uid=business_link.getUid())
  def getBusinessLinkRelatedMovementValueList(self, business_link):
    """Returns the list of delivery movements related to a business_link
    in the context the our explanation.
    return self.getSimulationMovementValueList(causality_uid=business_link.getUid())

  def getSimulationMovementValueList(self, **kw):
    """Search Simulation Movements related to our explanation.
    Cache result so that the second time we saarch for the same
    list we need not involve the catalog again.

    - this method can be made catalog independent
      in case explanation is an applied rule, we can
      browse parent and child movement
    kw_tuple = tuple(kw.items()) # We hope that no sorting is needed

    def getParentSimulationMovementValueList(obj, movement_list, trade_phase):
      parent = obj.getParentValue()
      while parent.getPortalType() == "Simulation Movement":
        if parent.getCausalityValue(portal_type="Trade Model Path"
            ).isMemberOf(trade_phase, strict_membership=1):
        parent = parent.getParentValue().getParentValue()

    def getChildSimulationMovementValueList(obj, movement_list, trade_phase):
      for child in obj.objectValues():
        if (child.getPortalType() == "Simulation Movement" and
            child.getCausalityValue(portal_type="Trade Model Path"
              ).isMemberOf(trade_phase, strict_membership=1)):
        getChildSimulationMovementValueList(child, movement_list, trade_phase)

    if kw_tuple not in self.simulation_movement_cache:
      if self.explanation.getPortalType() == "Applied Rule":
        movement_list = []
        getParentSimulationMovementValueList(self.explanation, movement_list, kw['trade_phase'])
        getChildSimulationMovementValueList(self.explanation, movement_list, kw['trade_phase'])
        self.simulation_movement_cache[kw_tuple] = movement_list
        # XXX-Aurel : the following code seems not working as expected, it returns
        # all simulation movements from a site
        if kw.get('path', None) is None:
          kw['path'] = self.getSimulationPathPatternList() # XXX-JPS Explicit Query is better
        # XXX-Seb It seems incompatible with the way explanation is working
        # Indeed, the explanation is not the same all other the simulation tree
        #      path                explanation
        # portal_simulation/91/1 testing_folder/17
        # portal_simulation/91/1/1 testing_folder/17
        # portal_simulation/91/1/1/1 testing_folder/18
        # portal_simulation/91/1/1/1/1 testing_folder/18
        # portal_simulation/91/1/1/1/1/1 testing_folder/17
        #if kw.get('explanation_uid', None) is None:
        #  kw['explanation_uid'] = self.getRootExplanationUidList()
        catalog_kw = kw.copy()
        if catalog_kw.has_key('trade_phase'):
          catalog_kw['trade_phase_relative_url'] = catalog_kw['trade_phase']
          del catalog_kw['trade_phase']
        self.simulation_movement_cache[kw_tuple] = \
               self.portal_catalog(portal_type="Simulation Movement",
    return self.simulation_movement_cache[kw_tuple]

  def getBusinessLinkValueList(self, **kw):
    """Find all business path which are related to the simulation 
    trees defined by the explanation.
    business_type_list = self.getPortalBusinessLinkTypeList()
    simulation_movement_list = self.getSimulationMovementValueList()
    simulation_movement_uid_list = map(lambda x:x.uid, simulation_movement_list) 
    # We could use related keys instead of 2 queries
    business_link_list = self.portal_catalog(
    return business_link_list

  def getBusinessLinkClosure(self, business_process, business_link):
    """Creates a Business Process by filtering out all Business Link
    in 'business_process' which are not related to a simulation movement
    which is either a parent or a child of explanation simulations movements
    caused by 'business_link'

    NOTE: Business Link Closure must be at least as "big" as composed 
    business path. The appropriate calculation is still not clear. 
    Options are:
      - take all link of composed business link (even not yet expanded)
      - take all link of composed business link which phase is not yet expanded
    # Try to return cached value first
    new_business_process = self.closure_cache.get(business_link, None)
    if new_business_process is not None:
      return new_business_process

    # Build a list of path patterns which apply to current business_link
    path_list = self.getSimulationPathPatternList()
    path_list = [x for x in path_list if x[-1] != '%'] # Remove trailing %
    path_set = set()
    for simulation_movement in \
      simulation_path = simulation_movement.getPath()
      for path in path_list:
        if simulation_path.startswith(path):
          # Only keep a path pattern which matches current simulation movement
          path_set.add("%s/%%" % path)

    # Lookup in cache based on path_tuple
    path_tuple = tuple(path_set) # XXX-JPS is the order guaranteed here ?
    new_business_process = self.closure_cache.get(path_tuple, None)
    if new_business_process is not None:
      self.closure_cache[business_link] = new_business_process
      return new_business_process

    # Build a new closure business process
    def hasMatchingMovement(business_link):
      return len(self.getSimulationMovementValueList(path=path_tuple, 

    module = business_process.getPortalObject().business_process_module # XXX-JPS
    new_business_process = module.newContent(portal_type="Business Process", 
                                                                        temp_object=True) # XXX-JPS is this really OK with union business processes
    i = 0
    for business_link in business_process.getBusinessLinkValueList():
      if hasMatchingMovement(business_link):
        i += 1
        id = 'closure_path_%s' % i
        new_business_process._setOb(id, business_link.asContext(id=id))

    self.closure_cache[business_link] = new_business_process
    self.closure_cache[path_tuple] = new_business_process
    return new_business_process

  def getUnionBusinessProcess(self):
    """Return a Business Process made of all Business Link
    which are the cause of Simulation Movements in the simulation
    trees related to explanation.
    # Try to return cached value first
    new_business_process = self.union_cache
    if new_business_process is not None:
      return new_business_process

    # Build Union Business Process
    from Products.ERP5Type.Document import newTempBusinessProcess
    new_business_process = newTempBusinessProcess(self.explanation, 'union_business_process')
    i = 0
    for business_link in self.getBusinessLinkValueList():
      i += 1
      id = 'union_path_%s' % i
      new_business_process._setOb(id, business_link.asContext(id=id))

    # Keep it in cache and return
    self.union_cache = new_business_process
    return new_business_process

  def getReferenceDate(self, business_process, trade_phase,
                       reference_date_method_id, delay_mode=None):
    """Browse parent similation movements until a movement with
    appropriate trade_phase is found.
    cache = self.reference_date_cache
    reference_date_key = (business_process.getPhysicalPath(), trade_phase,
                          reference_date_method_id, delay_mode)
      result = cache[reference_date_key]
      if result is self: # use self as marker to detect infinite recursion
        raise ValueError('No reference date is defined, probably due to missing Trade Model Path in Business Process')
      return result
    except KeyError:
      cache[reference_date_key] = self

    # Find simulation movements with appropriate trade_phase
    movement_list = self.getSimulationMovementValueList(trade_phase=trade_phase)

    # Case 1: some (parent) simulation movement with appropriate trade phase exists
    if len(movement_list):
      # XXX-JPS - for now take arbitrary one
      # but we should in reality some way to configure this
      movement = movement_list[0]
      method = getattr(movement, reference_date_method_id)
      cache[reference_date_key] = result = method()
      return result

    # Case 2: we must recursively find another trade phase
    # to find the value recursively
    # XXX-JPS this is only useful for production (MRP) in reality
    # whenever trade model path define time constraints within the same
    # movement generator (ie. transformation with multiple phases)
    path_list = business_process.getTradeModelPathValueList(trade_phase=trade_phase, context=business_process)
    if not len(path_list):
      raise ValueError('No Trade Model Path defines a reference data.')

    path = path_list[0]
    # XXX-JPS - for now take arbitrary one
    # but we should in reality some way to configure this
    start_date, stop_date = business_process.getExpectedTradeModelPathStartAndStopDate(
                                   self.explanation, path, delay_mode=delay_mode)

    # Create a fake simulation movement and lookup property
    movement = self.explanation.newContent(portal_type="Simulation Movement", 
                                           start_date=start_date, stop_date=stop_date,
                                           trade_phase=trade_phase, causality=path)
    method = getattr(movement, reference_date_method_id)
    cache[reference_date_key] = result = method()
    return result

_getExplanationCache = transactional_cached()(ExplanationCache)

def _getBusinessLinkClosure(business_process, explanation, business_link):
  """Returns a closure Business Process for given 
  business_link and explanation. This Business Process
  contains only those Business Link which are related to business_link
  in the context of explanation.
  if explanation.getPortalType() == "Applied Rule":
    # There is no way to guess the closure during expand
    # since some movements may not be generated. The resulting
    # closure might be smaller than expexted
    return business_process
  explanation_cache = _getExplanationCache(explanation)
  return explanation_cache.getBusinessLinkClosure(business_process, business_link)

def _getUnionBusinessProcess(explanation):
  """Build a Business Process by taking the union of Business Link
  which are involved in the simulation trees related to explanation
  explanation_cache = _getExplanationCache(explanation)
  return explanation_cache.getUnionBusinessProcess()