Commit f93d1ed9 authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

Add hooks in ObjectTemplateItem in to allow code execution at defined points...

Add hooks in ObjectTemplateItem in to allow code execution at defined points in installation procedure to limit code duplication.
Merge CategoryTemplateItem's install method with ObjectTemplateItem's.
Implement a way to save and restore UIDs of replaced documents. This solves a problem of "uid changed" errors when an existing document is being replaced by installed one.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent f5da1b1f
......@@ -667,10 +667,57 @@ class ObjectTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
subobjects_dict = self.portal_trash.backupObject(trashbin, container_path, object_id, save=0, **kw)
return subobjects_dict
def beforeInstall(self):
Installation hook.
Called right at the begining of "install" method.
Can be overridden by subclasses.
def afterInstall(self):
Installation hook.
Called right before returning in "install" method.
Can be overridden by subclasses.
def onNewObject(self):
Installation hook.
Called when installation process determined that object to install is
new on current site (it's not replacing an existing object).
Can be overridden by subclasses.
def install(self, context, trashbin, **kw):
update_dict = kw.get('object_to_update')
force = kw.get('force')
if context.getTemplateFormatVersion() == 1:
def recurse(hook, document, prefix=''):
my_prefix = '%s/%s' % (prefix,
if (hook(document, my_prefix)):
for subdocument in document.objectValues():
recurse(hook, subdocument, my_prefix)
def saveHook(document, prefix):
uid = getattr(document, 'uid', None)
if uid is None:
return 0
LOG('BusinessTemplate', 0, 'Saved %r: %r' % (prefix, uid))
saved_uid_dict[prefix] = uid
return 1
def restoreHook(document, prefix):
uid = saved_uid_dict.get(prefix)
if uid is None:
return 0
LOG('BusinessTemplate', 0, 'Restored %r: %r' % (prefix, uid))
document.uid = uid
return 1
groups = {}
old_groups = {}
portal = context.getPortalObject()
......@@ -709,10 +756,12 @@ class ObjectTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
container = portal.unrestrictedTraverse(container_path)
saved_uid_dict = {}
subobjects_dict = {}
# Object already exists
old_obj = container._getOb(object_id, None)
if old_obj is not None:
recurse(saveHook, old_obj)
if getattr(aq_base(old_obj), 'groups', None) is not None:
# we must keep original order groups
# from old form in case we keep some
......@@ -722,6 +771,8 @@ class ObjectTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
subobjects_dict = self._backupObject(action, trashbin,
container_path, object_id)
# install object
obj = self._objects[path]
if getattr(obj, 'meta_type', None) == 'Script (Python)':
......@@ -807,6 +858,17 @@ class ObjectTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
# skip transforms that couldn't have been initialized
if obj.title != 'BROKEN':
recurse(restoreHook, obj)
# Reindex created object (if possible) after all unindexObject
# activites are finished, to make sure it is indexed in the end.
recursiveReindexObject = getattr(obj, 'recursiveReindexObject', None)
if recursiveReindexObject is not None:
LOG('BusinessTemplate', 0, 'Reindexing %r' % (obj, ))
# XXX: Using SQLQueue to make sure this activity does not get
# merged and dropped because of another existing
# 'recursiveReindexObject' on same path.
recursiveReindexObject(activate_kw={'activity': 'SQLQueue',
'after_method_id': 'unindexObject'})
# now put original order group
# we remove object not added in forms
# we put old objects we have kept
......@@ -878,6 +940,7 @@ class ObjectTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
if obj.meta_type in ('Z SQL Method',):
fixZSQLMethod(portal, obj)
def uninstall(self, context, **kw):
portal = context.getPortalObject()
......@@ -1093,122 +1156,17 @@ class CategoryTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
self._objects[relative_url] = obj
def install(self, context, trashbin, **kw):
update_dict = kw.get('object_to_update')
force = kw.get('force')
new_category = False
if context.getTemplateFormatVersion() == 1:
portal = context.getPortalObject()
category_tool = portal.portal_categories
tool_id = self.tool_id
keys = self._objects.keys()
for path in keys:
if update_dict.has_key(path) or force:
if not force:
action = update_dict[path]
if action == 'nothing':
action = 'backup'
# Wrap the object by an aquisition wrapper for _aq_dynamic.
obj = self._objects[path]
obj = obj.__of__(category_tool)
container_path = path.split('/')[:-1]
category_id = path.split('/')[-1]
container = category_tool.unrestrictedTraverse(container_path)
except KeyError:
# parent object can be set to nothing, in this case just go on
container_url = '/'.join(container_path)
if update_dict.has_key(container_url):
if update_dict[container_url] == 'nothing':
container_ids = container.objectIds()
# Object already exists
object_uid = None
subobjects_dict = {}
if category_id in container_ids:
object_uid = container[category_id].getUid()
subobjects_dict = self._backupObject(action, trashbin, container_path, category_id)
# mark that we installed a new category to call aq_reset later
new_category = True
category = container.newContent(portal_type=obj.getPortalType(), id=category_id)
if object_uid is not None:
for prop in obj.propertyIds():
if prop not in ('id', 'uid'):
prop_value = obj.getProperty(prop, evaluate=0)
except TypeError: # the getter doesn't support evaluate=
prop_value = obj.getProperty(prop)
category.setProperty(prop, prop_value)
# import sub objects if there is
if len(subobjects_dict) > 0:
# get a jar
connection = obj._p_jar
o = category
while connection is None:
o = o.aq_parent
connection = o._p_jar
# import subobjects
for subobject_id in subobjects_dict.keys():
subobject_data = subobjects_dict[subobject_id]
subobject = connection.importFile(subobject_data)
if subobject_id not in category.objectIds():
category._setObject(subobject_id, subobject)
BaseTemplateItem.install(self, context, trashbin, **kw)
portal = context.getPortalObject()
category_tool = portal.portal_categories
tool_id = self.tool_id
for relative_url in self._archive.keys():
obj = self._archive[relative_url]
# Wrap the object by an aquisition wrapper for _aq_dynamic.
obj = obj.__of__(category_tool)
container_path = relative_url.split('/')[0:-1]
category_id = relative_url.split('/')[-1]
container = category_tool.unrestrictedTraverse(container_path)
container_ids = container.objectIds()
if category_id in container_ids: # Object already exists
# XXX call backup here
subobjects_dict = self._backupObject('backup', trashbin, container_path, category_id)
# mark that we installed a new category to call aq_reset later
new_category = True
category = container.newContent(portal_type=obj.getPortalType(), id=category_id)
for prop in obj.propertyIds():
if prop not in ('id', 'uid'):
prop_value = obj.getProperty(prop, evaluate=0)
except TypeError: # the getter doesn't support evaluate=
prop_value = obj.getProperty(prop)
category.setProperty(prop, prop_value)
# import sub objects if there is
if len(subobjects_dict) > 0:
# get a jar
connection = obj._p_jar
o = category
while connection is None:
o = o.aq_parent
connection = o._p_jar
# import subobjects
for subobject_id in subobjects_dict.keys():
subobject_data = subobjects_dict[subobject_id]
subobject = connection.importFile(subobject_data)
if subobject_id not in category.objectIds():
category._setObject(subobject_id, subobject)
if new_category:
def beforeInstall(self):
self._installed_new_category = False
def onNewObject(self):
self._installed_new_category = True
def afterInstall(self):
if self._installed_new_category:
# reset accessors if we installed a new category
class SkinTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
def __init__(self, id_list, tool_id='portal_skins', **kw):
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