############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2006 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Romain Courteaud # Ivan Tyagov # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from ZPublisher.HTTPRequest import FileUpload from Globals import InitializeClass, DTMLFile from Products.ERP5Type.Tool.BaseTool import BaseTool from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions from Products.ERP5Wizard import _dtmldir from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from zLOG import LOG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, DEBUG from cStringIO import StringIO from UserDict import UserDict import xmlrpclib, socket, sys, traceback, urllib, urllib2, base64, cgi from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager, noSecurityManager import zLOG import cookielib from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse from base64 import encodestring, decodestring from urllib import quote, unquote from DateTime import DateTime from Products.PluggableAuthService.interfaces.plugins import IAuthenticationPlugin from Products.ERP5Type.Cache import CachingMethod # global (RAM) cookie storage cookiejar = cookielib.CookieJar() referer = None installation_status = {'bt5': {'current': 0, 'all': 0,}, 'activity_list': [],} # cookie name to store user's preferred language name LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME = 'configurator_user_preferred_language' def getAvailableLanguageFromHttpAcceptLanguage(http_accept_language, available_language_list, default='en'): for language_set in http_accept_language.split(','): language_tag = language_set.split(';')[0] language = language_tag.split('-')[0] if language in available_language_list: return language return default def _isUserAcknowledged(cookiejar): """ Is user authenticated to remote system through a cookie. """ for cookie in cookiejar: if cookie.name == '__ac' and cookie.value != '': return 1 return 0 def _getAcCookieFromServer(url, opener, cookiejar, username, password, header_dict = {}): """ get __ac cookie from server """ data = urllib.urlencode({'__ac_name': username, '__ac_password': password}) request = urllib2.Request(url, data, header_dict) f = opener.open(request) return f def _setSuperSecurityManager(self): """ Change to super user account. """ user = self.getWrappedOwner() newSecurityManager(self.REQUEST, user) class GeneratorCall(UserDict): """ Class use to generate/interpret XML-RPC call for the wizard. """ _binary_keys = ("data", "filedata", "previous", "next",) _string_keys = ( "command", "server_buffer",) def __init__(self, *args, **kw): UserDict.__init__(self, *args, **kw) self.convert_data = {} for key in (self._binary_keys + self._string_keys): self.setdefault(key, None) def load(self, xmlrpccall): """ Convert the xmlrpccall into the object. """ self.convert_data = xmlrpclib.loads(xmlrpccall)[0][0] for binary_key in self._binary_keys: if self.convert_data[binary_key] is not None: if isinstance(self.convert_data[binary_key], list): self[binary_key] = [] for item in self.convert_data[binary_key]: self[binary_key].append(self._decodeData(item[16:-18])) else: self[binary_key] = self._decodeData(self.convert_data[binary_key][16:-18]) ## load string keys for string_key in self._string_keys: self[string_key] = self.convert_data[string_key] def dump(self): """ Dump object to a xmlrpccall. """ for binary_key in self._binary_keys: if isinstance(self[binary_key], list): ## we have list of values self.convert_data[binary_key] = [] for item in self[binary_key]: self.convert_data[binary_key].append(self._encodeData(item)) else: if self[binary_key] is not None: self.convert_data[binary_key] = self._encodeData(self[binary_key]) else: self.convert_data[binary_key] = None for string_key in self._string_keys: self.convert_data[string_key] = self[string_key] return xmlrpclib.dumps((self.convert_data,), 'GeneratorAnswer', allow_none=1) def _decodeData(self, data): """ Decode data. """ binary_decoder = xmlrpclib.Binary() binary_decoder.decode(data) return binary_decoder.data def _encodeData(self, data): """ Encode data to transmitable text. """ fp = StringIO() try: # data might be ERP5Type.Message.Message instance. xmlrpclib.Binary(data=str(data)).encode(fp) return fp.getvalue() finally: fp.close() def getPicklableRequest(REQUEST): """ Return 'pickable' request """ picklable_request = {} for key, value in REQUEST.items(): picklable_request[key] = str(value) return picklable_request def _generateErrorXML(error_message): """ Generate HTML for displaying an error. """ log_message = traceback.format_exc() return '
' % error_message ## server to local preferences id translation table _server_to_preference_ids_map = {'client_id': 'preferred_express_client_uid', 'current_bc_index': 'preferred_express_erp5_uid', 'password': 'preferred_express_password', 'user_id': 'preferred_express_user_id',} class WizardTool(BaseTool): """ WizardTool is able to generate custom business templates. """ id = 'portal_wizard' meta_type = 'ERP5 Wizard Tool' portal_type = 'Wizard Tool' isPortalContent = 1 isRADContent = 1 property_sheets = () security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManagePortal, 'manage_overview') manage_overview = DTMLFile('explainWizardTool', _dtmldir ) # Stop traversing a concatenated path after the proxy method. def __before_publishing_traverse__(self, self2, request): path = request['TraversalRequestNameStack'] if path and path[-1] == 'proxy': subpath = path[:-1] subpath.reverse() request.set('traverse_subpath', subpath) # initialize our root proxy URL which we use for a referer global referer path[:-1] = [] if referer is None: referer = '%s/portal_wizard/proxy/%s/view' %(self.getPortalObject().absolute_url(), \ '/'.join(subpath[:3])) def _getProxyURL(self, subpath='', query=''): # Helper method to construct an URL appropriate for proxying a request. # This makes sure that URLs generated by absolute_url at a remote site # will be always towards the proxy method again. # # Note that the code assumes that VirtualHostBase is visible. The setting # of a front-end server must allow this. # # This should generate an URL like this: # # http://remotehost:9080/VirtualHostBase/http/localhost:8080/VirtualHostRoot/_vh_erp5/_vh_portal_wizard/_vh_proxy/erp5/person_module/2 part_list = [] server_url = self.getServerUrl().rstrip('/') part_list.append(server_url) part_list.append('VirtualHostBase') portal_url = self.getPortalObject().absolute_url() scheme, rest = urllib.splittype(portal_url) addr, path = urllib.splithost(rest) host, port = urllib.splitnport(addr, scheme == 'http' and 80 or 443) part_list.append(scheme) part_list.append('%s:%s' % (host, port)) part_list.append('VirtualHostRoot') method_path = self.absolute_url_path() + '/proxy' part_list.extend(('_vh_' + p for p in method_path.split('/') if p)) server_root = self.getServerRoot().strip('/') if isinstance(subpath, (list, tuple)): subpath = '/'.join(subpath) if not subpath.startswith(server_root): part_list.append(server_root) part_list.append(subpath) url = '/'.join((p for p in part_list if p)) if query: url = url + '?' + query return url def _getSubsribedUserAndPassword(self): """Retrieve the username and password for the subscription from the system.""" user = CachingMethod(self.getExpressConfigurationPreference, \ 'WizardTool_preferred_express_user_id', \ cache_factory='erp5_content_long')('preferred_express_user_id', '') pw = CachingMethod(self.getExpressConfigurationPreference, \ 'WizardTool_preferred_express_password', \ cache_factory='erp5_content_long')('preferred_express_password', '') return (user, pw) # This is a custom opener director for not handling redirections # and errors automatically. This is necessary because the proxy # should pass all results to a client as they are. simple_opener_director = urllib2.OpenerDirector() for name in ('ProxyHandler', 'UnknownHandler', \ 'HTTPHandler', 'FTPHandler', 'FileHandler', 'HTTPSHandler',): handler = getattr(urllib2, name, None) if handler is not None: simple_opener_director.add_handler(handler()) # add cookie support simple_opener_director.add_handler(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookiejar)) security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'proxy') def proxy(self, **kw): """Proxy a request to a server.""" global cookiejar, referer if self.REQUEST['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'GET': # XXX this depends on the internal of HTTPRequest. pos = self.REQUEST.stdin.tell() self.REQUEST.stdin.seek(0) # XXX if filesize is too big, this might cause a problem. data = self.REQUEST.stdin.read() self.REQUEST.stdin.seek(pos) else: data = None content_type = self.REQUEST.get_header('content-type') # XXX if ":method" trick is used, then remove it from subpath. if self.REQUEST.traverse_subpath: if data is not None: user_input = data else: user_input = self.REQUEST.QUERY_STRING if user_input: mark = ':method' content_type_value = None content_type_dict = None if content_type: content_type_value, content_type_dict = cgi.parse_header(content_type) if content_type_value == 'multipart/form-data': fp = StringIO(user_input) user_input_dict = cgi.parse_multipart(fp, content_type_dict) else: user_input_dict = cgi.parse_qs(user_input) for i in user_input_dict: if i.endswith(mark): method_name = i[:-len(mark)] method_path = method_name.split('/') if self.REQUEST.traverse_subpath[-len(method_path):]==method_path: del self.REQUEST.traverse_subpath[-len(method_path):] break url = self._getProxyURL(self.REQUEST.traverse_subpath, self.REQUEST['QUERY_STRING']) # XXX this will send the password unconditionally! # I hope https will be good enough. header_dict = {} user_and_password = self._getSubsribedUserAndPassword() if (len(user_and_password)==2 and user_and_password[0] and user_and_password[1]): # try login to server only once using cookie method if not _isUserAcknowledged(cookiejar): server_url = self.getServerUrl() f = _getAcCookieFromServer('%s/WebSite_login' %server_url, self.simple_opener_director, cookiejar, user_and_password[0], user_and_password[1]) # if server doesn't support cookie authentication try basic authentication if not _isUserAcknowledged(cookiejar): auth = 'Basic %s' % base64.standard_b64encode('%s:%s' % user_and_password) header_dict['Authorization'] = auth if content_type: header_dict['Content-Type'] = content_type # send locally saved cookies to remote web server if not header_dict.has_key('Cookie'): header_dict['Cookie'] = '' for cookie in cookiejar: # unconditionally send all cookies (no matter if expired or not) as URL is always the same header_dict['Cookie'] += '%s=%s;' %(cookie.name, cookie.value) # include cookies from local browser (like show/hide tabs) which are set directly # by client JavaScript code (i.e. not sent from server) for cookie_name, cookie_value in self.REQUEST.cookies.items(): header_dict['Cookie'] += '%s=%s;' %(cookie_name, cookie_value) # add HTTP referer (especially useful in Localizer when changing language) header_dict['REFERER'] = self.REQUEST.get('HTTP_REFERER', None) or referer request = urllib2.Request(url, data, header_dict) f = self.simple_opener_director.open(request) try: data = f.read() metadata = f.info() response = self.REQUEST.RESPONSE if f.code> 300 and f.code <400: # adjust return url which my contain proxy URLs as arguments location = metadata.getheader('location') parsed_url = list(urlparse(location)) local_site_url_prefix = urllib.quote('%s/portal_wizard/proxy' \ %self.getPortalObject().absolute_url()) remote_url_parsed = urlparse(self.getServerUrl()) remote_site_url_prefix = '%s://%s/kb' %(remote_url_parsed[0], remote_url_parsed[1]) # fix arguments for returned location URL parsed_url[4] = parsed_url[4].replace(local_site_url_prefix, remote_site_url_prefix) response['location'] = urlunparse(parsed_url) response.setStatus(f.code, f.msg) response.setHeader('content-type', metadata.getheader('content-type')) # FIXME this list should be confirmed with the RFC 2616. for k in ('uri', 'cache-control', 'last-modified', 'etag', 'if-matched', 'if-none-match', 'if-range', 'content-language', 'content-range' 'content-location', 'content-md5', 'expires', 'content-encoding', 'vary', 'pragma', 'content-disposition', 'content-length', 'age'): if k in metadata: response.setHeader(k, metadata.getheader(k)) return data finally: f.close() def _getRemoteWitchTool(self, server_url): """ Return remote generator tool interface. """ server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(server_url, allow_none=1) witch_tool = server.portal_witch return witch_tool def callRemoteProxyMethod(self, distant_method, server_url=None): """ Call proxy method on server. """ # set real method_id form = self.REQUEST.form form['method_id'] = distant_method rc = self._callRemoteMethod('proxyMethodHandler') return rc['data'] def _callRemoteMethod(self, distant_method, server_url=None, wrap_result=1): """ Call remote method on server and get result. """ result_call = GeneratorCall() if server_url is None: # calculate it server_url = self.getServerUrl() + self.getServerRoot() witch_tool = self._getRemoteWitchTool(server_url) parameter_dict = self.REQUEST.form ## add client arguments self._updateParameterDictWithServerInfo(parameter_dict) ## handle file upload self._updateParameterDictWithFileUpload(parameter_dict) ## call remote method try: method = getattr(witch_tool, distant_method) html = method(parameter_dict) except socket.error, message: html = _generateErrorXML("""Cannot contact the server: %s. Please check your network settings.""" %server_url) zLOG.LOG('Wizard Tool socket error', zLOG.ERROR, message) result_call.update({"command": "show", "data": html, "next": None, "previous": None}) except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, message: html = _generateErrorXML("""The server %s refused to reply. Please contact erp5-dev@erp5.org""" % server_url) zLOG.LOG('Wizard Tool xmlrpc protocol error', zLOG.ERROR, message) result_call.update({"command": "show", "data": html, "next": None, "previous": None}) except xmlrpclib.Fault, message: html = _generateErrorXML("Error/bug inside the server: %s." % server_url) zLOG.LOG('Wizard Tool xmlrpc fault', zLOG.ERROR, message) result_call.update({"command": "show", "data": html, "next": None, "previous": None}) else: result_call.load(html) command = result_call["command"] html = result_call["data"] return result_call def _setServerInfo(self, **kw): """ Save to local Zope client address info. """ global _server_to_preference_ids_map for item, value in kw.items(): if item in _server_to_preference_ids_map.keys(): ## save persistently (as preference) self.setExpressConfigurationPreference(_server_to_preference_ids_map[item], value) def _updateParameterDictWithServerInfo(self, parameter_dict): """Updates parameter_dict to include local saved server info settings. """ global _server_to_preference_ids_map for key, value in _server_to_preference_ids_map.items(): parameter_dict[key] = self.getExpressConfigurationPreference(value, None) ## add local ERP5 instance url parameter_dict['erp5_url'] = self.getPortalObject().absolute_url() # add user preffered language REQUEST = getattr(self, 'REQUEST', None) configurator_user_preferred_language = None if REQUEST is not None: # language value will be in cookie or REQUEST itself. configurator_user_preferred_language = REQUEST.get(LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME, None) if configurator_user_preferred_language is None: # Find a preferred language from HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE available_language_list = [i[1] for i in self.WizardTool_getConfigurationLanguageList()] configurator_user_preferred_language = getAvailableLanguageFromHttpAcceptLanguage( REQUEST.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE', 'en'), available_language_list) if configurator_user_preferred_language is None: configurator_user_preferred_language = 'en' parameter_dict['user_preferred_language'] = configurator_user_preferred_language def _updateParameterDictWithFileUpload(self, parameter_dict): """Updates parameter_dict to replace file upload with their file content, encoded as XML-RPC Binary """ for key, value in parameter_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, FileUpload): pos = value.tell() value.seek(0) parameter_dict[key] = xmlrpclib.Binary(value.read()) value.seek(pos) def _importBT5FileData(self, bt5_filename, bt5_filedata): """ Import bt5 file content. """ bt5_io = StringIO(bt5_filedata) portal_templates = getToolByName(self.getPortalObject(), 'portal_templates') try: business_template = portal_templates.importFile(import_file=bt5_io, batch_mode=1) except: ## importing of generated bt5 failed business_template = None LOG("Wizard", ERROR, "[FAIL] Import of Nexedi Configurator bt5 file(%s)" %bt5_filename) raise bt5_io.close() #install bt5 portal_workflow = getToolByName(self.getPortalObject(), 'portal_workflow') business_template.install() security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'installBT5FilesFromServer') def installBT5FilesFromServer(self, server_response, execute_after_setup_script=True, install_standard_bt5=True, install_customer_bt5=True, use_super_manager=True): """ Install or update BT5 files which we get from remote server. """ global installation_status if use_super_manager: # set current security manager to owner of site _setSuperSecurityManager(self.getPortalObject()) portal = self.getPortalObject() bt5_files = server_response.get("filedata", []) bt5_filenames = server_response["server_buffer"].get("filenames", []) portal_templates = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_templates') counter = 0 LOG("Wizard", INFO, "Starting installation for %s" %' '.join(bt5_filenames)) installation_status['bt5']['all'] = len(bt5_files) #execute_after_setup_script = install_standard_bt5 = install_customer_bt5 = False # dev mode for bt5_id in bt5_filenames: if bt5_id.startswith('http://'): ## direct download of bt5 files available if install_standard_bt5: bt = portal_templates.download(bt5_id) bt.install() installation_status['bt5']['current'] = counter + 1 LOG("Wizard", INFO, "[OK] standard bt5 installation (HTTP) from %s" %bt5_id) else: ## remote system supplied file content if install_customer_bt5: bt5_filedata = bt5_files[counter] self._importBT5FileData(bt5_id, bt5_filedata) installation_status['bt5']['current'] = counter + 1 LOG("Wizard", INFO, "[OK] customized bt5 installation (XML-RPC) %s, %s bytes" % (bt5_id, len(bt5_filedata))) ## .. counter += 1 ## can we execute after setup script that will finish installation on client side? bt5_after_setup_script_id = server_response["server_buffer"].get("after_setup_script_id", None) if bt5_after_setup_script_id is None and \ self.getExpressConfigurationPreference( 'preferred_express_configuration_status', False): ## we already have stored after setup script id bt5_after_setup_script_id = self.getExpressConfigurationPreference( 'preferred_express_after_setup_script_id', None) if execute_after_setup_script and bt5_after_setup_script_id is not None: ## Execute script provided (if) in customer specific business template. bt5_customer_template_id = server_response["server_buffer"]['filenames'][-1] bt5_customer_template_id = bt5_customer_template_id.replace('.bt5', '') after_script = getattr(self, bt5_after_setup_script_id, None) if after_script is not None: after_script_result = after_script(customer_template_id = bt5_customer_template_id) LOG("Wizard", INFO,"[OK] execution of afer setup script %s (for bt5 %s)\n%s" %(after_script.getId(), bt5_customer_template_id, after_script_result)) ## mark this ERP5 instance as configured self.setExpressConfigurationPreference( 'preferred_express_configuration_status', 1) self.setExpressConfigurationPreference( 'preferred_express_after_setup_script_id', bt5_after_setup_script_id) # Make sure that the site status is reloaded. portal.portal_caches.clearAllCache() LOG("Wizard", INFO, "Completed installation for %s" %' '.join(bt5_filenames)) if use_super_manager: noSecurityManager() ###################################################### ## Navigation ## ###################################################### #security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'login') def remoteLogin(self, REQUEST): """ Login client and show next form. """ client_id = None user_id = REQUEST.get('field_my_ac_name', None) or self.getExpressConfigurationPreference('preferred_express_user_id') REQUEST.form['field_my_ac_name'] = user_id password = REQUEST.get('field_my_ac_password', '') came_from_method = REQUEST.get('field_my_came_from_method', '') ## call remote server response = self._callRemoteMethod("getIdentification") command = response["command"] if command == "show": ## server wants some more info - i.e possible ## selection of working business configuration if response.get('server_buffer', None) is not None: client_id = response['server_buffer'].get('client_id', None) self._setServerInfo(user_id=user_id, password=password, client_id=client_id) return self.WizardTool_dialogForm(form_html=response["data"]) elif command == "next": self._setServerInfo(user_id=user_id, \ #password=password, \ client_id=response['server_buffer'].get('client_id', None), \ current_bc_index=response['server_buffer'].get('current_bc_index', None)) # set encoded __ac_express cookie at client's browser __ac_express = quote(encodestring(password)) expires = (DateTime() + 1).toZone('GMT').rfc822() REQUEST.RESPONSE.setCookie('__ac_express', __ac_express, expires = expires) REQUEST.set('__ac_express', __ac_express) return self.next(REQUEST=REQUEST) elif command == "login": ## invalid user/password self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( \ 'portal_wizard/%s?field_my_ac_name=%s&portal_status_message=%s' \ %(came_from_method, user_id, response['server_buffer']['message'])) return def login(self, REQUEST): """ Login client and show next form. """ user_id = self.getExpressConfigurationPreference('preferred_express_user_id') password = REQUEST.get('field_my_ac_password', '') if self._isCorrectConfigurationKey(user_id, password): # set user preferred configuration language user_preferred_language = REQUEST.get('field_my_user_preferred_language', None) if user_preferred_language: # Set language value to request so that next page after login # can get the value. Because cookie value is available from # next request. REQUEST.set(LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME, user_preferred_language) REQUEST.RESPONSE.setCookie(LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME, user_preferred_language, path='/', expires=(DateTime()+30).rfc822()) # set encoded __ac_express cookie at client's browser __ac_express = quote(encodestring(password)) expires = (DateTime() + 1).toZone('GMT').rfc822() REQUEST.RESPONSE.setCookie('__ac_express', __ac_express, expires = expires) REQUEST.set('__ac_express', __ac_express) return self.next(REQUEST=REQUEST) else: # incorrect user_id / password REQUEST.set('portal_status_message', self.callRemoteProxyMethod('WizardTool_viewIncorrectConfigurationKeyMessageRenderer')) return self.view() def _isCorrectConfigurationKey(self, user_id, password): """ Is configuration key correct """ uf = self.getPortalObject().acl_users for plugin_name, plugin in uf._getOb('plugins').listPlugins(IAuthenticationPlugin): if plugin.authenticateCredentials({'login':user_id, 'password': password}) is not None: return 1 return 0 def _isUserAllowedAccess(self): """ Can user access locally portal_wizard """ password = self.REQUEST.get('__ac_express', None) if password is not None: user_id = self.getExpressConfigurationPreference('preferred_express_user_id') password = decodestring(unquote(password)) return self._isCorrectConfigurationKey(user_id, password) return 0 #security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'next') def next(self, REQUEST): """ Validate settings and return a new form to the user. """ # check if user is allowed to access service if not self._isUserAllowedAccess(): REQUEST.set('portal_status_message', self.Base_translateString('Incorrect Configuration Key')) return self.view() response = self._callRemoteMethod("next") if isinstance(response['server_buffer'], dict): ## Remote server may request us to save some data. self._setServerInfo(**response['server_buffer']) ## Parse server response command = response["command"] html = response["data"] if command == "show": return self.WizardTool_dialogForm(previous=response['previous'], form_html=html, next = response['next']) elif command == "update": return self.next(REQUEST=REQUEST) elif command == "login": REQUEST.set('portal_status_message', html) return self.view(REQUEST=REQUEST) elif command == "install": return self.startInstallation(REQUEST=REQUEST) #security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'previous') def previous(self, REQUEST): """ Display the previous form. """ # check if user is allowed to access service if not self._isUserAllowedAccess(): REQUEST.set('portal_status_message', self.Base_translateString('Incorrect Configuration Key')) return self.view() response = self._callRemoteMethod('previous') command = response["command"] html = response['data'] if command == "show": return self.WizardTool_dialogForm(previous=response['previous'], form_html=html, next=response['next']) elif command == "login": REQUEST.set('portal_status_message', html) return self.view(REQUEST=REQUEST) security.declarePublic(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getInstallationStatusReportFromClient') def getInstallationStatusReportFromClient(self, active_process_id=None, REQUEST=None): """ Query local ERP5 instance for installation status. If installation is over the installation activities and reindexing activities should not exists. """ global installation_status portal_activities = getToolByName(self.getPortalObject(), 'portal_activities') is_bt5_installation_over = (portal_activities.countMessageWithTag('initialERP5Setup')==0) if 0 == len(portal_activities.getMessageList()) and is_bt5_installation_over: html = self.WizardTool_viewSuccessfulConfigurationMessageRenderer() else: if is_bt5_installation_over: # only if bt5s are installed start tracking number of activities activity_list = portal_activities.getMessageList() installation_status['activity_list'].append(len(activity_list)) html = self.WizardTool_viewRunningInstallationMessage(installation_status = installation_status) # set encoding as this is usually called from asynchronous JavaScript call self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8'); return html security.declarePublic(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getInstallationStatusReportFromServer') def getInstallationStatusReportFromServer(self, active_process_id=None, REQUEST=None): """ Query remote server (usually only once for some installation status report """ response = self._callRemoteMethod("getInstallationStatusReport") html = response["data"] return html security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'startInstallation') def startInstallation(self, REQUEST): """ Start installation process as an activity which will query generation server and download/install bt5 template files and meanwhile offer user a nice GUI to observe what's happening. """ global installation_status # init installation status installation_status['bt5']['all'] = 0 installation_status['bt5']['current'] = 0 installation_status['activity_list'] = [] active_process = self.portal_activities.newActiveProcess() REQUEST.set('active_process_id', active_process.getId()) request_restore_dict = {'__ac_express': self.REQUEST.get('__ac_express', None),} self.activate(active_process=active_process, tag = 'initialERP5Setup').initialERP5Setup(request_restore_dict) return self.Wizard_viewInstallationStatus(REQUEST) security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'initialERP5Setup') def initialERP5Setup(self, request_restore_dict={}): """ Get from remote generation server customized bt5 template files and then install them. """ # restore some REQUEST variables as this method is executed in an activity # and there's no access to real original REQUEST for key, value in request_restore_dict.items(): self.REQUEST.set(key, value) self.REQUEST.form['wizard_request_type'] = 'initial_setup' # calculate server_url, because after bt5 installation reindexing is started # which will make it impossible to get preferences items server_url = self.getServerUrl() + self.getServerRoot() server_response = self._callRemoteMethod('getBT5FilesForBusinessConfiguration', server_url) ## save erp5_uid which will make it possible to distingush different business conf for client current_bc_index = server_response['server_buffer'].get('current_bc_index', None) if current_bc_index is not None: self._setServerInfo(current_bc_index = current_bc_index) self.installBT5FilesFromServer(server_response, True) server_response = self._callRemoteMethod('finalizeInstallation', server_url) LOG("Wizard", INFO, "Successfuly installed generated business configuration from %s" %self.getServerUrl()) security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'repair') def repair(self): """ Repair broken ERP5 instance. This will install all business templates for ERP5 instance as specified in its business configuration. """ self.REQUEST.form['wizard_request_type'] = 'repair' server_response = self._callRemoteMethod('getBT5FilesForBusinessConfiguration') if server_response['command'] == "install": active_process = self.portal_activities.newActiveProcess() self.activate(active_process=active_process).installBT5FilesFromServer(server_response, True) html = server_response['data'] LOG("Wizard", INFO, "Start repair process for ERP5 instance from %s" %self.getServerUrl()) return self.WizardTool_dialogForm(form_html = html) security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'update') def update(self): """ Update ERP5's instance standard business templates. """ self.REQUEST.form['wizard_request_type'] = 'update' server_response = self._callRemoteMethod('getBT5FilesForBusinessConfiguration') if server_response['command'] == "install": active_process = self.portal_activities.newActiveProcess() self.activate(active_process=active_process).installBT5FilesFromServer(server_response, execute_after_setup_script = False) html = server_response['data'] LOG("Wizard", INFO, "Start update process for ERP5 instance from %s" %self.getServerUrl()) return self.WizardTool_dialogForm(form_html = html) security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getServerUrl') def getServerUrl(self): return CachingMethod(self.getExpressConfigurationPreference, \ 'WizardTool_preferred_witch_tool_server_url', \ cache_factory='erp5_content_long')('preferred_witch_tool_server_url', '') security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getServerRoot') def getServerRoot(self): return CachingMethod(self.getExpressConfigurationPreference, \ 'WizardTool_preferred_witch_tool_server_root', \ cache_factory='erp5_content_long')('preferred_witch_tool_server_root', '') security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getExpressConfigurationPreference') def getExpressConfigurationPreference(self, preference_id, default = None): """ Get Express configuration preference """ _setSuperSecurityManager(self.getPortalObject()) portal_preferences = getToolByName(self, 'portal_preferences') preference_value = portal_preferences.getPreference(preference_id, default) noSecurityManager() return preference_value security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'setExpressConfigurationPreference') def setExpressConfigurationPreference(self, preference_id, value): """ Set Express configuration preference """ portal_preferences = getToolByName(self, 'portal_preferences') if portal_preferences.getActivePreference() is not None: portal_preferences.setPreference(preference_id, value)