• Grzegorz Bizon's avatar
    Avoid race condition when expiring artifacts · 22ef0668
    Grzegorz Bizon authored
    It may happen that job meant to remove expired artifacts will be
    executed asynchronously when, in the meantime, project associated with
    given build gets removed by another asynchronous job. In that case we
    should not remove artifacts because such build will be removed anyway,
    when project removal is complete.
expire_build_instance_artifacts_worker.rb 338 Bytes
class ExpireBuildInstanceArtifactsWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker

  def perform(build_id)
    build = Ci::Build
      .find_by(id: build_id)

    return unless build.try(:project)

    Rails.logger.info "Removing artifacts for build #{build.id}..."