# Go language - https://golang.org/
extends =

parts = gowork

# ---- Go builds itself ----

recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
shared = true
configure-command = :
location = @@LOCATION@@
make-binary =
make-targets= cd src && ./all.bash && cp -alf .. ${:location}
# some testdata files have an issue with slapos.extension.strip.
post-install = ${findutils:location}/bin/find ${:location}/src -type d -name testdata -exec rm -rf {} \; || true
environment =

<= golang-common
# https://golang.org/doc/install/source#bootstrapFromSource
url = https://dl.google.com/go/go1.4-bootstrap-20171003.tar.gz
md5sum = dbf727a4b0e365bf88d97cbfde590016
environment-extra =
make-targets= cd src && ./make.bash && cp -alf .. ${:location}

<= golang-common
url = https://golang.org/dl/go1.12.17.src.tar.gz
md5sum = 6b607fc795391dc609ffd79ebf41f080

# go1.12 needs go1.4 to bootstrap
environment-extra =

<= golang-common
url = https://golang.org/dl/go1.13.15.src.tar.gz
md5sum = 4f4af14d88352a62761a9dcedf863ac0

# go1.13 needs go1.4 to bootstrap
environment-extra =

<= golang-common
url = https://golang.org/dl/go1.14.9.src.tar.gz
md5sum = 6f6dd1377421d27ca4bb607283b31738

# go1.14 needs go1.4 to bootstrap
environment-extra =

# ---- infrastructure to build Go workspaces / projects ----

# gowork is a top-level section representing workspace
# users should add `install` field to [gowork] to describe packages they want to
# be installed (+ automatically their dependencies are installed too). e.g.
#   [gowork]
#   install =
#       lab.nexedi.com/kirr/neo/go/...
#       github.com/pkg/profile
#       golang.org/x/perf/cmd/benchstat
# For Cgo support pkg-config is made pre-available by gowork, and users
# should list paths where to search for pkg-config files, e.g. this way:
#   [gowork]
#   cpkgpath =
#       ${sqlite3:location}/lib/pkgconfig
#       ${zlib:location}/lib/pkgconfig
# It is also possible to specify Go build flags used for compilation e.g. this way:
#   [gowork]
#   buildflags = -race
directory = ${buildout:directory}/go.work
src	= ${:directory}/src
bin	= ${:directory}/bin
depends = ${gowork.goinstall:recipe}

# go version used for the workspace (possible to override in applications)
golang  = ${golang1.14:location}

# no special build flags by default
buildflags =

# empty pkg-config path by default
cpkgpath =

# everything is done by dependent parts
recipe  = plone.recipe.command
command = :

# env.sh for compiling and running go programs
env.sh  = ${gowork-env.sh:output}

recipe	= slapos.recipe.template
url     = ${:_profile_base_location_}/goenv.sh.in
output	= ${gowork:directory}/env.sh
depends = ${gowork.mkdir:recipe}
md5sum	= f89553711ea95ad1f6727b76747a62bf

# NOTE do not use slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory here - if anything in software (not instance)
# uses slapos.cookbook:* in recipe - slapos.cookbook will get compiled against system
# libxml/libxslt or fail to bootstrap at all if those are not present.
recipe  = plone.recipe.command
command = mkdir -p ${gowork:directory}
update-command = ${:command}
stop-on-error = true

# install go packages
# clients should put package list to install to gowork:install ("..." requests installing everything)
recipe  = plone.recipe.command
command = bash -c ". ${gowork:env.sh} && go install ${gowork:buildflags} -v $(echo -n '${gowork:install}' |tr '\n' ' ')"
update-command = ${:command}
stop-on-error = true

recipe  = slapos.recipe.build:gitclone
git-executable = ${git:location}/bin/git

# a go package should:
# 1) <= go-git-package
# 2) provide go.importpath
# 3) provide repository (which is not the same as importpath in general case)
# the list of go packages for a go workspace state can be automatically
# generated with the help of gowork-snapshot tool.
<= git-repository
location = ${gowork:src}/${:go.importpath}