import os, os.path, sys def package_home(globals_dict): __name__=globals_dict['__name__'] m=sys.modules[__name__] if hasattr(m,'__path__'): r=m.__path__[0] elif "." in __name__: r=sys.modules[__name__[:__name__.rfind('.')]].__path__[0] else: r=__name__ return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), r)) setup_ini = 'file://%s/uno.ini' % package_home(globals()) import PyUNO class uno: def __init__ ( self, connection='socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp', setup=setup_ini ): """ do the bootstrap connection can be one or more of the following: socket, host = localhost | <hostname> | <ip-addr>, port = <port>, service = soffice, user = <username>, password = <password> ;urp """ self.XComponentContext = PyUNO.bootstrap ( setup ) self.XUnoUrlResolver, o = \ self.XComponentContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext ( '', self.XComponentContext ) self.XNamingService, o = self.XUnoUrlResolver.resolve ( 'uno:%s;StarOffice.NamingService' % connection ) self.XMultiServiceFactory, o = self.XNamingService.getRegisteredObject ('StarOffice.ServiceManager') self.XComponentLoader, o = \ self.XMultiServiceFactory.createInstance ( '' ) def new ( self, what, where='_blank', no=0, propertyValues=() ): return self.XComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL ( what, where, no, propertyValues ) def newIdlStruct ( self, type ): return PyUNO.createIdlStruct ( self.XMultiServiceFactory, type ) def newCalc (self): return ('private:factory/scalc') def newWriter (self): return ('private:factory/swriter') def newImpress (self): return ('private:factory/simpress') def newDraw (self): return ('private:factory/sdraw') def newPropertyValue (self, propertyValue={} ): property = self.newIdlStruct ( '' ) if propertyValue.has_key('Name'): property.Name = propertyValue['Name'] if propertyValue.has_key('Value'): property.Value = propertyValue['Value'] if propertyValue.has_key('State'): property.State = propertyValue['State'] if propertyValue.has_key('Handle'): property.Handle = propertyValue['Handle'] return property def newPropertyValues ( self, propertyValues=[] ): list = () l = len(propertyValues) for p in range (l): list = list + ( self.newPropertyValue ( propertyValues.pop(0) ), ) return list def newBoolean ( self, bool=0 ): if bool: return PyUNO.true() else: return PyUNO.false()