extends =

parts =
# Call installation of slapos.cookbook egg defined in stack/slapos.cfg (needed
# in 99,9% of Slapos Software Releases)
# to create file instance.cfg of all instances

# download bas
# inherited by modules that need to download files
recipe = slapos.recipe.build:download
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename}

# download matomo
# The specific process of downloading and decompressing is defined in stack lamp
url = https://builds.matomo.org/matomo-4.15.1.zip
md5sum = d7d2c4f94cb77af859d0cee8e9e0dbdb
archive-root = matomo

# give the location of the instance-matomo.cfg fil
# Without it the instance-matomo.cfg file will not be executed
path = ${template-matomo-instance:output}
part-list = matomo-backup.sh matomo-backup-cron
db-name = matomo
db-user = matomo

recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename}
output = ${buildout:directory}/instance-matomo.cfg
extensions = jinja2.ext.do
context =
          key findutils_location findutils:location
          key diffutils_location diffutils:location
          key php_location apache-php:location
          key matomo_backup_sh template-matomo-backup.sh:target

# download matomo-backup.sh.in
<= matomo-download

recipe = slapos.cookbook:request.serialised
configuration.mariadb-computer-guid = ${slap-connection:computer-id}
configuration.apache-computer-guid = ${slap-connection:computer-id}